Friday, May 20, 2022

“Plan a POOL Party”, they said!

Most would agree
 that A Sweet Sixteen party is one of those pivotal points in time. A time where you’re faced with only the BEST temptation! Think back. No? Oh. Well maybe you’re on the other end of the spectrum and recall it as more of a young teen’s mini transition into slight maturity. I think it was both for me. Having my own ugly car to drive was just the cherry on top. I named her Betty Pearl. Yes, she looked exactly as her name would imply. Crazy that I remember this, but poor thing flooded in a hurricane 2 years into my adult life (meaning post-collegiate graduation). Sure, she was under new ownership by that time, but still...what a way to goooo righttt?


So it’s SUMMER!! Meaning cookouts and pool parties are the natural go to’s to celebrate every-single-milestone right now. Both are incredibly entertaining, given all the outdoor activities you can incorporate. Name a person who doesn’t love a game played on a manicured lawn or in a pool on a hot day? You drew a blank didn't you?


As I field my new inquires for pool parties, I’m reminded of the last one I worked, pre covid. What a time to be alive (back then) SMH, and had we known the world would shut down that next year...umm! Any who, grilled food topped my recommendations. It's easy to eat and grab in between tunes, fork nonessential. Cupcakes for guests and a small 1-2 tier personal cake for birthday wishes was next on my list. Assorted candy bars are great for this sort of thing and often requested, but because they don’t always fare well in hot temperatures, it didn’t make my proposal. A mocktail bar surely made the cut. Umbrella virgin drinks always make a 16 year old feel adult. I included this for obvious reasons, but less obvious was the overwhelming need to keep these kids fully hydrated. Believe it or not, fainting or an ambulance can be a pretty big buzzkill.  


Planning is going accordingly right? Ha, so you think! Pools are NOT EASY people.

Choosing the right venue for your teen's Sweet 16 celebration is the most crucial step. Very few have an opportunity to throw a house or neighborhood pool party, so I’m usually looking at a venue (unless you know somebody…cause…Listen). Depending on the teen, guests and set up….I’m usually between a country club, an aquatic center and a hotel. Funny thing is, most of these type of venues don’t want raging hormonal teens at their pools. The red tape is fire engine red!

Country Club 

The exclusivity. The membership. The country club! Do members join for access to luxury amenities? Sure. Are those members okay with rowdy 16 year olds? Nope. Are clients okay with all their rules? Usually not. If it’s a few girls or calm and coed, we have a better chance. Butttt if it's a few or calm, it would be planned without hiring me. See the dilemma, lol. Country clubs have pretty big minimums for fully private events on weekends, and it’s usually far far out of budget.


Aquatic Center 

My second most popular venue…well only if management is willing to color outside the lines. We can pay per hour or per teen or both. Typical packages include 2 hour swim time, fifteen minute changing time and 1-2 hours in a meeting room. No glass, silly string, or glitter. No food in and around the pool, no décor near the pool, definitely no babies and strict enforcement of all pool rules. Before accessing the pool area, parents and guardians of all participants must sign a detailed waiver. If we're honest, that waiver might be a pro depending on who you are.


Sounds easy peasy right? It's not! Partying under the radar is really hard. You can’t disturb hotel or conference guests in the slightest. Disturb translates into if you can't disappear you're disturbing. Hotels are just funny in that way. Did you know when I produce hotel weddings on a Saturday, guests are very rarely allowed to use the fixed hotel bar? Yelp. You can’t disturb the guests. Guests shouldn’t wait for their drink because my paying wedding guest also wanted a drink. I respect that but it can be annoying when I’m planning a dry wedding that has a hotel bar. Just you try to police that. Especially when the wedding guest is at a dry wedding, has cash, is grown AND is ALSO staying at the hotel. Wooosah. Any who, I never mind hotel pool parties where there is excellent management and quality catering. My décor isn’t as limited because ballrooms welcome it. One issue that usually stops me from progressing is, when the pool is in the west wing and the ONLY meeting room space to celebrate is in the east wing. I'll never understand why do they build them this way? I can’t really decorate the exercise room worthy enough for a sweet sixteen, yet that exercise room is always right beside the pool. Ugh.



My single most popular venue! Can you say LAX? No, they don’t prefer rowdy 16 year olds either, buttttttt they also hardly see the actual rowdy 16 year olds. Leasing offices are closed or keep early hours on weekends. Even still, apartment managers are far more welcoming. Grills are nearby. Decorations can be anything. No minimums for catering or bars to meet. My Deejays can thrive. Kids can be kids. Country clubs, aquatic centers and hotels do not like deejays near their pools. It's a Safety hazard.

This soon to be 16 year old was obsessed with the show Bring It!: Dancing Dolls 4 Life. Do you remember it on Lifetime? If not, it streams on Hulu still. There is representation, the talent is sick and lead by the infamous beauty Dianna Williams. Sadly just a few months ago, Shakira Gatlin died tragically at 19 when she was accidentally shot in the head. It happened right after her mom buried her husband, who was also shot to death in late 2021. My sincerest prayers to Erica Robinson, her family, Dianna Williams, Dancing Dolls Troupe and all of Kira’s fans!!! DD4L <3.