Tuesday, July 31, 2012

mR. JeSSe JoNes


Meanwhile 15 minutes away… at another dinner for another good friend a couple of weeks ago, we began talking about HOT DOGS! What a conversation, let me just tell you! Amongst the 10 of us, we all had differing opinions on hot dogs. All beef…no all chicken….pork is fine…. $0.99 hot dogs are best….I survived on hot dogs and ramen in college…Bright leaf….NO JESSE JONES SON HANDS DOWN (yeah that last comment was just me, but I’m emotionally invested in Jesse Jones)! Jesse Jones is the best, we grew up on Jesse Jones…sure it was never big enough for the bun, but we had those other things to fill the bun out! Personally, I pinch the beginning bread off and always have bread at the end of my hot dogs, I KNOW I’m not alone!  Nevertheless, it was a long but funny conversation that began, quickly ended, and then began AGAIN! We noticed that people up north preferred a certain one to us southerners. Needless to say we were all curious as we listened and chimed in when appropriate to convince people our hot dog was the “bestest”. Very few people were familiar with every single hot dog discussed; there are so many different types of hot dogs!  The way  everyone made these Bright leaf hot dogs sound, I thought I had missed out on something GREAT.  Umm I was wrong….as it seems someone has SAVED ME and I CAN live without a BRIGHT LEAF! OMG, how anyone enjoys a Bright Leaf is BEYOND me! No offense if that’s your dog lol

So LISTEN (well read) how I fell in head first…I said, “I’m not a huge hot dog person” (probably because I know what hot dogs exactly are lol), “but I’m all about the condiments and toppings!!!” I then went into detail about MY homemade chili…knowing full well it’s my moma’s homemade chili but we share recipes…mainly because I only know her recipes and they are WONDERFUL! Lol! I made sure all the guests understood that I don’t believe in beans in my chili....my family doesn’t believe in can or bought chili (we’re spoiled lol)….we believe in browning that good hamburger (GRADE A+)…draining, seasoning, adding our secret weapon….and then throwing it back in the pan to simmer…just letting that sauce thicken hunnie! Yes GAWD that’s some good chili. Mom eats it over chips…I just eat it plain lol….when my cousin makes her chili she does it a bit different but it’s still the MOST meatiest thing you’ve ever tasted. When I see her coming in with that heavenly chili, I just sneak a bowl as a snack until the other meat is finished cooking on the grill.

Umm! That chili!

Well after I had everyone at the table just slobbering at the mouth…they were like well you’ve got to make this special homemade::out of this world-chili soon. I felt the first shoe (figuratively) hit me upside the head when I realized, man I just talked this chili  up SOOOO super much!  Well the next week, I got THAT text message and immediately the 2nd shoe hit me….it was now set in stone, and I had that little butterfly in my tummy that refused to stop fluttering. “Hot dog cookoff” featuring Jay’s famous Chili. You knooooow when you talk something up, you get nervous when you have to follow through!!!! Chile I just laughed while thinking I wonder if mom has some hamburger in the deep freezer I can borrow! J I laugh at myself soo often.

This is becoming longer than I’d hoped…I just want to tell the story in detail…okay short version from now on. Wednesday I began thinking how much hamburger I would need and where I could get the best grade meat from….lol. Thursday I didn’t go to the meat house as expected…I found a $2 off $10 coupon and went on to Food Lion lol. Friday, I came home from the movies (Do not go see Magic Mike unless you’re prepared for nudity that seems out of place and doesn’t help the storyline) and went straight to the kitchen to start making my chili…mom said to call her but I had it in the bag now…it was do or die! I drained…I seasoned…I overly seasoned. I realized my chili powder was hot Mexican chili powder but I said it’ll be okay because I wasn’t  buying anymore. I mixed it…secret ingredients and all…and then let it rest! I refrigerated it…hopefully sealing in the seasonings! Saturday afternoon I put it in my 2qt crock pot and let it SIMMER for like 4 hours. I got a small bowl and tasted my own chili goodness and I was like ummm this IS good….I shall be proud *chest all the way out*. Yeah made a quick turn and it was on the FLOOR! Lol! Only 1/3 of it…front seat passenger side…luckily I still had 2/3 for the guests. I got rave reviews….but as my mom points out, “if they were use to eating bought chili or chili from the can…your chili was BANGING you can’t go wrong baby girl” I guess, thanks mom?

