Friday, February 22, 2013


OH MY GOSH…in the midst of your excitement as you approach your nuptials, don’t forget you need a fly getaway car okay? Lol Decorating the wedding car can be just as exciting as all the other traditional activities… if you take a little time to do it or delegate it to someone to do. Traditionally the best man is in charge of this activity…but I’ve blogged before how tradition has literally left the building with ELVIS! Sooo now it’s a group activity of the wedding party, family, close friends, distant friends, and even the couple themselves. It’s a time to let loose…have a little fun…but keep a lil couth please dears—everyone at your wedding has the potential to steal a glance and you wouldn’t want any raunchy sayings where Grandma could see! So let’s begin….
First things first…let’s do a lil research and find something we like so we don’t look like a deer caught in headlights when we shop! Google…Bing…image search…ask around…use leftover stuff lol do whatever but let’s make some sort of plan!
Second…order some nifty things online or make your way to Michaels, Party City, AC Moore, or JoAnne’s Fabric! Essential things, depending on your look, are shoe polish, liquid chalk, paint, glass markers, ribbon, string, tin cans! Don’t be afraid of window flags and banners as well! Some pretty cool items to use include tassels, marriage bells, balloons, confetti, window decals, bumper stickers, flowers, streamers, and huge signage!!! Make it as festive or as chill as your taste require!
When should you decorate? Good Question! Ummm during the reception…duh! I mean unless you want to do it between the wedding and reception while the couple is off picture taking! That’s an idea! BUT traditionally it’s during the reception! But dare to be different…who am I to judge?
The most important part…IT MUST SAY “JUST MARRIED”…don’t forget that or all this will all be in vain! Put some other fun phrases on those windows! Remember NO markings on the front windshield or anything that blocks the driver’s view….can you imagine getting pulled over by the cops on your wedding day for obstruction of view? NOW that would be a funny story…not funny right then but definitely after 5 years or so! But how rude would that cop be if he really pulled a couple over for that??? RUDE!!!!
I received this link today from a friend…check it out! FREE SIGNAGE! $Free.99 is always a great price!
