Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mommy's Birthday Breakfast....

It’s been a MONTH…I was reminded that I haven’t blogged in a whole month…ummm
In my defense, my full time position has been in complete disarray. If you could understand what I’m going through, you’d understand my absence…but you’re allowed to view that as an excuse!

On September 8, 2013 I emotionally celebrated my 1 yr wedding anniversary. I know!!!! Time flies right? I simply looked at a pic of my dream ring (saved on my phone), wondered WHY it wasn’t on my hand, and thanked God because He knows best in the end. I do wonder what type of wife I’d make…ahh let’s be honest, I know I’d be the BEST! What kind of person would I be now, what would be my priorities, what would be my routine a whole year into marital bliss? It was both funny and scary to think about to say the least.
I digress….

Sooooo let’s chat about my last event, Mommy’s birthday breakfast! She turned 63! She looks a-freaking-mazing for 63, although I could be a bit bias since she is my mom. I had some surprises up my sleeve…of course. I decided to eat at Brigs. Brigs is pretty well known for huge portions and southern style breakfast! They offer free breakfast on your birthday, so it’s pretty much my tradition that I pass on to everyone else! I was able to reserve the room for NO FEE <-----Look at GOD! My mom travels locally and eats out pretty regularly with a small group of women (some her nieces), and because their jobs allow them to be off in the morning, I invited them to the shindig.
I decorated mom’s place setting with a birthday crown and red beads that just so happen to have shot glasses at the end of them! LOL!!!! I’d purchased one birthday centerpiece, 2 bath and body works prizes, and individually boxed cupcake favors (these WERE A COMPLETE HIT and the most expensive considering lavish cupcakes run you about $4 a piece). Mom’s favorite flavor is coconut, so she got the special coconut cupcake! The games were extremely simple…I didn’t do too much, but just enough to show mom she’s pretty special. I passed out birthday candles to all guests; they were then told the person with the most candles at the end of breakfast would receive a prize. To obtain other guest’s candles, they must not say and attempt to catch others saying “Phyllis, Alston, happy, and birthday”. Of course 6 minutes into the game, mom sees the centerpiece and starts dancing and singing, “it’s MY BIRTHDAY, it’s MY BIRTHDAY”. She did not WANT to give up her candle…she said “but it’s meeeeee, it’s meeeee”, her niece wanted those bath and body works bags so she said “AND???, give it UP!!!”  Approximately 3 minutes after mom’s candle was taken, I began to imitate her and guess what, YELP, my candle was gone too! The next game was a timed game….3 minutes (because she’s 63, get it?). I had 10 questions pertaining to mom that I thought were pretty interesting questions. Some of my faves were “how long have I been blonde?”, “what do I believe I can cook the best?”, and “what is my favorite soap opera?" Mom’s niece Pam won! That was a shocker because the questions were pretty hard, she got 6 out of 10 random questions right! The food was amazeballs as usual…everyone told me they enjoyed themselves. Mom seemed to be having the best time….we laughed so hard and that’s always a great time to me. Intimate events go a long way…and as you can see, they can be done for a modest budget! $5 for decorations, $30 for cupcake favors, $12 prizes, $0 venue, $1 games, and $10 for food.

Mom and I then ventured to the movies to see “Lee Daniel’s the Butler” as a surprise.  I made her think we were getting massages (she HATES) or pedicures (she’ll tolerate). When we pulled up at Raleigh Grand, she was as giddy as a school girl! Lol! We enjoyed the movie; Oprah did great, but the history…THE LEGACY…that STORY was awesome! I left with an overwhelming sense of gratefulness! It was really great to see a movie like that with mom….she was apart of the first desegregating school wave! We discussed the movie and some of her experiences. You know, I walk into a restaurant and expect the same service as everyone else…I drive down the road and I feel just as important as all the other people driving…it’s easy to forget  that it wasn’t always like that! Like….I don’t know what it feels like to sit in a colored only section. I’ve experienced racism a dozen times over, but it’s never been blatantly accepted during my time like it was for my mom then! Our parents had to do so much restructuring and retraining of their minds to feel an inkling of what I’ve always known.  Pretty profound…because how do you sit at the colored only section one day and then sit amongst the masses the next…of course you always knew you should sit amongst the masses but to actually do it? Clearly I could go on and on….
I digress….

As if I hadn’t spent the ENTIRE day with mom….when I chauffeured her back home, she then wanted to have a cookout. I had convinced her that I wanted to leave and that I was tired…BUT ugh….she goes “I don’t want you to go”….yeah I stayed. The food (hotdogs, sausage dogs, chicken, steak, hamburgers) wasn’t done until 8:30pm and I didn’t leave until 11:30pm. What a long day it was! Mom said it was the BEST birthday she’s had in a long time….. I succeeded!!
We stopped by Tanger outlets (where I bought mom’s birthday shoes) and we then visited her sister and brother-in-law for the weekend. They are 86 and 87 so it was FUN! Old people have no filter! Sunday, we came back from Greensboro and went straight downtown Raleigh to a festival. Mom did the wobble for at least 12 minutes straight. All in all it was a great birthday!!!!




  1. so sweet!! Your mom does look amazing<3 you have awesome 60s to look forward to!

  2. From your blog comment to God's ears lol #moisturizingrightnow
