Friday, April 13, 2012

BaSix Ma+H

Hey people Hey...
Soooo, I’ve not been blogging each time I think to blog….seems like that defeats the purpose of a blog huh?  Yeah I thought so too. All is well my way…LIFE IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZINGLY GRAND! I’m actually kind of nervous for two weddings on the horizon…it’s one of those -will they actually follow through or was it just something nice to say when requesting my services-type of deal! Just because, in a huge network of people is an event planner DOES NOT mean it’s rude to pass on booking said planner-trust me I’d understand! It’s so funny though, people ask me ALL the time, are you doing this or that for such-n-such, when I reply NO…they are more shocked or offended than me! LOL Sirs and Ma’ams please take a seat….it says nothing of my work ethic/abilities or our relationship. Through the grapevine, I’ve heard of a couple planning a wedding where 3 people have agreed to contribute into an account for a luxurious wedding! Sounds like an “okay plan-maybe not” at first but I think they were contributing $40 a pay period….I’d just like to say if 3 people contribute $40 every 2 weeks…$240 a month…in a year’s time that’s only $2880. Booking a church, reception hall, caterer, and decorations is far in the distance on that type of budget!  99 and a half won’t do J!  I say this to say, even if you’re not going with a planner-at least do some research AND brush up on your BASIC MATH!
Check out the testimony from the last wedding I did…of course it came in a sweet email which I appreciated so much….but this is the official testimony….
There are times in our lives that create stepping stones that take us to the next chapter on our life's journey, and being able to share them with friends and family makes the occasion a memorable one.  I have had the opportunity and privilege to work with an amazing planner who made my wedding a "Timeless Creation" that I will never forget. 
 My wedding can be described as an event that was:
 T = Timeless
I = Indefinite
M = Measureless
E = Everlasting
L = Lasting Memory
E = Eternal
S = Supertemporal (limitless, without end)
S = Supreme
 That was created by a planner who was:
 C = Continuous
R = Round-the-clock
E = Enduring
A = All-Embracing
T = Termless
I= Infinite
O= Ongoing
N = Never-Ending
~Tata....this weekend promises to be's Pan Afrikan week at State and my dolls will be in town

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