Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Free Services....BAsicAlly!

Please read the tale below (it was suppose to be a 3-5 sentence testimonial)....it's a tale of how my Bestie has always received free services from me and it just HIT me today! Well, if I had to pick my best friend, heck I'd pick a crafty event planner too....can't be mad at her for that:) haha Love ya Bestie:)

Jamilah D. Worley!! (Not my government on blast? lol) There is so much that I could say about this wonderful woman, but I will try to keep it brief! (This would be the first lie lol)

This wonderful woman that I have known since June of 2003 is not only a person known by so many names such as: Jam, J., Sweetness, Beyonce, and J. Fierce, but is someone that is known for her kind heart, a person that will lend you the clothes off her back, (Only if we're the same size) a woman of integrity, morale, independence, honesty, respect, and will tell you the truth! She is someone known to be and is a TRUE FRIEND!

As her Bestie, I am not just saying that, but I can remember the first time we met..haha. It was during the African American Symposium at North Carolina State University. My mom told me before coming to campus, that I probably wouldn't have many friends...girls especially. But who would have known that one of the first persons to say "HEY, How are you?" Was Jamilah Worley!! Of course I spoke back, but didn't entertain it because I was up under my mom and aunt, and they wouldn't let me go anywhere, lol!
Well, school started and I would see Jamilah here and there on campus, and we would say to each other "Heyyyy Girl!!! How Yoooou Doing?" We would talk and keep it moving! A year later, we ran into each other again (I think we were skipping class that day, or probably just late) (LIES LIES LIES...I was walking back to the dorm because my class and study group was over when I saw you...after my class I'd went to the computer lab in Nelson for a while to do some work. Now YOU...ma'am you were probably skipping or extremely late lol). She asked me, "girl u going to the probate," and I was like "what probate," which was the Kappas crossing at A&T in Greensboro, NC. (My friend from a high school program was crossing and everybody was leaving too early or too late for my schedule..since she was from the Greensboro area I figured she'd already be going) Jam, said well I want to go, but don't have a car!! I said girl I do, wanna go? From that one day and a 10 minute conversation, we have been best friends since!!

She helped my mother plan my 25th birthday party in January of 2010. Now I am a Huge birthday person, and I go for a whole month!! So that year it wasn't much talk about my birthday, and I was like what's going on..but then realized I wasn't saying much about what I wanted to do. My mother told me she was getting me a room for Friday night, and to dress nice for dinner. A little random and awkward, right!?! (Definitely a lil weird lol) Yeah I thought the same. So, we are on our way to eat and she said Torrie put this blind fold on!!! What, for what reason? Still hasn't registered, hey this could be a surprise! Walk into Hams, and before I get the blind fold off, all I hear is SURPRISE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Jam and my mother got me!! (Annnd Tremik and Ashley..they definitely help out as your 2 oldest best friends on your parties!! lol) They planned it so good, and organized. I never knew and it never crossed my mind that in 2010, that was how I was going to spend my birthday!! :)

Again, I can continue on and on, but when it comes to coordinating, Ms. Worley, is on top of everything,can multi-task, and can tell you what you need, what may or may not work, and will accommodate you in anyway sort to make it work!! I will continue to have her plan my events, and if, if, if,if (lol) that time so happens to EVER come, she will plan my wedding, and be in it too!
(A task that I will probably only do for her....I hate being a bridesmaid in weddings I plan...it's so much lol)
Love always and kudos to my bestie JAM D. WORLEY!   
Gotta love her and our story....lol :)

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