Monday, May 14, 2012

Selfish SALLY's and SAM's...


ohhh my freaking gosh...the importance of RSVP'ing! I feel like I've already blogged about THIS before, but instead of doing the due diligence and going through past blogs, I'll just write another one! lol Like HOW SELFISH CAN YOU POSSIBLY BE? Someone has invited you to their event to celebrate with them and they've asked you to do something as effortless as give a Yes or No...and you can't make the time? SIMPLE COURTESY is overrated I see! Your lack of response causes so many issues that trickle trickle down and the saddest part is those issues can be avoided!

So what does RSVP mean...for starters, it's french!! "repondez, s'il vous plait"...which means "please reply". I  move that we add into that meaning..."Please reply NOW if you care at all and if you don't the heck with you and don't expect entry into my celebration"...too much? Well it might get a response a lot quicker and that's the idea. Etiquette (which is super lost among most people) states if you receive a formal, written invitation, you should reply promptly...perhaps that same day. Umm I'll give you a grace period and say 1-2 weeks! Hosts that are planning dinner parties, weddings, receptions,  reunions and other celebratory parties...need your Yes or No from a practical point of view.

The same people that don't reply are the first people to make comments like, "I mean we're crammed in here like sardines" or "how you going to run out of drink in the first hour"....complaining sirs and maams, how dare you say anything about anything considering you didn't reply just like your other non-rsvp'ing counterparts!!!! Your kind didn't give the host ample information to plan accordingly...thus your discomfort! Evite, punchbowl, etc make a response super easy by the click of the mouse and some allow you to reply inside your own email without going to the official have no excuse! When formal invites come, they come with a self addressed envelope or even a phone number to simply call and you're still dropping the ball's really time for people to gather some respect and be more responsible. RSVP!!!!!

~Angry at people that don't RSVP (if you can't tell) lol

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