Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Oh Stop...I blush so easily!

Love Muffins....

So I've been working on my lil informational website (I downplay it because it's not fancy at all) and it takes a fair amount of time. I love to write but I don't always fall in love with the finished product or in this case the finished web page. Of course that leads to edits, re-edits and total deletion of some hard work sometimes lol. Anywho, I bring it up because I've had to send out mass emails asking for testimonials! I feel like I'm drumming up business and I don't like to do that! lol *Sigh* The thirstiness is so rampant these days and I hate to be apart of that! I'm so humbled by the wonderful things people have to say about lil ole me! That will never get old! When you're really passionate about something, and I have to admit I'm pretty passionate about a couple of things, it's nice when others can see it and then share with the world! I bet I'm so talented because I am an only child and there wasn't much to be involved in while growing up in a small town! I know I'm thorough and I give you 100%, but I'm happy I'm able to convey that to my small client list!

Most events I simply consult, a phone call here and there, then a meeting to tie it all together and sometimes that's it. Of course that doesn't pay the bills, imagine charging 10% of your budget for some phone calls! Yeah, that would NEVER happen! But honestly, if I come up with the theme, decide on the menu, and tell you where to get the decorations and send a pic of how they should be set up....umm yeah it's only a consult but I DID do all work...humbly I say this as I'm only stating fact! There is way more money in the hustle and bustle of things-the picking up of rentals and the coordinating of over 1000 emails. Ooo how I love it so! Organization...Organization! Whether its a simple consult or an elaborate full package...I'm your girl! I'm so lucky to have come in contact with such amazing people thus far...I hope I never get off this ride :)


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