Thursday, December 29, 2011

It'S mY BiRthDay...J'DAY XXVII

Take a peek at the evite I created for my birthday....nothing serious or extravagant this year just dining and entertainment with friends.... (Ugh this blog doesn't allow print screens and evite won't allow me to save it at as a jpeg or tif  to share with you all...)

It's that time AGAIN *J'Day*! Keeping it extremely casual and cute for my XXVII...let's do dinner at North Hills!

The move:  A light meal at Spring Rolls

Bonus Feature: For those that choose to continue the celebration or just can't get enough of me *wink*....the next move is Sparians bowling boutique for a light bowling situation and cocktails!
The catch....there is a limit for BOTH participates as well as observers!!! So it's pretty important that you let me know ASAP if you are definitely interested in oNe, BoTh, or NeiThEr as I have strict reservations at both venues.

RSVP to me at the latest by Wednesday January 4th 2012 at noon! Those that aren't 100% sure they intend to bowl...we'll discuss availability at dinner on Saturday night! 

Look forward to celebrating with you :) No love lost if you are unable to attend!


So J'Day pays homage to B'Day....Every since Beyonce's "B'Day" CD released on her actual Birthday September 4 in 2006....all of my birthdays have been christened J'Day! It's a well known fact! Ask anyone! lol

Chinese food is my FAVORITE food....I'm a huge fan of Asian fusion-Asian inspired-PF Chang's-Pei Wei- but I wanted to do bowling at the new bowling boutique yet I didn't want to drive the distance....I was going for convenience. The North Hills area is really cute but a lot of the restaurants I've either already celebrated a birthday at or I wasn't particularly fond of the menu. Many restaurants had expensive minimums....where people would have to eat and drink upwards of $50 per person. That's cute...but that's not what I was going for on my casual birthday!  Although I have asked guests to pay for their own meals at the restaurant (don't judge me)....I will be paying for bowling! It's so not your typical bowling's a little on the "really???? for bowling?????" flashy side of things! #Imfancyhuh

Haven't quite decided on a cake....will I do cupcakes...will I do a cake in the shape of a fave thing....will I do a two layer with a creamy center....hmmm! When you are spending your own money you tend to pay attention to these tiny details also known as expenses. I celebrate my bday the entire month so this one activity isn't all I have planned so I should probably be mindful as I go along! hmmmph!


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