Wednesday, September 28, 2011

OdE to mY coUSin...hUMble BEginnings...

Hi Reese’s Pieces....

Just got some really bad news...apparently my cousin's struggle with Prostrate cancer finally came to an end early this morning! I know right, quite sad! I’m first really worried about my cousin (his wife) and how she will pick up the pieces! Then there is my small ‘professional  basketball’ playing cousin (their son) and how he’ll continue to excel in life without a father figure! I hope he stays on the right path and becomes a productive goal reaching citizen because losing your father, when he was so active in your life, has got to be unbearable! I have mixed feelings about my cousin that passed….I’m sad he’s no longer here BUT I’m happy he’s no longer in pain! He didn’t do so hot with having others tend to his every need and then there were the revolving doors of both the hospitals and hospice care facilities. Wheew!  When I visited him in the hospital this last time it was really crazy…so many people, so many things you had to wear in order to just be in the room due to germs! As he lay in the hospital bed he felt he was falling half the time (you could see it in his eyes) and the other half he was busily talking to people that weren’t there! His legs were severely swollen yet he’d lost so much weight…But I think he knew who I was. As he grabbed onto my hand and elbow with both hands and gave it a gentle squeeze….I knew that my visit wasn’t in vain! He taught me SOOOOO much since I didn’t have a father figure for so long and they didn’t have children…basically I was with them every other weekend and on all their trips and boy did they travel! Ode to my dear cousin…May he rest in God’s perfect peace!

Didn’t realize how sad I was….glad I got that out! I actually set out to blog about my humble beginnings…and look what it turned into. Death always reminds you to live life to the fullest-dream the impossible-reach for the stars! That’s kind of what my business represents for me! As I got closer to forming a real business with a tax id, legally binding contracts, a name other than my God-given name and formal stationary, I did even more research! I attended free seminars…webinars…I read official and unofficial books, blogs, and websites! I tried to align myself with people that had 30 years in the event planning game and then I spoke to vendors because they could tell me the type of planner they hate to work with! After I did all of that, which at the time seemed like FOREVER, I put myself out there! For free a lot of the time and then I gradually climbed to a small fee! Humble beginnings! The best way to learn is real world experience-hands on training! Honestly I get most of my clients through friends that know my work ethic since my resume and portfolio isn’t as grand as it WILL be one day!


Monday, September 26, 2011

Old SchOOL ruLE

Your wedding dress should be white....Umm not so much in this day and age!

Yes white is pure and perfect but I love when brides rock an ivory or champagne dress! Honestly, no matter the color as long as the fit is NICE, I'm a fan! We all aren't size 0's or even size 10's but we can all accentuate the best part of our womanly figures! Some of us just have to do the very best we me I know this to be so true for myself lol! A lil chicken cutlet (did people really use to put a boneless chicken breast in their bra???) for those that don't have excess up top and some sturdy undergarments to push things in place and add a lil bump where needed below! I LOVE to be different and true to my personality, so if an old tradition doesn't necessarily fit in, I don't advise following through on it! Dare to be YOU! I think it's much appreciated when guests notice your "different" on your day :)

Color COLOR COLOR!!!!! Let's put a pop of color in a sash or non traditional colored jewelry around the neck...YES!!! Gets me rather excited! I love to see an accent shoe of some sort...whether it be a sexy high heel-pump or peek toe...or some wedding colored converses...I think it's so adorable. This is where I start to lose a lot of people when I speak of wearing something other than a heel at your wedding! The wedding I was planning for me lol, well we were going to wear Prada's because he was a huge fan of these $500 shoes and had several I was going to get me some equally expensive Prada sneakers too, or he was going to get them! I remember he would act like they were Jordan's or something...I promise he would have stood in line at the crack of dawn had it EVER been a line to stand in....Right, guess he had it like that! Moving on....Be unique-one of kind-truly you!!!! I can't wear heels because of an unfortunate incident at my I would rather not wear kitten heels or straight up flats (My normal day to day)...I'd rather match my hubby and let us share that! We'd be jumping off to a nice start! Remember: Couples that begin by sharing spend a lifetime caring! haha I just made that up...on the spot! Go ME!!!!


Monday, September 19, 2011

You're so FAKE....

