Wednesday, November 7, 2012

VenUE CONsult....

I feel like almost a million things have come and gone and I’ve not had the time to update you…

On October 13th I received a couple of phone calls…I would call back but it didn’t take long before it became a heated game of phone tag! Then… low and behold I got this “While we are playing phone tag, you can’t be working for me. I was calling to ask prices for your assistance in planning a wedding in NC while I’m in DC. Think about it and give me a call back”. Overjoyed I replied to the text on Saturday and excitedly gave myself a tight deadline of Monday for the information requested. I remember thinking, I’ve been praying for more clientele…when I had the conference call with the bride she said, “it was nothing but God that put you on my heart because I totally forgot you did this.” <- Look at God! She ran across my blog (hopefully saved in her favorites) and remembered earlier conversations that lead her to contacting me.

I must say this is a truly humble bride that is super duper appreciative and just overly generous. With a $30,000+ budget, I’m excited to work closely with her. A formal contract has not been signed…as I’m only consulting on the venue but from the sound of things, her problems were all minimum and although she believes she’s stressed…she’s got it more than under control. I suggested we meet at Cracker Barrel early Saturday morning to discuss the basics and get reacquainted…it was down the street from the 1st venue appointment. To my surprise, not only did the lovely bride and groom waltz through the door, but the Mother of the bride and the Aunt of the bride as well. We ate, laughed and of course cut up. I enjoyed them so! I was called Romney by the groom because I play both sides (I almost took offense lol)…and I somehow changed the career aspirations of the Auntie (who discussed joining my profession after she retired) because I was way too nice as a planner. I got along with everyone and I think by the end of the day, they had full confidence in me!

9:00am Crackle Barrel 

10:30am It was time to hit up the Hilton! Antwaine was amazing! Apparently this Hilton plays host to Duke’s football team soo we were in between a bunch of screaming coaches. Although I’ve not tasted the food, the food was the best “bang for your buck” that I’ve seen in a long time. They were offering a 3 meat option entrée for a steal. The hotel has been renovated and the parking was plentiful on site. Their packages include limited color linens, up lighting or an ice sculpture. If you like hotels….oh and Durham…and Hilton properties…this is definitely a place to look into. I found out we rent from the same linen company…look at me all big time and stuff! Lol   

12:00pm We had a soft drop in on one of my most favorite campuses…UNC-CH…at a bakery named Sugarland. We weren’t there long, but one of the employees had amazing cakes on her ipad that she invited us to view! We all sat at a table and ooohed and awwwed. Unfortunately the bride didn’t see anything worth taste testing so who knows if that’ll be the spot for her cake. The budget that was thrown around was $1000 for the cake! I was super excited about the looked so freaking yummy.

1:00pm…CAROLINA INN. I opened my big mouth and said “Carolina Inn is up the street, like a block!” These people decided to walk...yeah I didn’t mean it was THAT close, but we walked! Yeah so the bride and I both attended NC State...where I’m a Carolina fan, ahhh she is not, so I was so surprised she agreed to view The Carolina Inn. Surprisingly, we weren’t treated like we had enough money and the family was getting upset by the minute. I tried to calm them down and assure them it wasn’t racism…but it was kind of hard to prove my point. Our appointment began 20 minutes late AND with a fill in! The event coordinator on site scheduled the appt although she needed to be at a wedding…right!!!! How freaking RUDE! Furthermore, how do you overbook yourself? If you know you got a wedding, wouldn't you book your tour earlier or later? <---That’s the one thing the family repeatedly asked me! The pictures of the venue look amazing online…when we toured the space, nobody was feeling dropping $20k yeah we respectfully left after viewing the spaces.

I had a soft drop in at the Park Alumni center at NC State but that didn’t go over so well since Park Alumni had an event and we were in Chapel Hill still. Somebody (bless his soul) was going to let me in (against protocol) just to give my own tour to the couple, but I couldn’t get there in time. They don’t allow weekend appointments. I think the couple would have loved it….they just couldn’t see it sadly.

2:30pm or so…we were in Raleigh doing a soft drop in at the Renaissance North Hills. Everyone LOVED the space. Although there was no staff to speak directly to, I had already sent the couple a packet and they loved the pricing. This is the 2nd runner up I do believe. I moonlighted as a tour guide…pointing out all the pros…it went very very well! BUT the groom pointed out a huge's hard to park at North Hills and he hated the focal view of the space was a parking structure. I can totally understand that but that's what you get in the city...doesn't take away from the gloriousness (just made that up) that is the venue though...right?

Although a little early for our 4:00pm…we arrived at Hilton Midtown. LOL They hated everything about it. They hated the ambiance…the foyer area…the otherwise un-renovated space. Of course the staff was nice (the manager because the event person doesn’t work on the weekends) but they happened to be having a Veterans social or something…Veterans of all ages were just gawking at us and following us around. One man even told us they had rented all of this, and that it was top secret…okay sir…as you see we are with the manager and he’s not going to intrude…he’s looking for an unoccupied ball room space to show us for a brief moment. Had he not been a veteran, I might would have asked him to have several seats because he was doing way too much!

Sadly…after this appointment, I had to leave because I had another event! I suggested they dine at Bahama Breeze for dinner as it was adjacent to Hilton Midtown, and I gave them all of my favorite dishes as only a foodie can! As if that wasn't enough, I suggested they then go to the State Fair since the bride hadn't been since undergrad and the groom had never had the experience! I'd set up one more appointment for the family down town at a historic church and reception venue. This was my first choice for the couple because she loved downtown and was interested in a trolley service. After 8 emails I had it set up for both venues…annnnddd after suggesting the family dine at Bahama Breeze…I received a text that said they were no longer interested in the downtown idea because of the expenses. I guess they must have discussed it in more detail over dinner and decided not to waste their time. It pained me to email and cancel after I’d went through so much to organize it! lol

She paid me in cash…with a $10 tip! I told her a check would be fine or send it to me when she got back home…wait for me to write a receipt….none of that worked. She went to an ATM, gave me cash, and told me she was not pressed about anything and wanted me to know I was appreciated. God bless her soul! Lol

THENNNN I got sick…ended up in the hospital…and I’m still recuperating. MY LIFE! This pic is probably TMI lol oh well y'all family! 

Well hoping all is well with you all...I'll be posting Bermuda Pics, Engagement Party Pics, and Homecoming pics soon....

Love, Me

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