Monday, September 17, 2012

An IntiMATE affair...


It’s been a long time huh? I know….my bad! People really been getting on me about it too…lol awwe thanks y’all care! lol

Soooo what’s been going on? Well a friend got engaged…how exciting! Love is a beautiful thing when you finally find it. Outside looking in of course, it’s seems to be a whirl wind romance that has led them to the altar swiftly! Why wait? When it’s right…it’s right! They both seem to have a fervent relationship with God and both sets of parents seem to genuinely like who their child is marrying…so they’ve planned a wedding to take place a couple of months from now. I’m so excited for them. They make a cute couple!

A mutual friend expressed interest in having some type of celebratory shindig! Although informal and just with a small group of 10-12 friends…it’ll be special. It’s always great to let your old friends know you stand in support of their partner, relationship, and union! I was asked to assist in the planning….as always I was happy to do so!

I called around seven places….and as discussed with the host, almost everyone has a minimum to meet and that can sometimes be the difference between a $20-$35 meal and a $70-$90 meal. He discussed wanting a luxurious ambiance with PowerPoint presentation capabilities. After calling around to some of my favorite private dining options….we’re (drum roll please) still calling. LOL! I am considering Brio because of the convenient location, well-located parking, decently priced entrees, private dining, no minimum to meet, and availability for both lunch and dinner on the agreed upon date. It’s not a Ruth Chris or Angus Barns by any means….but it has a suitable private dining room option.

I’m most excited about the games….potentials are:

Physical “How well do you know your mate?” The bride to be will be asked to pick her husband to be from a few men! She’ll be tested on how well she knows her mate. The groom and 2+ other men will come to the front. The bride will be blindfolded…she’ll have to pick out her mate by feeling on chests and biceps (PG rated hopefully). Depending on how mean the audience wants to be…she can have a second turn where the men switch positions and the bride to be is spun around before reviewing the men once more.

This second version of “How well do you know your mate?” involves a whole lot of sour gum balls!!! After giving the bride to be a short questionnaire…those questions will be asked aloud to the groom by the audience. Each question answered incorrectly….he’ll eat a SOUR gum ball. The funniest part about this game is it doesn’t matter how long you’ve known a person…your mate just doesn’t answer questions like you think they should so you’re always wrong and have to eat that God awful sour gum. Tons of gum…Tons of fun!! I love this game.

I actually gave this idea to an engagement party a couple of months ago….Everyone chips in on writing a colorful cutesy lil story to the happy couple (stole this from the wedding I did in March). The catch is you can only see the line in front of yours, so when you pass it you fold it so only your line can be seen! When it’s complete it’s hilarious because it’s a random mess but the message is usually pretty sweet!

The toilet paper game is cute….give the bride a pink roll and the groom a blue room ( Well I guess you could also do a white roll and a black roll…or two white rolls because the color doesn’t make a whole lot of difference). The first one to unwrap a whole toilet paper roll will be wearing the pants in the relationship! This is hilarious man….watch the couple struggle as if this game really determines who will wear the pants!

The typical…pass out wedding bells (or some small wedding trinket) at the beginning of the event. Guests can’t say marriage, married, honeymoon, wedding date etc. and in the event they do, they lose their wedding bells (or trinket). The host will have a gift for the person that gains the most wedding bells at the end.

Depending on how your games are going….if you’ve picked more groom friendly games vs. bride friendly’s time for hot bouquet or hot garter. Just like hot potato…you stand in a circle and play hot potato with the item. Most people haven’t played a good game of hot potato in a while so this is special and will definitely get the competitive juices flowing.

There are sooo many games I’d like to play, but some games aren’t going to be conducive to a restaurant venue soooo I’ll save those for the next event!!!

Looking forward to this event….along with games and food, there will be a PowerPoint presentation to display the friendship of the bride to attendees for the groom to see. It should be a fun filled night! I’ll keep you posted!