Wednesday, February 8, 2017

travel ‘round the world

Hey ya pals!!!

 “Thank you for being a Fran…travel ‘round the world and back again tah do do”…. some of my friends are the very BEST when it comes to sliding my information and you have to know I certainly appreciate that. In one week I’ve had 3 of my friends approach me, asking for my contact info because they KNOW of someone that just got engaged. Lol. I just pray they don’t make me sound super thirsty or make my potential clients feel like I drum up business on the regular. Before you make a face…see I imagine it to be when you’re 18 and on mom’s insurance AND get your FIRST speeding ticket. You can hardly process before those attorneys are sending “tattle tale” letters to your house. MAN. I know this has happened to y’all. Lol Memories. Anywho…I just hate to be that type of attorney. I’d like to be the attorney that is sought after just a tad. Referred to if you will. However, realizing I still have DUES to pay to the “game”…I guess I’ll take them how I get them. Honestly though, the clients I get that way tend to be super flakey and the way my time is set up, I can’t do flakey. Sooo I’ve just been encouraging my friends to please please please don’t bombard your coworkers and friends with my info. Don’t make me TACKY.

Wondering what to do when you first get engaged???


*Call anyone that would be offended if they first saw it on SOCIAL MEDIA!!

*Apparently post a picture on your social media…quickest way to alert everyone in one swoop…make those GAG…and let everyone that passed on you reevaluate their ENTIRE life.

*Get that ring sized…how would it look if you lose it and you JUST got it?

*Get that ring insured…for when you need that quick insurance scam, I mean honest pay out.

*Thank BAE every day for two weeks!!


*Try to set a date the same day you get engaged-I promise you aren't 100% sure just yet.

*Start looking for a planner the very next day, even though you really feel like you need one THIS QUICKLY.

*Listen to all the people that will offer unsolicited advice as soon as they find out without a COINT to give you.

*Pick a petty fight with BAE…they are in the clear for 30 days.


I think that’s a banging list…lol



Wednesday, February 1, 2017

speaking of crazy RAZY


You know when it’s been far too long since you last reached out to a dear friend and instead of acknowledging that fact…the friend just begins a conversation like ain’t nothing happened? Yooo I HATE that. So I’ll say….after much anticipation and many many threats to blog again…I’m bizack. Oh and how befitting given Bey (or me as some people commonly confuse us –I luh my frans-they are fools for texting me Congrats-lol) announced she’s preggars with TWINNIES. Quiet as it’s kept, I saw a facebook comment that said “Congratulations to Beyonce on her first pregnancy” lol. Lissen Folks soo very very shady…I did chuckle slightly and then gave a death stare to my phone after reading it.  I was talking to my deuce about it…so funny (but not really AT ALL FUNNY ugh) that after side chicks, side kids, diss tracks, manipulation into island purchases and a multi-million dollar wedding vow renewal ceremony…somebody managed to get knocked upppp. Just reaffirms that no amount of money, BEAUTY, or stardom keeps you from missing the BULL ish. Crazy razy.

Anywho…speaking of crazy razy. I have a wedding coming up in September of 2017. I have yet to put my finger on the contract….BUT during my initial consult…the bride said they have some funny requests. I expected to hear the usual…instead I heard some very interesting requests.

*The Grand Piano cannot be moved.

Ahhhh so it’s heavy…I wasn’t going to try, but y’all can’t move it? For the COINT? Really? Where is a down trustee or deacon when you need one? I know there is a side room…choir room…that it can be stored in. Don’t play with me!

*Photographer cannot intrude the altar or front of church.

Yo…I get this. The altar is sacred. But ahhhh we’re no longer sacrificing lambs at the tabernacle…we free. Holy Spirit done be unleashedddd lol. I kid…I do get it. It was funny because avoiding a potential block to the guest’s view is usually a request of the couple…not the church!

*Event Planner is responsible for phone patrol.

Wait Wait Wait….Wheetttt? Meeee? This was eye opening. Again I get it…but that’s usually a request of the couple, not the church. If the couple is completely okay with having their day plastered ALL OVER social media BEFORE the wedding pics officially come out…who is the church to shut it down? Interesting…can’t say I’m mad. I look forward to rolling up on people like “PHONE away or you’ll have to exit the premises”. Maybe I should hire help…the sneaky ones always snag the pic. I can’t begin to tell you how many concerts I’ve been to that clearly state “no phones” and yet I have evidence that I was there. SMH. What if this wedding is my karma and everybody TRIES me??? This is about to be hilar. I shall start practicing my “Moma eyes”…although I’m told I already have it in the bag.


~If you don’t PUT THAT PHONE up (insert harsh tone) xoxo