Anywho, all the guys surrounded the grill to do their thang….all the girls were inside chilling out having cocktails…some were in the kitchen organizing. Everyone had to bring their favorite pack of hot dogs…the guys cooked packs of hot dogs one at a time….we had 56 hot dogs in all. We had a sticky note system on the stove so we could keep them warm while keeping them organized. We passed out paper and plates…and cut around  3-4 hot dogs per brand in sample size to serve. When I went around I would say number 1 to every PERSON lol…and then number 2 and so on! After all 7 had been served, we took a vote and had lil discussions (too salty, nasty). It was super fun. I think Carolina Pride won (ewwe) but I found out I like Ballpark Angus from the cook-off. My Jesse Jones only got one other vote! BUT I must say I really know my hot dog because I picked it out of 6 others. Bright leaf tasted like fish…yes the hot dog tasted like fish. OMG…lol! Cole slaw, chopped onions, sauerkraut and a host of other toppings…the regulars::ketchup, mustard, relish were all in abundance. My CHILI was good and meaty….chips, drinks-regular and alcoholic….and creme cheese filed strawberries for dessert. We played catch phrase (a true hoot) and name that tune::battle of the sexes. NOW That got serious way too fast. WE had a WONDERFUL time; I love chilled events with my friends!!!! Especially when they've done all the leg work...text messaging....making sure the date works, an evite...the great venue, welcoming space and all that in between guests don't think about because they are mostly concerned with just showing up! LOL She said next time at my house.....LOL I didn't respond!
You'll always be #1 to me Mr. Jesse Jones, my <3

Monday, July 30, 2012

A Themed Thirty....

I know I know…I’ve failed you all miserably! Blame the world….I’ve had nothing really to work on that is set in stone for the last two weeks! Sooo I shall blog about other things lol
Who doesn’t love a 2 part 30th birthday celebration? I do and was super ecstatic to be invited to one! A Dirty thirty as they call it (we still don’t know who THEY exactly is but oh well lol). 1st part…”Queens Croquet” game night::SUPER CUTE! A good way to get people who aren’t familiar with each other to mix and mingle, laugh and giggle, is a stress free game night. Even the shyest of people will come out to play when the vibe is “friendly”. Appetizers were in overdrive and drinks were good and steady. If it hasn’t happened upon you just yet….it’s an Alice and Wonderland themed weekend! The Queens Croquet is a chapter in this great body of work…and I wouldn’t expect anything less from an English teacher that has won several awards. This game night was in a souped up apartment complex’s event space, but if you do not have access to a souped up event space, do not fret for a living room, kitchen, dining room, spare bedroom will do. The most important thing is that it is comfortable with plenty of seating. One mustn’t rent chairs but there should be ample chairs or a VERY inviting floor for your guests. Please know your crowd, so that you make proper seating arrangements! The host is quite techy so the night was filled with group games on the IPAD. Always plan your games prior to, think them out as to avoid confusion. It’s super hard to get 30 people on one accord when you’re somewhat confused yourself. Luckily everything was thought out for this event, making the night tremendously enjoyable!
2nd part of this dirty thirty weekend was a “High Tea”. The restaurant provided just the right atmosphere. It was spacious and regal….totally delivering on the theme. Wooden tables and wooden chairs of a very nice quality….exposed ceiling with wrought iron chandeliers…dimmed lighting to showcase a very classic setting::crisp white linens and silverware rolled in midnight black napkins! The host was sure to offer labeled favor mugs with truffles and tea….you know for the High Tea. I know, FAB right? The cake was true to the Alice and Wonderland theme, of course, and cup cakes were in abundance reading “eat me”. Some of the guest joked they were going to take a picture and send it to various people. LOL It was a well planned 2 day event…I’ve added the restaurant to my event space listings…so technically I worked for the business…right? RIGHT! See very few pics below...

