Friday, June 29, 2012

The lost art of saying THANK YOU

So this really saddens me, considering the number of gifts and services that I’ve shelled out and people don’t formally say thank you…RUDE and sooo out of order! The last thank you card I received was from a girl I met at a part time job…only knew her for 7 mths or so, but we were kindred spirits. She had an ordeal with a man that possibly gave her a STD on top of dealing with her mom dying of breast cancer as a child-fast forward to the present- and possibly finding out she had the gene…she was dealing with so much. I wasn’t judgmental, I listened as she called and cried over the phone (while I was at work)…being careful to be super supportive because I can’t imagine dealing with any of that and sometimes you just need a good friend! When she finally returned to work, she asked to see me and gave me a huge hug! I remember she genuinely thanked me over and over again for being so sweet and how it really changed her mood and helped her to get her life together and face it all (I guess as opposed to being suicidal). THEN she handed me a thank you note…it has black and white daisies on the cover and a heartfelt thank you inside. THAT was the last thank you note I received, and I have it posted in my room. Unfortunately, it was a super long time ago…probably like 2009.
Saying “thank you” with a huge smile when you receive a gift or a nice gesture may seem adequate enough but it’s NOT and I am here to tell you!!! A man or women of distinction always writes a thank you note or has a thank you dinner or SOMETHING other than speaking the words “thank you”. In the days of instant communication, it’s easy to overlook the act of writing a thank you note but don’t feel like you’re overdoing it if you do…if someone bought you something you’re actually “underdoing” it by only speaking “thank you”!
You might reason that you don’t have to thank everyone for everything…but that’s kind of screwed because you kind of should to be a great person and who doesn’t want to be GREAT? Always thank gift givers, no matter how grand or seemingly insignificant the gift because they’ve taken their time and or money to buy you something. The person thought of you so THINK OF THEM. A thank you note is a gift in and of itself. Give the gift of acknowledgment! Sometimes your reputations can depend on it…I know I’m looking at some rather unappreciative people rather side-eyed because I never received a thank you card. In the 21st century, we do so much emailing, texting, tweeting, and “facebooking” that a thank you note is the only time we can put pen to paper so be excited!! Matter of factly, I have two different sets of thank you cards and envelopes at my desk at work for any time I want to send one. For things like birthdays I don’t give formal thank you cards but I do send online thank you notes. However if I had a shower, housewarming, wedding, or any of the like I would send an excited formal thank you card. I’d wish to relay said excited appreciation.
I think it’s acceptable if someone picks up dinner that saying “thank you so much for dinner” works…casual in nature of course! If you’re into the extra mile, a follow-up text, email, or planning a dinner where you pay in return is most acceptable! It’s not mandatory but it’s a nice gesture. Special events ahh it’s a MUST! Ain’t nothing worse than hearing the married couple loves LOVES your gift and they never said thank you. But maybe the thank you card was lost in the mail? Wedding culture states you have up to one year to write a thank you note….I find that a tad bit astonishing as a lot can happen in a year’s time. Understand that failing to write a note makes you, the happy married couple, appear impolite and ungrateful. What people fail to realize is guess what…the recently married couple that had a baby and sent cards announcing the birth of their child….rarely receive a tickle me Elmo now since I gave a wedding gift with no thank you card!  Just saying….

Monday, June 25, 2012


Happy Monday <---Screaming that just to get my week off to a GREAT start! You should try it! I had fantastic quiet time with the Lord this morning but I then lost the battle with my mouth today lol! Thank goodness tomorrow is filled with brand new mercies!
Sooo today, June 25th, marks the 17 year anniversary of my Mom and her husband….it has been a long 17 years but hey they are still trucking along! Congrats to the both of them…my bf Chase and I went down for dinner yesterday to celebrate!
The graduation event this weekend went well….considering the smoldering HEAT, very limited parking, and swarm of flies of course. The menu consisted of turkey bbq, grilled bbq chicken, hotdogs, sweet & sour turkey meatballs, macaroni salad, baked beans, fruit platter, awesome cool whip-cream cheese-orange zest dip, chips and dip! The food that wasn’t on the grill was catered…wish I knew her name. The honoree’s sister was in charge of games, door prices, toasts…. it was nice, intimate, and all of those wonderful things! The family was extremely proud of their graduate and it showed.
I only assisted with rentals (tents, tables, chairs)….take a look belowJ

Graduate, Me....

When the Party moved inside....

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


OMG...I've dragged my feet sooo long on posting pictures from my good guy friend's wedding that the video highlights are available! Tell God thank you because I didn't have excellent pictures anyway because my camera was M.I.A. sooo I'm so happy to share. Yes I cried, but it's just that AMAZING!!!!!! Love is a beautiful thang...oh yeah and WEDDINGS are simply fab!

