Thursday, December 29, 2011

It'S mY BiRthDay...J'DAY XXVII

Take a peek at the evite I created for my birthday....nothing serious or extravagant this year just dining and entertainment with friends.... (Ugh this blog doesn't allow print screens and evite won't allow me to save it at as a jpeg or tif  to share with you all...)

It's that time AGAIN *J'Day*! Keeping it extremely casual and cute for my XXVII...let's do dinner at North Hills!

The move:  A light meal at Spring Rolls

Bonus Feature: For those that choose to continue the celebration or just can't get enough of me *wink*....the next move is Sparians bowling boutique for a light bowling situation and cocktails!
The catch....there is a limit for BOTH participates as well as observers!!! So it's pretty important that you let me know ASAP if you are definitely interested in oNe, BoTh, or NeiThEr as I have strict reservations at both venues.

RSVP to me at the latest by Wednesday January 4th 2012 at noon! Those that aren't 100% sure they intend to bowl...we'll discuss availability at dinner on Saturday night! 

Look forward to celebrating with you :) No love lost if you are unable to attend!


So J'Day pays homage to B'Day....Every since Beyonce's "B'Day" CD released on her actual Birthday September 4 in 2006....all of my birthdays have been christened J'Day! It's a well known fact! Ask anyone! lol

Chinese food is my FAVORITE food....I'm a huge fan of Asian fusion-Asian inspired-PF Chang's-Pei Wei- but I wanted to do bowling at the new bowling boutique yet I didn't want to drive the distance....I was going for convenience. The North Hills area is really cute but a lot of the restaurants I've either already celebrated a birthday at or I wasn't particularly fond of the menu. Many restaurants had expensive minimums....where people would have to eat and drink upwards of $50 per person. That's cute...but that's not what I was going for on my casual birthday!  Although I have asked guests to pay for their own meals at the restaurant (don't judge me)....I will be paying for bowling! It's so not your typical bowling's a little on the "really???? for bowling?????" flashy side of things! #Imfancyhuh

Haven't quite decided on a cake....will I do cupcakes...will I do a cake in the shape of a fave thing....will I do a two layer with a creamy center....hmmm! When you are spending your own money you tend to pay attention to these tiny details also known as expenses. I celebrate my bday the entire month so this one activity isn't all I have planned so I should probably be mindful as I go along! hmmmph!


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

DoNt aSk DoNt tELl

OMG, how was your Christmas?
My Christmas was amazing….I got some practical gifts that were just what I wanted but was never going to buy for myself!! This Christmas I learned people listen and my "oh by the way” conversations are not in vain. Thanks #TeamJay #winning
If you’ve never planned a wedding, been around a person planning a wedding, read books, completed research or watched every show known to woMAN on WE and TLC…then you probably don’t know a lot!  #noshade that is pretty safe to say! Lol that’s okay…it’s understandable. Most people stress out about this sort of stuff! I don’t profess to know everything there is to know about events/weddings but because I’m interested and creative I do what I can to research, learn and regurgitate well lol. Clients usually have a vision they want me to re-envision and add that “umph”….especially when it comes to a church wedding ceremony. There are certain things you have to ask your musicians to be sure you get the ceremony you’ve been dreaming about since you were 5. It’s not magic…it’s actually a lot of work….communicating via meetings, phone, email….exchanging ideas and making those hard decisions that indecisive people just can’t do. Lol
Some musicians will work closely with you…guiding your through the entire process and keeping planners and couple well informed. An organized musician can be hard to come by….especially in the church sometimes because they have sooooo many other duties-they attend all 5 choir rehearsals, travel with all 5 choirs, open the church for the youth, play for every artsy thing at church on top of collect the tithes as the trustee and pass out communion as the head deacon. LOL Okay maybe not that many duties and responsibilities but they do have a lot on their plate….and here we go adding weddings AND wedding rehearsals! Lord help us all! I don’t like musicians, heck vendors in general, who have the “don’t ask don’t tell policy”…assuming everything is OK because the couple didn’t know which questions to ask is grounds for termination. I try to tell everyone I work with that we must remain in control for the best results....
Questions that should be asked include: Do you have set music you play for weddings or can I give you music I would like? Do you think you can play this music? (I connected to the church’s wifi and played YouTube videos for the pianist). How much will this service cost? When is the first payment due? Are you available for a ceremony rehearsal? (This was tricky on the March wedding, he was available but also asked for an additional rehearsal in February…after many emails, it was planned for a Saturday around 9am!) How comfortable are you with playing for a wedding, have you done this before? Do you need sheet music, mp3 files or anything else? (He preferred YouTube although I have them on mp3 for the soloist preference).
 There are so many ways to trim a budget and sometimes a compromise with musicians is the best way. The March wedding musicians have agreed to attend the rehearsal and stay all night, have a conference call, and possibly record music for sharing purposes. They will also have a rehearsal the day of the wedding. This allowed me to cut the mileage and payment of the additional February rehearsal. Great musicians are the key to a beautiful ceremony…

