Thursday, October 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Unc!

Two days after I returned from my Bermuda trip (pics to come, forgive me)….it was time for my Uncle’s birthday dinner. We were first going to get a really juicy steak but then ended up going to Red Lobster for their endless Shrimp. I of course wasn’t very excited about this endless shrimp or any seafood for that matter…but I was excited for those cheddar bay biscuits. Yes GAWD I was! I love Red Lobster and when I say that people always snap back, “but you don’t like seafood” and I snap back…”but those BISCUITS though…” How do they pack ALL that goodness into a small piece of bread? They get it right every time…think about it… have you EVER in your history of dining at Red Lobster had a bad biscuit? NOPE! Well they kept them coming…long story short, I got full and ended up taking 2/3 of my Cajun chicken alfredo home!

You know…family is really important to me and I wish I had more of it….now that is a tricky statement because I’m glad I’m a semi-only child. It’s semi because I have half siblings and step siblings but I am the only one birthed from my mother and I have always lived alone. Through the ups and the downs it’s just nice to have the support of your family. I do wonder if I’ll ever get my wish of a very very close knit family though because I don’t want kids…but I’m prayerful that perhaps my husband’s family will be HUGE and will welcome me in as one of their own! I have a friend where God has revealed to her who her husband is (lucky right???) but she’s praying that my Mother and Father in law are ready to take in all this love I have to give!!! God has been faithful to me in that way already in a lot of ways; I have several adopted families that offer limitless motherly love and good fatherly advice…families that just get together and hang out! I appreciate that!

When I remember my childhood, overall and once I overlook the negative stuff…I remember it fondly! Because I was the ONLY child for a while…that meant I got all the love from everybody. No I’m not spoiled I’m just loving lol. But all of my older cousins would allow me to spend the weekends with them…and their boyfriends/husbands and all before any of them had kids!!! My uncle and aunt treated me as their own….possibly because they had no grandkids to spoil yet. I was ALWAYS with them, so much so that some people were truly confused at just who’s child I was. I still have people calling me cousin…that honestly aren’t any kin to me! BUT then again I call people Aunt and cousin that aren’t any blood relations to me either soooo lol! I truly admire my uncle, after 4 girls, he was still truly influential in my life! I would stay with just him a lot…I would help in the garden and hand him nails when building additions to his home! As I’ve gotten older we’ve shared mix drink recipes and he’s helped me in my townhome both through his knowledgeable advice and physical labor. It’s all coming full circle…he’s an older man but he’s still moving and shaking. I’m always surprised when his kids say his age out loud, he doesn’t look it AT ALL. My all time favorite quote is when I use to ask him why he didn’t hear me knocking or ringing the door bell…he would say “I was getting my shit, shave, and bathe”. HAHAHA and he happens to use the most old timey, mint green, boiled egg smelling shaving crème…and along with his perfect symmetrical jet black afro…I love him a lot-He’s just classic…he’s HOME for me! He’s a pretty awesome person and I was delighted to share in his dinner celebration. Check the pics of the family below…everyone is so pretty right? Lol

PS I didn’t plan this event…lol but I did get there a little before 5pm to put us on the reservation list….only that didn’t even matter, we still didn’t eat til something to 8. SMH!


  1. bring the blog backkkkkk. my lunchtime reading is dwindling lol

  2. Between recuperating and new job duties I've been pretty busy but I posted today...hope you enjoy! @Joy