Cutting to the chase, I’d rather not see plastic anywhere in formal events. No fake flatware, cups, plates….flowers!!! lol Renting such items can be such a hassle and expensive even! You have to rewash it when you pick it up to be sure it’s formal occasion clean vs. warehouse storage clean…then use it while hoping no one breaks any of it….then return it washed and pay all damage fees for broken or cracked merchandise! As you can see, yeah it’s a lot! But surprisingly, well worth it once it’s all set up because it looks absolutely AMAZING in comparison to those hard plastic plates that come in bulk from BJ’s, Costco and the like! I wish I could say I’ve never used those plastic plates….but I have for informal occasions! *hangs head in shame* BUT you see....some venues do not have dishwashers…and my lil townhome friendly dishwasher is not the business when it comes to such industrial loads! Plastic makes for an easier clean up…that’s one great plus for plastic! If clients request plastic....I'm going to try my best to find the best plastic available in all of the world! But when you get into weddings of a certain size…ie 150+ you must have all rentals delivered and just pay for the delivery! I agree with saving money and sticking to a budget whenever necessary but having things delivered and set up just makes MORE sense…it’s less stressful for everyone involved. Not to mention if something is missing or incorrect-guess what-you have a person right there that is willing to correct the error immediately! If you find something wrong after setting 15 tables on a Saturday morning….you’ll probably have to make due and hope no one notices that table 9 is just a lil bit different from the rest!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Free Services....BAsicAlly!

Please read the tale below (it was suppose to be a 3-5 sentence testimonial)'s a tale of how my Bestie has always received free services from me and it just HIT me today! Well, if I had to pick my best friend, heck I'd pick a crafty event planner too....can't be mad at her for that:) haha Love ya Bestie:)

Jamilah D. Worley!! (Not my government on blast? lol) There is so much that I could say about this wonderful woman, but I will try to keep it brief! (This would be the first lie lol)

This wonderful woman that I have known since June of 2003 is not only a person known by so many names such as: Jam, J., Sweetness, Beyonce, and J. Fierce, but is someone that is known for her kind heart, a person that will lend you the clothes off her back, (Only if we're the same size) a woman of integrity, morale, independence, honesty, respect, and will tell you the truth! She is someone known to be and is a TRUE FRIEND!

As her Bestie, I am not just saying that, but I can remember the first time we met..haha. It was during the African American Symposium at North Carolina State University. My mom told me before coming to campus, that I probably wouldn't have many friends...girls especially. But who would have known that one of the first persons to say "HEY, How are you?" Was Jamilah Worley!! Of course I spoke back, but didn't entertain it because I was up under my mom and aunt, and they wouldn't let me go anywhere, lol!
Well, school started and I would see Jamilah here and there on campus, and we would say to each other "Heyyyy Girl!!! How Yoooou Doing?" We would talk and keep it moving! A year later, we ran into each other again (I think we were skipping class that day, or probably just late) (LIES LIES LIES...I was walking back to the dorm because my class and study group was over when I saw you...after my class I'd went to the computer lab in Nelson for a while to do some work. Now'am you were probably skipping or extremely late lol). She asked me, "girl u going to the probate," and I was like "what probate," which was the Kappas crossing at A&T in Greensboro, NC. (My friend from a high school program was crossing and everybody was leaving too early or too late for my schedule..since she was from the Greensboro area I figured she'd already be going) Jam, said well I want to go, but don't have a car!! I said girl I do, wanna go? From that one day and a 10 minute conversation, we have been best friends since!!

She helped my mother plan my 25th birthday party in January of 2010. Now I am a Huge birthday person, and I go for a whole month!! So that year it wasn't much talk about my birthday, and I was like what's going on..but then realized I wasn't saying much about what I wanted to do. My mother told me she was getting me a room for Friday night, and to dress nice for dinner. A little random and awkward, right!?! (Definitely a lil weird lol) Yeah I thought the same. So, we are on our way to eat and she said Torrie put this blind fold on!!! What, for what reason? Still hasn't registered, hey this could be a surprise! Walk into Hams, and before I get the blind fold off, all I hear is SURPRISE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Jam and my mother got me!! (Annnd Tremik and Ashley..they definitely help out as your 2 oldest best friends on your parties!! lol) They planned it so good, and organized. I never knew and it never crossed my mind that in 2010, that was how I was going to spend my birthday!! :)

Again, I can continue on and on, but when it comes to coordinating, Ms. Worley, is on top of everything,can multi-task, and can tell you what you need, what may or may not work, and will accommodate you in anyway sort to make it work!! I will continue to have her plan my events, and if, if, if,if (lol) that time so happens to EVER come, she will plan my wedding, and be in it too!
(A task that I will probably only do for her....I hate being a bridesmaid in weddings I's so much lol)
Love always and kudos to my bestie JAM D. WORLEY!   
Gotta love her and our :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Might I have this DaNce?


