Friday, July 13, 2012

Welcome to HOLLYWOOD!!!!!

As I read the previous blog entry from my bestie X…I must say he was correct…India.Aire is playing in my head in the background! Thanks a lot! Lol I’m actually not a big India.Aire fan…just familiar with the songs that have gained popularity via mainstream society and radio. She had a good run for a long time…I mean what has happened? Since declaring she isn’t her hair…nobody can find her anywhere (haha that rhymed). So I don’t share in your love for India.Aire unfortunately X!
I think there are way more types of brides than the typical “production glitz glamour bride” and “cool calm collected bride.” I mean where are the “broke as a joke brides” and “fantasy come back to earth brides”…they can’t get no love? Don’t forget the “confused bewildered bride” oh and the “I’m a boss and I got something to prove bride!” Sure all of these can be lumped together in one bride, or the bride can display all of these many titles and characteristics on any given day during the planning process… but sometimes what the bride is known for isn’t  glitz or  laid back at all…it’s all those other ones I named! It’s funny, sometimes the most some brides have in common is they are getting married….and it stops there…women are some funny creatures! <--- said as if I’m not a woman! #smh Lol
I thoroughly enjoyed your take on what a man may ask himself before proposing…SO FREAKING INFORMATIVE. I think I’m fine if my fiancée isn’t as “engrossed” in the details….if I can make all decisions I’m good…buuuut I can see where it could be an issue. If my fiancée is the person I go to when I’m stressed…and I’m stressed about the wedding…naturally he may be my stress reliever and thereby be more involved than he’d like to be in the planning….hmm! Interesting take huh? I don’t foresee myself trying to involve a man that doesn’t want to be involved, however because women typically don’t like to compromise. It would be beneficial to have a conversation about it from time. I totally agree and think we may have talked about this in person…for me I think I’d like to say, “What are the MOST important things to you boo?” “Oh Food and Venue…okay cool you’ll have total decision power on those things and I’ll just let you know my decisions on all those other “non important” wedding items.”
Yes the wedding journey can make or break you….how you deal with conflict and difficult times while planning IS HOW you’ll deal with conflict and difficult times in your marriage so PAY ATTENTION to your mate.  Press on if she’s a mild bridezilla…get some counseling if she’s over the top! It may save your marriage in the long run J

And to all the glitzy brides that are after my own heart….lol Here’s our songgg ladies……while he’s playing strength courage and wisdom…let’s sing welcome to Hollywood!!!!
~Jay Fierce

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