Friday, August 12, 2011

1 Picture says a 1000 Words....

Good morning love muffins,

Super excited this morning.....the photographer CAN make the engagement dinner!!!! Wheeew what a load off! Let me tell you, searching for an affordable photographer that also delivers quality work is slim to none! But I happen to know her work first hand because I hired her for one of my birthday parties and she's definitely's funny I met her my freshman year and I've given her business every since! Shout out to TOUCH STUDIOS!!!

Touch Studios

 Ironically, I can't remember how we became friends; I really feel it must have been Freshman English but I'm not so sure (but that's my story and I'm sticking to it). I do, however, remember my Sophomore year I asked her to make me a Ray Charles shirt. It was -it was a black fitted v-neck tee and Ray Charles was outlined in White with his name to the left. That's back when legendary artists on shirts was IN! Of course I can never be just IN....mine was CUSTOM! I wore it to a step show with my best bud Chase! I loved my Ray Charles shirt but I remember thinking at that step show how I'd rather have on a Delta Sigma Theta Shirt! Oh the Memories! LOL! I just had to wait my time before I could rock a DST shirt at a step show! Ahh and it was worth the wait:)

I digress...At first the bride was leaning towards some other photographer (Sister of a Church friend) but once I pushed to see some of this photographer's work and get some pricing for my strict all fell apart. I'm so happy it did! I would prefer to only deal with serious vendors! Excuses are tools of incompetence and looky looky...all that sketchy photographer had was excuses! She may be an awesome woman but serious photographer she is NOT and therefore she's not good enough for my clients! So now begins the fun part...Touch Studios will work the Engagement Dinner, Bridal Portraits, Wedding and Reception! Deposit down....Let's Go!

Touch Studios

Touch Studios

1 comment:

  1. Great photos. Glad everything is coming together and Congrats to Touch Studios!!
