Monday, August 20, 2012


I was super excited to have no plans this past weekend…or so I thought….and had dedicated myself to jump from couch to bed…order take out….and just chill out. I was successful on Friday night, but unfortunately tuckered out around 11:30pm since I didn’t get much sleep the night before. No…not like that…I didn’t get much sleep the night before because I ventured to the movies to be one of the first to see Whitney Houston’s last performance in SPARKLE. Super happy I did….I never for once regretted the idea until I was at work the next day, less than energized from my 3 hours and 45 minutes of sleep. You only live once right? #YOLO
Welp, on Saturday I received a call from a bride asking me to share some of my expertise with her maid of honor. As I listened, I realized the maid of honor needed a lil help in the planning of the bridal shower for the bride. With a wedding party of 22+ people, 10+ being women…making decisions was not as smooth as all parties involved had hoped they would be. Luckily they thought of me first…so I’m happy for the contract! (God is good!!!) After a 3 hour conference call that began at 10pm and 2 emails later it seemed we were on to something! There were two main issues responsible for the slight quarrel amongst the bridesmaids…affordability and “less bang for their buck”! That last issue took me some time to understand, but once I did….I was ready with all sorts of solutions!  Asking the right questions lead to a menu change where I’m sure the bridesmaids will feel more comfortable spending their hard earned coins. The maid of honor seems to be quite efficient, so I’m pretty sure this will be a piece of cake once all 10 girls are on the same page!
Check out pictures of the potential venue below (well the very few I could steal), once the vote is final we’ll be ready to move forward.

 ~Peace & Blessings

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