Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Good morning lovies…..
It’s 12/21 and it’s super close to CHRISTmas….want to know a pet peeve of mine? Xmas! People it’s not Christmas without CHRIST! My how we have gotten away from the true meaning…Jesus is the reason for the season! Uh Oh I feel extra convicted as I write this….I had an argument with my Mom on yesterday for her failed attempt at Christmas dinner this year! The menu is just not as appetizing as I’m use to. LOL I shall do better! *Hangs head in shame*
So many things going on! The bride had her bridal shoot in November…I think I told you! She looked absolutely GORG! It was a hassle getting everything together so early…typically you have a lil time to purchase accessories because your wedding is super far away but I encouraged her to get it done NOW! No not because I’m a meanie control freak…but because she needed all elements for her bridal photos. Jewelry, shoes, undergarments….you know stuff! Unfortunately I cannot post her bridal photos because well it should be a secret. But give me until April 2012 I’ll revisit this issue and amend it. I will share the pics of the location…it was absolutely beautiful!!! Straight out of a dream! I fell completely in love with it-well maintained with fresh paint and pops of color! The backdrop will give you an idea of how beautiful the bride’s photos look. My pics below are from my personal editing or anything FYI. 
 I doubled as many hands on professionals that day. First as a TIMEKEEPER (the bride was running a lil behind bless her heart), manager of the beauty salon, bride’s secretary in regards to the makeup artist, bride’s stylist, bride’s chauffeur, bride’s personal assistant, then the photographer’s personal assistant, and everybody’s equipment hauler! It was a rather interesting day!!! All turned out well. Recently the delivery of pictures has been a little disheartening….but we’ll take the good with the bad-make some deals-cut some expenses and think twice next time!

The Wide Open Field

John Deer....Huge Trees

Interesting Building

Freshly Painted Red Buildings

....Ladders, Tires, Teal Palettes

Historic White

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