Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Jealous Girl….

Whyyyyy did this video just bring tears to my eyes? I’m getting softer in my older days. I can explain crying at a wedding…but I cannot explain crying at work while viewing a YouTube video of people I don’t even know! LOL! It appeared on my facebook mini feed…someone posted it on their page and I, of course, loaded the link as soon as I saw it! Anything dealing with a wedding I’m WATCHING…especially a video!!!  OMG! Real tears gathered in my eyes before I had a chance to contain myself! Awwe!!!!  I get a tad bit emotional for those that are bitten by the love bug anyway but further emotion ensued when I remembered I’ll never be able to choreograph a number such as this! It’s not that I’m a fan of performing in front of an audience…but I’d like to make that decision when the time comes…not have the decision made for me due to my circumstance! (If you can understand that lol)
After all, what can I expect since my sperm donor fought my Mother to avoid signing my birth certificate! I was doomed from the start! Love is blind…sometimes you aren’t aware of how trifling a person is until it’s too late! SMH! Long story short, I met the other side of my family at 12 for the first time…and although I’ve connected with my wonderful Grandparents and developed a lukewarm relationship with the rest of the family…the sperm donor only speaks when spoken to or when in front of others! Sad right? I think an apology of some sort is in order but I’ve decided not to hold my breath in anticipation for fear that I may just die! So I could take this option number 1 OR option number 2! My mom got married in 1995 and although he’s been in “the home” he hasn’t truly been a father figure! There are arrests, warrants, records, alcohol, drugs, and a debatable work history! So it’s safe to say…if the time should ever come JESUS will walk me down the aisle and my father daughter dance will be with…ummm ummm ummm Let me think about it! Lol

Thursday, March 22, 2012


One of my subscribers pointed out I haven’t recapped the wedding…My bad! I wasn’t ready I guess! Lol
Rehearsal involved a lot of chiefs and not enough Indians at some points…but all in all the Pastor, Pianist and violinist were a breeze to work with! It of course didn’t start as on time as I’d like because there were a lot of late people but that was expected and that’s why I planned a 3 hour rehearsal! Lol I finished setting up the church and left to meet the entertainment at the reception venue….then double backed to the rehearsal dinner in Durham where my GPS refused to find the location! I got there in time to eat and before a lot of the wedding party actually…food was different but very good! Friday I stayed up til 3am which I originally thought would be 5am…so help does do a body good, namely my BACK good! It was fun to catch up with 3 of my friends while I put them to work....I laughed, I cried...we sang....the time flew by!
Saturday I was up at 7am and on a Target run. I called the bride at 7 and she didn’t answer the phone I thought she had over slept for her hair appointment and I died just a little bit until she texted me back! I was at the church at 9:30…doing some last minute shifting…organizing flowers, and getting some last minute surprises to be incorporated into the wedding! Pictures didn’t start on time because a lot of the family wasn’t there to start them unfortunately! It was super sad that the outside pictures didn’t work out due to the rain and mud…so the stage was the location. The hostesses for the wedding were AMAZING! I had to leave the church to meet the caterer at the reception hall…show him around…and get back to the church! That was a bit stressful I must say…I had to constantly remind myself to drive the speed limit and be careful in the rain. I wouldn’t want to get into a wreck or get a ticket to offset my EXTREMELY calm mood! The wedding went well....I caught the bride crying lol I said "hey are you having a MOMENT" , she said "yes" just as innocent! It was SHOWTIME...I made her walk with a purpose and then her song came on! LOL She walked quite slow down the aisle which was amazing, nobody listens to that advice and she held her bouquett right where I said! She looked beautiful and the photographer captured her and her husband in that moment! No big hiccups in the wedding...a few surprises...but nothing that would have me significantly rate the wedding lower! Again I had a friend (Thank God for friends) that came by the church to get the flowers and move the cocktail tables out for cocktail hour! That allowed me to disappear at the close of the wedding and not 30 seconds prior to…I think a hand full of people saw me before leaving instead of just a blurr of me lol!
When I arrived at the reception…it was SOOOO LOUD! Apparently the deejay wanted to check his equipment...I remember I couldn’t think because it was so loud! I had one final thing to do and that was table numbers…The graphic artist had to reprint a couple table numbers and she didn’t deliver them until Saturday morning! I had the same friend finish putting them on the tables…and then I had to go around and write the names of the tables on the table setting spreadsheets. Would have taken 9 minutes…but there were so many people in the event space. I had entertainment doing a final run through and the caterer scurrying to get the job done! This was Hilar! I had people asking to be seated close to things…people asking to be called first to eat….and people asking for their seats…when everyone should have been at Cocktail hour! But then again people couldn’t go enjoy cocktail hour because the caterer was running a tad behind...so instead they enjoyed the lounge! LOL The wedding party was taking a little longer than I expected…I hear it was HARD work to bustle the bride’s dress and because they were individually driving to the reception I needed to tighten the reigns. They took some WONDERFUL pictures at my request, I know they were tired of taking pictures but the photographer must do their job and memories/pictures are PRICELESS! I’m sure the couple will thank me later! 