Friday, June 15, 2012


Happy Friday,

On yesterday one of my friends (oh after SHOWING UP 30 minutes late) met me for wing night! After getting over a moderate level of pisstivistidy....I was able to sit down and have normal conversation. My thing with ALL people is...we all have things come up unexpectedly but can we give those we are meeting a simple heads up call....something? As adults, let's not ignore, avoid, or act as if someone's time or money is insignificant because that ish is Rudeboots! Ugh Ugh Ugh had a day today with a "friend" lol

Anywho....This friend yesterday asked if I had anything coming up and I said nothing confirmed. There is always talk of needing help but sometimes people don't follow through with a contract. Wellll from this conversation derived me helping out with a small graduation party. Invitations have been given out but some of the loose ends need to be tied up and that's where I come in. It'll be small, intimate family and friends....cookout style celebratory dinner for a lady that is very dear to my heart that graduated from Strayer. It's never too late to go back and she proved that to the WORLD! Kudos!!!

I'll be helping with the rentals...doing the legwork! I'm happy for the contract!


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

TeN commandments

I was watching one of my all time fave WE tv shows...."Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta" and Lori did a cute little 10 commandment's episode....figured I'd share here. Lori says the most 'countriest' things... always referencing sweet tea, wolves and sheep, and what she determines to be lady like. She's a should watch sometimes!!! Many of her commandments referred to wedding dress shopping but I also see general rules of thumb for the entire wedding process!

10. Thou Shalt Keep The Bride's Eye on the Prize
Some bride's can be easily overwhelmed and distracted. Whether it's the phase for a salesperson or wedding planner...always be able to bring the bride back to reality. Bride's see it all, want it all, begin to cry, want to scream....sooo unless you want your hard work to fall by the 'wayside' you better fine tune ways to minimize distractions.
9. Thou Shalt Not Let The Bride Over Shop
Dear Wedding planners and's so totally important that the couple is aware of what they are spending the ENTIRE time! I work on the no surprises method...clients prefer it! The honest truth may hurt BUT it's the honest truth!
8. Thou Shalt Keep An Open Mind
When you're so totally sold on things you've seen in a magazine or on a website, you seldom like much of anything else! What you see on someone or done for someone may not be the right fit, so start with what you want and work from there.
7. Thou Shalt Leave The Past Behind
Relying on garments, stationary, or venues from your past wedding is NOT the way to move into what God has for you in the present and future...
6. Honor Thou Mother And Father Up til a Point
Yes we should listen to our parents...honor them even...BUT sometimes it's important to be respectfully clear and tell them the budget and ask them to stick to it. Parent's make you invite people you don't know and can sometimes make you spring for the premiere package when deluxe was more your speed. Find the balance....
5. Honor Thy Bride's Opinion Over All Others
It's hard sometimes when other ideas make better sense...but above all else it comes down to what the couple wants! When it concerns the dress the bride is going to wear...the decision is left up to the bride ONLY. Not parents or friends...
4. Pick Thy Wedding Posse Carefully don't want your wedding participants fighting like cats and dogs or making your event more stressful than it has to want people that are team players and understand the wedding without a hitch is the goal.
3. Thou Shalt Not Bring Thou Fiance's Ex
Umm so this was solely based on an appointment during the The new bride brought the old more attractive ex girlfriend to her wedding dress where they do that at? The ex girlfriend didn't like ANYTHING the bride tried on...and kept saying little comments like I know he won't like that on her...I remember when we were together and blah blah blah, he don't spend money like that on blah blah blah...So rude!!!! Umm yeah if you're friend's with your fiance's ex that's on you, but don't let that person dictate your wedding plans.
2. Thou Shalt Not Covet A Dress Outside Your Budget
If you're pulling dresses for the bride, don't pull dresses significantly out of the budget range! Remember they still need alterations, undergarments, shoes and jewelry and if you bust the budget completely open on the dress, something else will lack. Luckily for the groom, if all of your groomsmen rent from one place, the grooms tux is free and free is everyone's fave price.
1. Thou Shalt Leave Thy Fiance at Home
Now this is a matter of preference...but Lori believes no rooster's in the hen house (had to double check that I had that correct lol). Men can sometimes steer the bride away from the vision she had for herself trying to please unless the groom is totally sold on whatever you want and less frequent with his opinions is he welcome in my opinion.

~Happy Born day to my wonderful 13...Miss Joy Marie Johnson! Oh how I love her so, God is so good for bringing her into my life-she's super busy because she's this grand MIT engineer in heels but the times we're together are just perfect!!!
Super Fly & Love Bug