Wednesday, April 8, 2020

If Gimmicks don’t seduce you

What to do in these Covid streets? Blog a precious event for #waybackwednesday that helps you remember the fun loving side of Event Consulting and not the outlandishly rude side of the industry.

One of the biggest misnomers of those that celebrate themselves or their milestones is, they’re vain and lack humbleness. They just want attention and portraying a life that is simply not real. While social media has added to that element in some of the worst ways, people’s desires for celebrations can’t be lumped. They don’t all stem from this narcissistic place we so easily place them in, just the same, they all aren’t insecure. You’d be surprised to learn a lot of my consultations include this one line, “I wanted to do A, but I don’t want to do too much” or “I really like B, but I don’t want the people to say is that what she’s giving ughhhh what would you do?” LOL.  My response is always around the same, there is a place JUST for you. Be the cool authentic you and you won’t have any regrets. It’s when you change it up that you fight through all those internal struggles.

I wish I’d figured this out when taking my senior pictures a few years ago…yes I said a few years, few being relative. I had this vision, ultimately it wasn’t me, but it was what I thought Senior pictures should be. I didn’t mind my outfit choices so much, I mean that’s how I dressed, it was that hair that I saw in a “Hype Hair” magazine that makes me lowkey HATE my pics. As my mother says, “the camera took what it saw”, Touché ma…Touché. I did this whole triangle part design with rubber bands in the front and FLIPPED MY HAIR UP in the back. I had been a flat wrap girl all my life, why I chose this style haunts me. I also let my other cousin do my makeup. It was ME, it wasn’t either of my cousins, the makeup was just not what I needed with the flip hair. Mannnn she lined my lips too. Which was on trend for the time, it just didn’t work. I look at those pics and think, “WHY LAWD?”often. You’ll see them and think they weren’t thaattt bad, and tis true, I just wish I would have gone with my normal, just spruced up a tad. I did a complete overhaul. Lessons.  

If you’re private and chill, you do NOT have to abandon that. If gimmicks don’t seduce you, be dope in your own way. Baby showers can be simple…and they can start in the morning. Mommies have 1-3 baby showers by the time showering is all over. Sometimes for all of their inner circles….work, church, friends, in laws, it takes that many logistically. If people want to love on you and host a baby shower in your honor, let them. After all, you KNOW you need the items because it takes a village then some for these lil crumb snatchers. Hopefully they won’t all be over the top, unless you like that sort of thing. A kitchen, dining area, and living room served as the perfect location for this baby shower. Since she was having 2, I thought it fitting to theme it “Buns in the oven” and serve buns, along with other tasty breakfast treats. ¡Alert Alert! Budget Saver, Carb overload and not a single complaint. Sometimes the sweetness is when you don’t try to overshare to build your brand in secret revenge and envy for likes. Just be.