Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2 wEEks aWaY....

It’s been a long time…I shouldn't left you...without a dope beat to step to…LOL #homagetoAaliyah I use to love that song….
Any who, where has the time gone? Literally? There has been so much going on that you might like to know…. For starters, the baby shower “Haliwood: A Star is Born”…well the star was actually born. She is uber cute…a true doll baby. Awwe I don’t want any kids of my own, but I’m so happy when everything runs smoothly for those that do! Yay Baby!
This past weekend was the March Bride’s bridal shower…I had no hand in the planning so I was able to simply be a guest! I enjoyed myself and I think the bride did as well. Key elements…that freaking red velvet cake…OMG it was like a hug from Grandma when you’ve scraped your knee! I have an even better understanding as to why we call fried-greasy-sugary foods comfort food…I was VERY comforted! True to who I am, as soon as I tasted a bite with that homemade cream cheese icing…I said THIS IS IT!!!!...out loud to people I didn’t even know! Lol Hey it caught me off guard. Good cake will do that to you! Another key element, instead of a bunch of useless prizes, they did great red velvet flower cupcakes and pure milk chocolate…I suspect that helped with the budget and guests don’t feel slighted because it was some REALLY good chocolate, so much so eating one was enough to cure your fix and each lil baggie was filled with 3 and had their wedding colors in ribbon with a lil picture of the couple. The food was just as awesome and of course I gave one of the most provocative gifts (why does that always happen to me)…bridal showers in my opinion MEAN silk and lace (in good taste nothing raunchy) with the girls....Apparently that memo hasn’t finished circulating. In the past I’ve been to showers where ladies feel too embarrassed to give those types of gifts. I say God says Marriage is good and to be fruitful and multiply! It’s okay to have relations with your husband…it’s not like I’m condoning getting knocked up prior to marriage with a man that doesn’t love God…lol I’m condoning once you ARE married!!!!! Sheesh!
We’re like 2 weeks out from the March wedding….We still need to finalize centerpieces as the vision is a little complex at the moment…It’s changed about a million times but this last time things were actually purchased so we may be closer to the final arrangement! Pastor, Soloist, Musicians and deejay have all been emailed…rental invoice is up to date, and most of the catering things we were asked to purchase are complete! Favors (oh the favors) should be done soon, programs are paid for and things for the ceremony such as aisle runner, sand ceremony, broom, broom décor, pew markers, guestbook, and guestbook pen have been crossed off the list as well! I had a number of lil helpers…but CIAA is March 3rd as well as the duke/Carolina game…so yeah I’ll be working even harder than I expected! Finalizing things for vendors and paying people is TOP priority….I hope to be completely done this week! If it was left up to only me I would have been done in December as my motto is “Early is Best” but naturally the rest of the world doesn't revolve around my motto! We’re moving along though…minor setbacks and bumps in the road….but I think it’ll be just beautiful!  

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