Friday, February 3, 2012

mOnOchrOmatic cOlOrs...

Love muffins....

Picking wedding colors is right at the top of the list when you get engaged! Why is that? I assume it’s because once they’ve been chosen everything else seems to have a focal point. Establishing colors early on creates the vision each time you picture your event…it just helps get the planning underway. Even when I’m not planning a wedding, usually my first consultation call goes a lil something like this….”Hey I want you to plan my birthday party, the colors are Pink and Black” “Hey I want you to plan my Mother’s retirement party, her favorite colors are Yellow and Gold, so I want those to be the colors”….Can we discuss the important issues first…I promise colors just roll off everyone’s tongue! It’s almost like picking colors makes your event official!  
Thank goodness in Twenty-twelve people are beginning to dismiss ancient rules and show some creativity. I LIVE for innovation! By tradition, there are only 2 wedding colors… White and something OR Black and something! No! No! No! Chic outfits rarely consist of just two colors yet it still looks good right? Bring that same creative approach to your big day with varying shades of one color or more than 2 colors. Of course I don’t suggest you fly off the deep end into a bright ratchet sea of colors…consider your guests and how awful it would be if your decision made guests have seizures! Have fun making 3 or more colors work together! Create an attractive color combination… a gorgeous color scheme and an overall fascinating color palette!  Monochromatic wedding colors can sometimes find their way into your wedding even when you are careful….you pick colors and then you can’t find tuxedo vest or dresses in that chosen color! What do you do? Don’t panic, choose a shade darker or lighter and incorporate your chosen color in accessories! Yes picking colors can be first tricky and will sometimes lead to stress but remember it should be fun and no idea is off limits!!!!