Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Crinoline is FLY....

How wonderful is it that I have AMAZING ideas planned for my wedding but I have neither steady man nor ring in sight??? Hilar right? Hilar indeed! Anywho….I’m all about a pop of COLOR hunnie…and although older or more traditional people frown at my wedding shoe choice, I still plan to have colored shoes under a white dress! AND NOW….to add salt to wound, I might have dyed crinoline. LOL Yeah I’m just NOW getting up on this #lateboots. Typically it’s the Betsy Johnson inspired-Hippie brides that jump off the deep end for wedding fashion, and now you can add me to the fold! A colored crinoline under a traditional white dress is definitely different and YOU know I love me some different! The idea is kind of “scary” for lack of a better word….how will others receive it? Fashion Do or Fashion Don’t? ANNNDDD scary of all,  I would be committing to dying it myself; after all I don’t think they sell colored crinolines and if they do you know it’s in some ole basic colors and I don’t do basic. Sooo dye it is. I’m very excited!! (for when the time finally comes)
Let’s go through my thought process why don’t we? That crinoline is puffy and more than one material and I’d have to commit to dying it all! From watching project runway I know I have to use one of those huge plastic tubs or buckets to dye in. So some sort of plastic contraption, hot water, and dye should be enough to get me started or AT LEAST enough to start making my mess. Then it’s soaking, turning, stirring, and mixing until my desired color is obtained…easy enough! The hard part by far is not ruining my crinoline! After I’m sure it’s the shade I want, I think I have to begin rinsing in warm water, then cool water until the water runs clear (tricky right?).  After I’ve finished the intense dying process it’s machine washing in woolite on the gentle cycle to “seal the deal”!!! It amazes me the things we do because of our parents…but I only use woolite for my delicates, got that from my Mommy! After the washing machine has its turn with my crinoline…it’s time to find Grandma’s old clothes line to hang my masterpiece out to dry! I’m thinking a teal, turquoise, orange, or yellow….but I’m all over the place with colors because that purple is CUUUTEEEE!

After I’ve spent quite a lot of time thinking and writing my process….I realized can’t I just go buy some fabric and take it to somebody’s Aunt and have them sew me a colored crinoline? BUT that would take away from my Do it yourself (DIY) project…so nawl I’ll just dye it!  Look at the pics're a fan too! If anybody has a dyed crinoline in my circle, you KNOW I'll swear you got the idea from me :)

Hope everyone is well lovies J

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