Thursday, October 11, 2012

JuSt liKe cLoCKworK...

I know it’s been a long time…we’ll blame it on my full time job….vacation for 1.5 weeks (pictures coming soon), and a new job realignment that will bring about new duties and newer responsibilities. Definitely kind of stressed…but another blog for another time!

Whassupers dudes and dudettes!!!! The engagement party is upon us…its October 20 at 7:00pm officially…but you know the reservation is really at 7:30pm. People kill me…always late… nevertheless we must plan accordingly and trick them with the earlier time. Since my return from Bermuda, I’m pushing to really start jumping on the good foot (no more brainstorming lol) but unfortunately some people’s good foot is dragging just a tad. It happens…in the hustle and bustle of everyday life it can be really hard to stay focused. Luckily, they have me and I’m quick on email and text message reminders. I try not to be annoying, I promise I do…but I’d rather you get slightly annoyed with me NOW and your celebration be a hit instead of me being a passive planner and your event be poo!  When I was away on vacation, I gave everyone time to breathe…but now that I’m back let’s make this stuff happen. CloCkwOrk!

In speaking with the host, he has definitely decided on the style of the party. It will be a sit down, restaurant setting with minimal decorations and favors. The couple has already taken some pretty awesome engagement photos…so I look forward to seeing those via PowerPoint presentation and perhaps as part of the décor. As far as assignment of roles, duties and responsibilities for both preparation and the actual party…lol now THIS should be interesting. By default, the host will be a spokesperson and what a GREAT spokesperson he is. He is always so collected and well spoken…I look forward to his speeches! Then we have a toaster among us…remember Chase? Yeah…he’s on toast duty! I’m sure it’ll be thoughtful with a few giggles! Depending on whether a guest list is submitted from the future groom will determine if we need name tags or not. I’m thinking nannnnnnh, it’s something small and intimate, if you don’t know someone’s name…just ask!  I’ve volunteered to be the door greeter, as I’m not a public speaker, thereby leaving the speeches, toasts, and presentations to the others!  The host has a thing for photographs, so I’m sure he’ll be on that duty and we’ll trade off when he’s addressing the crowd. Brio Tuscan will have the responsibility of all food and drink…so yeah hats off to them!

Items on display will be (presumably once we get them lol) baby photos, old photos of the engaged couple, baby memory books, photos of the parents when first married and last but not least…courtship keepsakes to be set out and possibly discussed. Not that I’m nosey, but I LOVE love and anything tangible that describes a couple’s love story is AWESOME.

I look forward to a possible mini roast of the engaged couple depending on time! Restaurants tend to have a little bit of a time limit, yes we have a room but we all haven’t seen each other in so long that time could possibly get away from us as we catch up.  Of course the PowerPoint presentation will be special enough in the event we run out of time for the roast. A presentation of guest favors, possible exchange of gifts via the happy couple, and announcements of any wedding attendees will seal the night. Although games have been more than discussed, the execution of materials and prizes is still up for grabs.

The host has solicited key information from the couple that everyone there I’m sure would like to know. We’ve all graduated or moved on from our college years so we don’t all know the generic info about the couple. The bride is our friend, so getting the nitty gritty on the groom will be exciting! Things such as full names, host name, special words or verse or declaration between the couple, the story of how they met, important dates, who introduced them, pending wedding plans, and anything else they want to share. Gosh this is going to be super fun…I simply can’t wait! I’ll keep you updated as things progress…


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