Friday, January 6, 2012

L@youts & $etups

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope your new year was as laid back as mine…well I guess that’s mean! Rewind: I hope your New Years was super exciting and simply ravishing sugar plums!
So as the wedding draws close, it’s time to alert the custodial staff of the church lay out! There are so many ceremony lay outs that relate both the theme of the wedding with the couple’s style. Equally, there are as many churches and venues that don’t allow you to move furniture or the furniture is way too heavy to be move. You have options and most venues aren’t one in the same…they vary greatly!
The best way to start making the hard decisions is to decide what type of atmosphere you want to create. Is it massive extravagant or intimate reticent? Will your guest arrive at a traditional ceremony in a church or is “out of the box” more your speed? Do you want your guests to be immediately amazed at how much they think you spent or focus on loved ones and your union? City or Country? As you may well know there are countless details to consider. One very personal option is “standing room only”, with a small barrel, banister, or table for ceremony essentials. It’s simple and sweet and just right for an outdoor ceremony or small venue space. When weddings are small and reduced to the bare essentials, it’s great to accent things that already exist in the space. Outdoor weddings may have trees, decorate the trees and either the couple or the guests stand under it. A few flowers here and there and you’re pretty much done.
I personally am a huge fan of the couple changing it up and possibly standing in the center of guests. It’s different!!! You can have 4 sections separated by an aisle, extremely long semi circles, or a true circle around the couple. If you feel this takes away from the traditional aspect then my suggestion is to stick to theatre seating. Couples that have a ceremony and reception in a smaller venue with little to no room to flip the space from ceremony to reception…typically have guests seated in banquet style for both. I’ve seen this be incredibly charming.
Traditional church weddings have those stationary objects called….Pews! Yeah these don’t move and if they do move, your wedding is naturally not important enough to move them. Most people who want a traditional wedding are looking for the traditional look so pews aren’t a problem usually. The issue I’m running into is removing the musical equipment. The Pianist will not play both the keyboard and Piano…so why not move the one he isn’t using? Drums don’t’ have a solo at the wedding…so why are they there again? Choir stands that are removal, let’s move it ALL! If you’re not doing a obscene amount of decorating the space MUST BE neat and clean! You’d be surprised at church custodians who don’t see the tremendous need to remove the excess. Clutter mess is okay for Sunday morning worship…NOT for a wedding Sirs!
Some of the best ceremonies are the ones that are different-guests are seated in Quadrilaterals (4 sides) such as square, rectangle, rhombus or circles, semi circles, ovals, or parallel rows. Just the same, some of the best ceremonies are the traditional theatre style or guests seated in pews. Whatever you choose- COMMIT and make your wedding fun free and YOU! Pictures below are of the BEAUTIFUL Church of my March Wedding!!! Seats are purple...and remember Purple and green are the FAB!
~Birthday GIRL.......

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