Thursday, October 1, 2020

SarEE not SORRY!

Events are much more than just pomp and circumstance...well at least they should be. Historically, as humans, we have developed some pretty cool relational traditions that have stood the test of time. We unite to share our history and food, mark the beginning of a season, a new year, and even uniquely say goodbye to a member of our community. Amazing celebrations are a social practice that remind us who we are and how much our family and friends adore us. “Road to the wedding” events and weddings themselves are grand displays of love, for both the union between two souls and their respective families. But seriously, who can really count alllll the events before the big day? I feel like they grow by the social media post. One of my faves, you ask? Engagement parties!! It’s that big moment to share the big news with both families...and if they haven’t all met before, it is the ideal way to break the ice. Just the same, there are also events that I do not particularly appreciate... yelp, stripper themed bachelor parties. They can border 
tacky, disrespectful and unnecessary. These days most parties take a trip! The cost to be in a wedding is sickening compared to just 10 years ago. The expectations. Whew. Depending on the couple's preferences and budgets, whether it be an engagement party, a bridal shower, rehearsal dinner and so on...just make it make sense! For example, traditionally South Asian cultures celebrate weddings for a week! Can you imagine planning that many events? 

Being apart of planning any phase of an event as meaningful as a wedding makes my heart smile. For me, it’s not really a matter of how big or intimate the occasion is. It’s about getting to know the bride and groom, their history together, their families and how we get to incorporate their traditions. Witnessing the moment when a father looks for the first time at his daughter, dressed as a bride...starting the journey of life as a wife...does it for me every. single. time. I invest all my energy for moments like those. 


Sooooo, I planned a bridal shower with a Moroccan Chic style, filled to the brim with personalized details and experiences to share with a few ladies.  Bridal showers often look like an event where you give people food in exchange for gifts and even some unrequested advice. I don’t see it quite that way. They are an opportunity to get together all the bride's closest friends and family... the female figures that can guide her, pray for her marriage and provide a freaky piece of advice. Listen all walks of life are needed. Lol. Bridal showers are the perfect opportunity to have no filter.

The good ones are never just bland apps and classic cocktails. You should include activities to bond with your attendees and stations with theme-related experiences: I did a henna station, personalized drinks with fun names that correlated to specific activities throughout the event, hookah, andddd belly dancing lessons. I will say these old mother’s have better hip game than most! But if I could offer one piece of advice, please decrease the amount of paper games you allow. You can involve your guests by supplying a flower bouquet station as a take-home favor or feature a bartender to teach a special drink. Options are endless.


When it comes to bridal showers, my advice is to choose a fun theme that comes alive with decor and edibles. Nooo. Not that kind people ;) Even if your event is intimate or at home, you CAN incorporate those details to make it memorable. At this intimate Moroccan inspired Bridal Shower, I just had to include a low table with pillows for sitting. Orange tulle (mimicking veils), rose gold diamond balloons (as a nod to the bride's AMAZING nontraditional rose gold engagement ring), and fresh flowers rounded out the typical bridal shower decor. The fun was the Moroccan furniture, bronze mirror trays, bronze lanterns, bronze hurricane vases, and elephants randomly placed. Bath Salt Favors read, "From Sharma's shower to yours"...Clever right? This entire shower was a vibe and not terribly expensive! My instructions to the bride were to have fun, sit back, and enjoy the moment. Home girl listened EXTREMELY WELL.