Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FoR tHe dAncer in yOu....

I usually spend a million hours pitching a theme to this wedding wasn't any different. I remember the first meetings were super exciting trying to summarize their love into an idea with enough parts to plan a wedding! I think their first date was at an airport watch zone type of thing so I played around with boarding passes, toy airplane place cards, airline tickets, luggage tag favors...the list goes on and on! After this was voted out, I went into some other dates which were museum heavy! I priced so many museums that would allow weddings but of course many of them were expensive and didn't allow outside catering! THEN it came to me, like a thief in the night....okay maybe not an authentic thief in the night, lol but it hit me at a truly inopportune time....A DANCE THEME! They met in the dance ministry of their church and they continue to dance together, sometimes as just a pair...they seem to really enjoy it and it just made perfect sense. It took a while for the groom to catch on to other themes, but this one... he was on board immediately! Soooooooo of course I had a million ideas that unfortunately won't be executed in this particular wedding due to budget restraints and other limitations but there will be some key elements!

I originally wanted to incorporate things such as video clips in between engagement photos in a slide show mini movie prior to the starting of the wedding that asked them questions about dance and what it meant to them! Some funny things, some more serious, just something for their guests to enjoy!  I wanted the couple to choreograph a special first dance as their introduction as Mr. and Mrs.! I toyed around with having the servers dress in traditional mime costume...stripes, suspenders, and hats because mime-ing is the dance the groom performs most often (Well that I've been a witness to)! Candy, bottle water, and bubbles can be ordered with just about anything on them and are ALWAYS utilized! Album shapes, silhouettes of couples dancing, sheet music and musical notes would all make an appearance! Masks, mime faces, traditional drama masks...and then the tag line on the favors: For the dancer in you or To the dancer in you! That's all I can remember without looking in my notebook, lol but there will be some key elements that I thought of that will be executed...yay! The entertainment dance assemble, displaying the engagement-dance themed pictures before the wedding, ceremony programs with the dance title, and naming each table by a dance move they've actually performed together! So how cool is it to have instead of table one...table plie'! There will be definitions and instructional pictures on each card...

See below....

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