Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Jealous Girl….

Whyyyyy did this video just bring tears to my eyes? I’m getting softer in my older days. I can explain crying at a wedding…but I cannot explain crying at work while viewing a YouTube video of people I don’t even know! LOL! It appeared on my facebook mini feed…someone posted it on their page and I, of course, loaded the link as soon as I saw it! Anything dealing with a wedding I’m WATCHING…especially a video!!!  OMG! Real tears gathered in my eyes before I had a chance to contain myself! Awwe!!!!  I get a tad bit emotional for those that are bitten by the love bug anyway but further emotion ensued when I remembered I’ll never be able to choreograph a number such as this! It’s not that I’m a fan of performing in front of an audience…but I’d like to make that decision when the time comes…not have the decision made for me due to my circumstance! (If you can understand that lol)
After all, what can I expect since my sperm donor fought my Mother to avoid signing my birth certificate! I was doomed from the start! Love is blind…sometimes you aren’t aware of how trifling a person is until it’s too late! SMH! Long story short, I met the other side of my family at 12 for the first time…and although I’ve connected with my wonderful Grandparents and developed a lukewarm relationship with the rest of the family…the sperm donor only speaks when spoken to or when in front of others! Sad right? I think an apology of some sort is in order but I’ve decided not to hold my breath in anticipation for fear that I may just die! So I could take this option number 1 OR option number 2! My mom got married in 1995 and although he’s been in “the home” he hasn’t truly been a father figure! There are arrests, warrants, records, alcohol, drugs, and a debatable work history! So it’s safe to say…if the time should ever come JESUS will walk me down the aisle and my father daughter dance will be with…ummm ummm ummm Let me think about it! Lol

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