Friday, April 20, 2012

RoMaiNE oR iCeberG?

If you’re having nightmares where 150 guests enjoy their choice of romaine or iceberg lettuce as their entrée…this might be the blog post for you hunnies! LOL not really joking… you see this is REAL life! Accompanying that “salad” with lemon water to boot…it’s getting even sadder! Most people believe sticking to a budget foregoes everything nice, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Having realistic expectations is key! The average cost of a US wedding is …..*DRUM ROLL PLEASE* $21,000-$24,000! Not bad! It’s so hard to research this topic however, because average costs vary depending on region. The average cost of an elegant suburbs wedding routinely reaches between $40,000-$50,000 which differs severely from the average cost of the smaller town wedding coming in at around $12,000-$14,000!
So getting to those ways to trim the budget….
Who died and made you have your wedding during typical “wedding season”….having your wedding before May or after October has already saved you a lot when it comes to typical wedding venues. Think SLOW SEASON…which just so happens to be chilly season! Limos aren’t getting much business during those months and caterers may also be in a slow season…so grab em’ for your wedding! After you change the month of your wedding…change the day! It’s a good idea to determine your priority…is it more important to have a Saturday wedding or more important to have a fab wedding? If you choose fab wedding then let’s consider a Friday or Sunday…..oh and let’s have the guests arrive in the afternoon/early evening! If you’re not attached to tradition…the ideas are endless! It’s those Saturday night club sessions til 2 am that will hurt your pockets! Bargaining, arts and crafts, artsy friends and families can really help on cutting decoration costs! Bargaining at vintage boutiques…friends and family may be delighted to help decorate your wedding with their art as your official wedding gift…and visits to ACMoores and Michaels for yourself on one rainy Saturday are all GENIUS. If you know a couple tying the knot or frequent craigslist and BLOGS….contemplate  the idea of bag, borrow, or steal for your wedding decorations (well not steal for real for know what I mean).

Last we spoke...I was excited about Pan Afrikan at my alma mater! I didn't do a lot of official activities that I usually do...such as the gospel concert, model show, dance concert...but I was able to enjoy good friends and linesisters!!!  See the pics below....

My Tre Christina....

My Ace April and 12 Kossandra...

On chapter welcomed NEW SORORS! "Endangered Prototype"

The baby 9...Victoria! She is super sweet and I was happy to be apart of her "process"
Peace and safe weekending people :)

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