Tuesday, January 31, 2012


The Tom Joyner Morning Show was the topic of today’s morning convo here at work! The cast often says things they probably shouldn’t…more times than not, they get on my nerves and I sometimes find them offensive! Tooo bad I didn’t scroll over this morning however, the topic was rather interesting!!! I would have my favorite song on repeat...yes the whole drive in! LOL I’m kind of addicted. Check out the link below….

I digress...The topic at hand….
Brides that dislike their engagement rings! *Jaw drops open….begins shaking head* How do you feel about a bride that gives an engagement ring back because she doesn’t “like” it. You know I’m not black and white on this issue-so MANY gray areas! Lol Rumor has it Justin Timberlake proposed to Jessica Biel over the Christmas holiday and she’s not wearing the ring. Personally I think it’s because they’re trying to keep the media out of their personal lives! But of course the media is reporting something OUTRAGEOUS in response to their shyness! Apparently, she’s not wearing it because she hates it! How can you hate what I’m sure is a HUGE DIAMOND. My group is super funny…the guy in the group goes to search some specifics and finds out it was a custom ring- and then proceeds to question, “so how dare she not like it” and then ends calling her ungrateful and choosing not to marry her LOL. The ladies were torn between we prefer something of our own not heirloom and something we like DUH! The other ladies believed if it was a gift from him or a family heirloom we should grin and bear it. hmmm

I talk a good game but if I was in love, I would accept whatever, ( I guess) but I hope he would know me well enough to know that I want my own engagement ring! If the heirloom stone is important then my suggestion was to have the heirloom stone reset into a more modern band-more my style-more ME. Before you say it, I’m not ungrateful and I don't wish to hurt his feelings, but this could set the tone for the relationship and I want thoughtful gifts that I like during mine!!!! LOL Oh gosh that sounded so vain….AND well this is about to be even more VAIN…
My engagement ring…it’s on the vision board… “When love is true, He got Tiffany Blue” Okay I made that up…but it fits. AND NO it’s not a deal breaker…the last serious relationship I was in, he told me NO! (I hate that word!) He told me Tiffany’s marks their diamonds up ridiculously (Really? I would have never guessed). He promised I would have this style ring (5.5 carats including the band) but it wouldn’t come in a blue box! With the house I wanted coupled with furniture-he told me he couldn’t do it all…and I loved him still (while still hoping he might be joking)! SEEEE there is hope for me yet:)


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