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Good morning lovies…..
It’s 12/21 and it’s super close to CHRISTmas….want to know a pet peeve of mine? Xmas! People it’s not Christmas without CHRIST! My how we have gotten away from the true meaning…Jesus is the reason for the season! Uh Oh I feel extra convicted as I write this….I had an argument with my Mom on yesterday for her failed attempt at Christmas dinner this year! The menu is just not as appetizing as I’m use to. LOL I shall do better! *Hangs head in shame*
So many things going on! The bride had her bridal shoot in November…I think I told you! She looked absolutely GORG! It was a hassle getting everything together so early…typically you have a lil time to purchase accessories because your wedding is super far away but I encouraged her to get it done NOW! No not because I’m a meanie control freak…but because she needed all elements for her bridal photos. Jewelry, shoes, undergarments….you know stuff! Unfortunately I cannot post her bridal photos because well it should be a secret. But give me until April 2012 I’ll revisit this issue and amend it. I will share the pics of the location…it was absolutely beautiful!!! Straight out of a dream! I fell completely in love with it-well maintained with fresh paint and pops of color! The backdrop will give you an idea of how beautiful the bride’s photos look. My pics below are from my personal editing or anything FYI. 
 I doubled as many hands on professionals that day. First as a TIMEKEEPER (the bride was running a lil behind bless her heart), manager of the beauty salon, bride’s secretary in regards to the makeup artist, bride’s stylist, bride’s chauffeur, bride’s personal assistant, then the photographer’s personal assistant, and everybody’s equipment hauler! It was a rather interesting day!!! All turned out well. Recently the delivery of pictures has been a little disheartening….but we’ll take the good with the bad-make some deals-cut some expenses and think twice next time!

The Wide Open Field

John Deer....Huge Trees

Interesting Building

Freshly Painted Red Buildings

....Ladders, Tires, Teal Palettes

Historic White

Thursday, December 15, 2011

SupEr RisQUE

Good afternoon,
Hoping things are going exceptionally well for my followers on this Fab Friday! One of my favorite cake vendors is having a SALE! No not your common bake sale BUT a “winter special” *drum roll*….3 tier wedding cakes that feed 100 people for $299. The trick….it has to be a December 2011, January February or March 2012 date and this winter special does not apply to previously placed orders! But if you’re last minute OR all of a sudden have an event….this is a great deal. Their cakes are moist and their butter cream icing, to die for. They usually give free cake tasting for cakes serving 100 guests or more….I love that this place seems extra classy and tasteful-ultimately the most professional ever when dealing with them…but they have this section of their site that’s super RISQUE hunnie let me just tell you! Umm it’s for the grown and sexy crowd to say the least….cakes meant for bachelor and bachelorette parties….raunchy birthdays and gag anniversaries. LOL it’s funny! If that’s your type of personality, have fun with it! They do a great job of following through for you….never have I ever seen so many corsets, positions and male/female genitalia on cakes! I’m impressed with how virtuous they come across yet they still dive into that dirty dirty! Hey… appealing to ALL markets and all walks of life! That my friends, will keep them in business! I am neither mad nor offended!
Recently, they have given me a quote for my baby shower cake. Remember that star cake I blogged about earlier this month…well now the MTB (Mother to Be) found a pregnant topper and fell completely in love with it. I must admit it is a cutey McCutey…a pregnant lady sits atop a cake with her purse on one side and her shih tzu on the other!!!! I’ve gotten 2 quotes between $600-800 dollars but my favorite bakery (the one with the sale) will make the topper for only $25.00 if we purchase the cake there…the cake itself is between $3.00-$4.50 a serving….