After bumping heads with the caterer a couple of times…everything was finally picking up! I promise the hardest thing to do is trust people and remain calm when things have fallen off schedule. The deejay made this joke about me…STILL CAN’T BELIEVE IT! He said, "and this is Jay of Timeless Creations" (audience clapped) then he said “can y’all believe she gave me a script of how this is suppose to run…can y’all believe that? She don’t know I can’t read”….I kept a really nice face but I was soooo cringing on the inside! Guests enjoyed the food, found it a little spicy, but enjoyable and they found the Deejay comical yet personable! The VENUE was a HIT! Although it was slightly out of budget, I’m glad I could convince the bride to view the space! The hostess they provided was named KATELYNN and I freaking love her, she ROCKS! I vented to her the entire night because hey she didn’t know anyone and she was soooo super friendly and easy to work with. She did her job a million times over and was definitely there to help clean up. A little after 9pm the music was still LOUD but most of the guests had departed. I intended to clean up til 12am and load my car alone and drive home by 2am…but thanks to some wonderful hostesses, deejay’s wife, bride’s sister and KATELYNN I am happy to say I was showered and in my bed sleeping by 11:30! Ain’t God good? All the time!


Friday, March 16, 2012


Hi Jay, My husband and I had so much fun on Saturday and everything from the church to the reception was absolutely beautiful!  I have a little bit of "OCD" in my personality, so I can truly appreciate the details that went into organizing this wedding, and you did a fantastic job.  I would love to work with you in the future.  Aside from the thousands of invitations I sell online, I also do custom designs as was needed by the couple. ~Stationary 
Jay, Thank you so much. And it was a pleasure working with you. You did a great job coordinating.  A good coordinator makes my job even easier! Take care and be blessed! ~Pastor
You did an excellent job with planning the wedding day! It was definitely a rather smooth day. If I were to point out that something went wrong it would be when "others" started planning the wedding the DAY of. LOL. (Our inside joke)  Again thanks for your consideration and I hope to work with you again! ~Photographer
It was our pleasure and I hope we work together again very very soon! ~Reception Venue

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

FaMily FeuD....

You know what is really NOT HOTT? Starting your marriage while feuding with your in-laws! That’s really not IT!
I’ve never been in such a situation (and I hope NEVER to be)…so my advice is of course very limited in dealing with this! I do know it’s hectic trying to play to your fiancée, their family, your family and acknowledging the vision you have for your special day! When planning a wedding, stress mounts understandably, and as you spend more money and venture further and further out of budget….that can break even the nicest of humans! People pleasing gets old after a while, but you can’t spaz out and become totally dismissive when it comes to EVERYONE’s opinions! As a blushing bride or glowing groom, you must acknowledge your fiancée and you must respectfully discern between the concerns of their family and your family. In no way do I condone being disrespectful, but you must be clear and concise to avoid confusion. Confusion is the devil and disorganization is Satan’s Sister! (Shout out to Starr Jones’ new novel)
There are a variety of issues that could arise but the more common ones are nasty, demanding, criticizing, and insisting in-laws!! Not all newlyweds realize that getting along with the in-laws is one of the BIGGER challenges of married life! With most things before they fester, nip it in the bud before it causes tension in your marriage post wedding day! Families must let go to an extent and realize this person is now an adult in their own right with less time and money for them. LOL Mother’s very quickly forget cling to your wife…separate from your mother, as they are most often the problem! I do feel super sorry for young wives however because Mother in laws are so heavily vested in the mentality of “Mother knows BEST”, or so they think! Sadly, your spouse and future children may well depend on your relationship with the in-laws! Honestly a family feud affects a person’s physical, emotional, and spiritual life! While running this marathon, please be responsible, don’t intentionally draw others into your feud…that’s just nasty and makes for some very awkward moments at family gatherings!
Dealing with Debbie Downer's and Rude Randy’s is difficult! In order to avoid constantly stepping on egg shells (sometimes in your OWN home) there are some things you can do! Be brave…face it! Show gratitude for the concern of your in-laws although you don’t appreciate their message! Remember to be positive and take the HIGH road more times than not (I mean we all slip)! Be honest…in a polite way! Taking for granted that the other person won’t receive something well is how we dig the hole deeper…try being honest and heartfelt! Don’t exclude your spouse or soon to be spouse, talk to them about your concerns because if they are the person you intend to spend your life with…they should care about your feelings!!!! Remind yourself that a good relationship with your in-laws builds a strong foundation for your future family (may need to be repeated over and over)! It’s yet another sacrifice! If this is an issue, heavily discuss during premarital counseling as well as post marital counseling if needed! GET HELP in some shape or form…it’s not wise to internalize it until the feud wins!

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Just wanted to share a few testimonials with you that I've received since the completion of the Womble-Smith wedding! People have said some really nice things and I certainly appreciate it as my small business grows! I am open to critiques as well and I have gotten a few believe it or not! lol
Jay, There are no words to express how much I appreciate all of your support on Saturday (especially with the dance terminology). It is because of your great direction and planning that this event was a hit.. I consider the couple family and was truly honored that they asked me to provide this service for their wedding reception. It is considered a bonus to have had an opportunity to work with you. Thank you..  ~Deejay

Thanks for the kind words; I think everything came off beautifully ~Father of Groom

Hi Jay, My pleasure. You are certainly on the ball and your professionalism shines through like a star. It was a joy to work with you and that's what makes things pleasant when there is no second guessing. If I run across anyone needing a planner, I know who to contact if that's ok. