Thursday, August 30, 2012


It’s about to be a what? GIRL FIGHT!!!! I low-key hate when they play that song to catch the bridal bouquet! Lol I would much rather hear Single Ladies by Beyonce. Prior to the release of Beyonce’s single ladies, all I heard was that stupid girl fight song! Lol Ugh I mean…at the very least have a little class about yourself and play the instrumental!

What is it that brings out the cattiness in most females? Is it the time of day or perhaps the temperature in the air? It’s almost as if where 2 or more are gathered you’re sure to have trouble. It can be taxing to pick one bridesmaids dress for a large wedding party, but it must be done and the peace must be kept while doing so. Take into account, the same females that are your confidants, prayer warriors, and reading club buddies sometimes don’t get along when thrown into group work…i.e. weddings! So sad but true! Don’t be afraid to unleash your inner bridezilla, she may need to appear just for a short while to restore a little order. Conflict will arise, its how you deal with it that will make the difference. Although it is the sole purpose of the bridesmaids to make the bride stress free during wedding preparations, some women naturally find a way to make your event all about them….be leery of how many of these people you allow into your ceremony! They are sometimes your family…best friends…sorority sisters so you’ve already asked them to be a part and unfortunately can’t renege now…need tips to help them simmer down? Sure…
Do everyone a favor and simply plan ahead when choosing your bridesmaids! Take personality and history into deep account to make the final decision. Consider the balance of alpha females and those that simply won’t back down and what kind of conflict this will undoubtedly lead to. Realize there will be discord over duties amongst the leaders of the pack! Brides, when faced with a dilemma, protocol is “blood is thicker than water”…so your birth sister over your “like my sister”.  Weigh your “extenuating circumstances” carefully.  Make the choices you feel most comfortable with. If you feel bad leaving someone out, remember there are other duties such as guest book attendee and emcee of reception that will allow them to be a part of your big day.
Directed at a few of my blog supporters….IF THERE IS A DISPUTE BETWEEN BRIDESMAIDS AND IT INCLUDES THE MATRON/MAID OF HONOR, THE MATRON/MAID OF HONOR IS ALLOWED THE FINAL SAY SO IN ANY WEDDING OR PARTY DECISION. I don’t advocate for a monarchy or anything, but someone has to keep order when things have absolutely run a muck. With rank comes responsibility and the MOH is ultimately in charge of the planning and execution of all things bridesmaid…brides remind bridesmaids of this in the beginning! Face it; in the case of Matron of Honor and Maid of Honor…they are both the bride’s last line of defense against planning-induced insanity. Duties should be taken seriously and performed with mucho care.
Perform your damage control early! If you have to put your sister in the wedding and you know she doesn’t play well with other women (possibly because she’s a jealous lil hussy)…give her duties that don’t require a whole lot of group work. These consist of execution tasks, i.e. the things that don’t require group consensus and one person can complete… shower/party invitations, pick up favors, place order for shoes and perhaps since the bride can stomach her, she’ll be helpful to go along to consultations and give her opinion.
Keep it in perspective! All members of the bridal party should be willing to demonstrate their immense love for the couple by BEHAVING! They should be willing to place their “mature” hat on even if they don’t wear it often! There bubble should consist of fairness and mutual respect for at least a couple of months. It is important that the bride know very little of any conflict so bridesmaids keep your “rawrs” down to a minimum.  MOH and Brides… don’t be afraid to reiterate bridesmaids are here to help wedding prep go smoothly!!! They are here so the bride can enjoy the journey up to and through the big day!
Please exercise these tips and the advice of other bride’s to avoid and alleviate tension amongst the wedding party.
Men, in the event you have a little cattiness in your camp….please exercise this same advice! It works!!!

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