Wednesday, September 28, 2011

OdE to mY coUSin...hUMble BEginnings...

Hi Reese’s Pieces....

Just got some really bad news...apparently my cousin's struggle with Prostrate cancer finally came to an end early this morning! I know right, quite sad! I’m first really worried about my cousin (his wife) and how she will pick up the pieces! Then there is my small ‘professional  basketball’ playing cousin (their son) and how he’ll continue to excel in life without a father figure! I hope he stays on the right path and becomes a productive goal reaching citizen because losing your father, when he was so active in your life, has got to be unbearable! I have mixed feelings about my cousin that passed….I’m sad he’s no longer here BUT I’m happy he’s no longer in pain! He didn’t do so hot with having others tend to his every need and then there were the revolving doors of both the hospitals and hospice care facilities. Wheew!  When I visited him in the hospital this last time it was really crazy…so many people, so many things you had to wear in order to just be in the room due to germs! As he lay in the hospital bed he felt he was falling half the time (you could see it in his eyes) and the other half he was busily talking to people that weren’t there! His legs were severely swollen yet he’d lost so much weight…But I think he knew who I was. As he grabbed onto my hand and elbow with both hands and gave it a gentle squeeze….I knew that my visit wasn’t in vain! He taught me SOOOOO much since I didn’t have a father figure for so long and they didn’t have children…basically I was with them every other weekend and on all their trips and boy did they travel! Ode to my dear cousin…May he rest in God’s perfect peace!

Didn’t realize how sad I was….glad I got that out! I actually set out to blog about my humble beginnings…and look what it turned into. Death always reminds you to live life to the fullest-dream the impossible-reach for the stars! That’s kind of what my business represents for me! As I got closer to forming a real business with a tax id, legally binding contracts, a name other than my God-given name and formal stationary, I did even more research! I attended free seminars…webinars…I read official and unofficial books, blogs, and websites! I tried to align myself with people that had 30 years in the event planning game and then I spoke to vendors because they could tell me the type of planner they hate to work with! After I did all of that, which at the time seemed like FOREVER, I put myself out there! For free a lot of the time and then I gradually climbed to a small fee! Humble beginnings! The best way to learn is real world experience-hands on training! Honestly I get most of my clients through friends that know my work ethic since my resume and portfolio isn’t as grand as it WILL be one day!


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