Happy Birthday Sir!!!
Chase and I…

My new friend…thinking we’ll be friends for a long while ;)

New friend x2…
Hope you got some ideas for your next event….if you did my blogging is not in vain lol

Friday, July 13, 2012

Welcome to HOLLYWOOD!!!!!

As I read the previous blog entry from my bestie X…I must say he was correct…India.Aire is playing in my head in the background! Thanks a lot! Lol I’m actually not a big India.Aire fan…just familiar with the songs that have gained popularity via mainstream society and radio. She had a good run for a long time…I mean what has happened? Since declaring she isn’t her hair…nobody can find her anywhere (haha that rhymed). So I don’t share in your love for India.Aire unfortunately X!
I think there are way more types of brides than the typical “production glitz glamour bride” and “cool calm collected bride.” I mean where are the “broke as a joke brides” and “fantasy come back to earth brides”…they can’t get no love? Don’t forget the “confused bewildered bride” oh and the “I’m a boss and I got something to prove bride!” Sure all of these can be lumped together in one bride, or the bride can display all of these many titles and characteristics on any given day during the planning process… but sometimes what the bride is known for isn’t  glitz or  laid back at all…it’s all those other ones I named! It’s funny, sometimes the most some brides have in common is they are getting married….and it stops there…women are some funny creatures! <--- said as if I’m not a woman! #smh Lol
I thoroughly enjoyed your take on what a man may ask himself before proposing…SO FREAKING INFORMATIVE. I think I’m fine if my fiancée isn’t as “engrossed” in the details….if I can make all decisions I’m good…buuuut I can see where it could be an issue. If my fiancée is the person I go to when I’m stressed…and I’m stressed about the wedding…naturally he may be my stress reliever and thereby be more involved than he’d like to be in the planning….hmm! Interesting take huh? I don’t foresee myself trying to involve a man that doesn’t want to be involved, however because women typically don’t like to compromise. It would be beneficial to have a conversation about it from time. I totally agree and think we may have talked about this in person…for me I think I’d like to say, “What are the MOST important things to you boo?” “Oh Food and Venue…okay cool you’ll have total decision power on those things and I’ll just let you know my decisions on all those other “non important” wedding items.”
Yes the wedding journey can make or break you….how you deal with conflict and difficult times while planning IS HOW you’ll deal with conflict and difficult times in your marriage so PAY ATTENTION to your mate.  Press on if she’s a mild bridezilla…get some counseling if she’s over the top! It may save your marriage in the long run J

And to all the glitzy brides that are after my own heart….lol Here’s our songgg ladies……while he’s playing strength courage and wisdom…let’s sing welcome to Hollywood!!!!
~Jay Fierce

Friday, July 6, 2012

Strength. Courage. Wisdom.

I actually found out about India.Arie in the spring of 2000.  I actually won her CD because I wrote an article about R&B and how the music industry has drastically changed over time.  Strength, Courage, and Wisdom has been a song that has given me great hope throughout many experiences in my life.  You know you like the song too don’t play. Now the song is playing in your head in the background while you read this lets get back to business.

(Strength, Courage, and wisdom/It’s been inside of me/all along)

Finding the one you love and seeing yourself with this person is not only a memorable experience but also, one many people wait a lifetime for.  Planning a wedding can bring about some interesting conversations between a couple planning their wedding.  I think it is important for men to know the wedding day and all the emotions that come along with the day is something women have been conditioned to want due to various experiences (movies, television shows, etc.).  First and foremost you two should have a conversation about the type of wedding you want upfront.  I know people always say budget first and then quote things later.  I believe it is important to quote things first because it will help both the BTB and GTB have a better understanding of the type of wedding you can afford.

(Strength, Courage, and wisdom/It’s been inside of me/all along)

There are two types of women when it comes to planning a wedding, 1) The BTB who wants to be a part of every detail and wants the day to be a production or 2) The BTB is laid back and just wants to have a special day without all the glitz. It is important to note MOST men do not think about the wedding per se.  Males have only thought about everything up until they have proposed.  The following questions are typically questions a man may ask himself before he has proposed:

1)    Can I see myself with her for the rest of my life?
2)    Does my family genuinely like her?
3)    Do I like her family?
4)    Can we grow together?
5)    How am I going to pay for this ring?