" many of us have them?" haha I love that oldies but goodies song! I have a bestie that's bunches of the fun ALL the time and is so freaking positive and encouraging. She probably wouldn't let me be depressed even if I wanted too. She has this dream of singing in her wedding, which is a chuckle all in itself...but she's so hilarious when she explains how she wants to do this! She wants a special "bling bling" mic that her Mom will hand her...BEHIND the doors of the church and she's going to sing the entire first verse before walking down the isle singing the chorus. She's a "kidder" but I think she's really serious about it! I just know I can't wait...regardless if she can sing or not (she plans to take voice lessons)...the outward expression of love-the pure and unadulterated affection will be PRICELESS! Go girl!!!

Bestie and I at North Hills

I'm sure you'll agree wedding songs are a very important factor to consider when planning your wedding. They set the general mood and tone for your ceremony AND reception, while also allowing you to express your feelings through music. For instance, I know I must have "At Last" at my wedding...if it's in the ceremony my cousin/soloist will sing it...if it's played at the reception, it can be by the legendary Etta James or my personal icon who I think I am sometimes...non-other than Mrs. Beyonce Giselle Knowles Carter!!! She's actually my screen saver right now! lol

Do you have any idea how many songs I have to help a couple pick for a traditional wedding and reception? No..Do you? Seriously??? WEDDING: Interlude, Prelude, Processional, Recessional, Unity Candle, Prayer song, Vows song.... RECEPTION: Bouquet toss, Cake cutting, During dinner, Introduction of couple, Father-Daughter dance, First Dance of couple, Garter Toss, Last Dance, Mother-Son dance, Introduction of the wedding party, Dollar Dance.... Oh and that's just standard! They could have way more or way less (I'm a fan of less lol) gets real tricky when they want melodies, snippets, and mixes of certain songs!!! All and all MUSIC is sooo monumental....let's not forget that at your special day lol

~Corn on the Cob
 (I so brought this for lunch and made a mess! Lesson: Don't bring Corn on the Cob to lunch. You can't really use your manners when eating it...not to mention the corn juice that spreads everywhere lol #dontjudgeme)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Oh Stop...I blush so easily!

Love Muffins....

So I've been working on my lil informational website (I downplay it because it's not fancy at all) and it takes a fair amount of time. I love to write but I don't always fall in love with the finished product or in this case the finished web page. Of course that leads to edits, re-edits and total deletion of some hard work sometimes lol. Anywho, I bring it up because I've had to send out mass emails asking for testimonials! I feel like I'm drumming up business and I don't like to do that! lol *Sigh* The thirstiness is so rampant these days and I hate to be apart of that! I'm so humbled by the wonderful things people have to say about lil ole me! That will never get old! When you're really passionate about something, and I have to admit I'm pretty passionate about a couple of things, it's nice when others can see it and then share with the world! I bet I'm so talented because I am an only child and there wasn't much to be involved in while growing up in a small town! I know I'm thorough and I give you 100%, but I'm happy I'm able to convey that to my small client list!

Most events I simply consult, a phone call here and there, then a meeting to tie it all together and sometimes that's it. Of course that doesn't pay the bills, imagine charging 10% of your budget for some phone calls! Yeah, that would NEVER happen! But honestly, if I come up with the theme, decide on the menu, and tell you where to get the decorations and send a pic of how they should be set up....umm yeah it's only a consult but I DID do all work...humbly I say this as I'm only stating fact! There is way more money in the hustle and bustle of things-the picking up of rentals and the coordinating of over 1000 emails. Ooo how I love it so! Organization...Organization! Whether its a simple consult or an elaborate full package...I'm your girl! I'm so lucky to have come in contact with such amazing people thus far...I hope I never get off this ride :)


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Payment's EVE

Oh Lovies.... *sigh*


Tomorrow will be a grand day! Do you want to know how I know? Well it's because tomorrow is PAYMENT DAY! My first payment is due which means it's exactly 6 months until this wedding. It's been really fun thus far, and only a tad bit stressful! Hurricane Irene created the most stress as the guests couldn't attend the engagement party for fear of death...( I exaggerate lol). But all and all, as things come up it only reaffirms how much I love event planning!!

~2 Fingers...