Saturday, December 10, 2011

lOnG NiGHtS....


Let me begin by stating it's 10:35P on a Saturday night....right and I'm writing a blog! lol Don't judge me!! I have so many things going on right now with the possibility of adding 2 additional events in the beginning of next year! This whole weekend I've been WORKING! Researching on the Internet, sending emails, watching Do it yourself mini videos....the whole nine! I met at the venue of the baby shower last night and had such a productive meeting. So much so, I was in a rush to report back on ALL my action items. I love doing this!!! I've already sent the official quote for yeah it's going to be over $700. But I get a special planner's that will take it down just a tad. We're going to focus on the linens more than wall decor because the MTB really wants them. It takes a lot of measuring and research to know what size table cloth will fit the table the way you  have envisioned...

At 100 Guests and 8ppl per table....

13 rounds SOLID: White 120" Floor length for the 100 Guests

4 Rectangles SOLID: Hot Pink 90x132" Floor length for the Cake/Dessert, Gift, and 2 Buffets
3 Rectangles SOLID: Silver 90x132" Floor length for the 2 Buffets and 2 physical games

1 Classroom [18x60] SOLID: Hot Pink 54x120" for the Check-in

100 SOLID: White LCC for the Guests
2 SOLID: Silver LCC for the ladies at the Check-in
1 SOLID: Hot Pink LCC the SPECIAL Mother to be chair

52 SOLID: Hot Pink
51 SOLID: Silver
There is an additional $100 to have the bows Pre-set and Prettied in long Bows

The invitations arrived on Friday so I will get those this week to be mailed out! My first payment is due December 15 and we plan to make all purchases between December 15 and January 1. This is working out like a dream....


Friday, December 2, 2011

HeAvy is BeSt

Hi Hi Hi HI…it’s Friday!!!!
Sooo Baby Shower update? Don’t mind if I do! Save the dates were sent out via punchbowl (alternative to evite) in November as scheduled! As of last night there were 72 views so far….I guess that’s okay L because invitations have officially been ordered and will be sent out the 3rd week of December. I LOVE the invitations. They tie into the theme PERFECTLY and look super fancy! These invites will really set the tone for the event as they are the first tangible thing the guests will receive. When I obtained the proof I was so pleased, I look forward to working with this vendor for other things such as signs, place cards, and table numbers with this same design for the shower. You know, really drive it home with everything matching! Cohesiveness really screams Hollywood star studded event...well to me at least!  
So the menu has finally been confirmed for the baby shower. *Drum Roll Please*
Jerk Chicken Skewers w/ Mango Salsa
Wing Platter
Shrimp Skews w/ cocktail Sauce
Chicken Pockets filled with chicken (I have no idea why the caterer named it that)
Chocolate Covered Strawberries that will appear on the cake table

The Mother to be passed on: Mini Crab Cakes, Spring Rolls, Crab Salad in Wonton cups (this was almost on the menu), Mini Quiche, Fried Ravioli, Spinach Dip w/ Chips, Fruit and Cheese Platter (she did mentioned this), Collard Green Eggrolls, and Pulled Pork Eggrolls. It is my experience when you’re having something catered and they give you a list of things to choose from…pick the HEAVIER hors d’oevres to get your money’s worth. That's just what the MTB did....

Baby Shower Cake

Official Invitation