If you noticed, nothing in those questions had anything to do with the wedding.  Not one question focused on what tuxedo he wanted to wear, the colors he wanted, or the types of decorations or flowers he wanted to be used in the venue.  Women, it is important to understand your fiancé may not care about the details (and that is okay) and you should not be frustrated that he is not as engrossed in the details as you would like him to be.  What he will be engrossed in is the financial aspect of the wedding.

GTB:  As I am going through the process, I find myself humming (Strength. Courage. Wisdom.) in my head.  I encourage you to think of something that will keep you calm as you are discussing things that you wished your fiancée just made a decision about.  I like to think this practice will allow us to avoid any disagreement and carry on as usual.

BTB:  Ask him is there anything he would like to have control over (if you two would like control over the same things then compromise).  He is only worried about how much money is being spent on the wedding itself.  So make sure you update him with current numbers consistently.  Remember he is more concerned about entering the married life on good financial terms than how many tiers should be on the cake.

Sing the chorus with me…okay too much?  Point taken.  Hopefully the journey will be one that brings you two closer together.  Feel free to ask questions for a male perspective in the comment section below.


*Super excited to have you all read things from a male perspective as he and I have had so many conversations on the topic. Look for my response soon....*Claps* didn't he do an amazing job?  I added the video FIRST....just in case you previously lived under a rock and weren't familiar with the song!
xoxoxoxoxoxxoxox Jay <3

Thursday, July 5, 2012

That dreaded “back fat”...

Let me begin by asking…who has a fire drill in triple digit heat? Right…Yeah just experienced one and it was a straight up nightmare! But I guess I shouldn’t be super upset because it truly wasn’t a drill…there was smoke on the 5th floor *apparently*. By far there was the MOST smoke in the parking deck where I stood, my coworkers confused this emergency with a smoke break and lit it up hunnies! Wheew…too much!
Anywho…planning a wedding can be overwhelming…well most of the time will be overwhelming!  There are so many decisions, and for most brides, selecting the perfect dress is the most important one. Congrats are in order once more…I have a new consulting contract! In this service, I will focus on defining wedding dresses that best suit the “bride to be’s” body shape, personality and style. After quite a bit of research and questionnaires…it’s time to SHOP! Depending on where she’d like to go during the shopping experience, I can pull looks and have them waiting for her when she arrives at the store AND/OR  meet her at a location and shop with her…providing real-time consultation.
From what I can remember she is a big busty…heavier set lady. Clearly this client is a recommendation as you can see because I’m not 100% sure what she even looks like. But that’s fine…my business is strictly recommendations most times.
Already I’m thinking!!!! My first idea is ruching…lol, it’s so forgiving! If she wants to hide her curves it’ll be different from if she wants to accentuate them! Heavier girls can sometimes look good in an empire waist! The smallest part of the gown will be right around the rib cage which is usually the smallest area on a heavier woman #noshade. Figure flattering indeed! However, if she has a rounder tummy…empire style will umm hide the curves and possibly look preggers and NOBODY wants those rumors at the wedding! If her waist is smaller and she has more of an hour glass shape…she’ll be able to do a classic gown. The official go to for ample bosoms and a small waist is undoubtedly showing the girls off…nothing but cleave cleave cleavage-thereby highlighting the positive. Never underestimate a good alteration…it’s the difference between looking your very best and looking aight on your special day! Bigger bust-heavier set girls should always choose a dress with a higher cut back to avoid that dreaded “back fat” otherwise known as back rolls…and I know from my own experience that heavier fabrics have a tendency to keep things pulled in, snatched up, and held so avoiding a lighter fabric is KEY.
Bridal Boutiques on the list in the area are….
Traditions by Anna Bridal Boutique
Alexia’s Bridal Boutique
Savvi Formalwear
Maggi Bridal
Bridal Boutique of NC
Lana Addison Bridal
~This should be funners….Hoping you had an AMAZING Independence Day, I did! I visited mom and we had hotdogs, hamburgers, potatos with garden fresh goodies like fresh cole slaw, fresh potatos, fresh onions, fresh tomato, and fresh lettuce...all from my Uncle's garden!!!

Mommy and Me!!!!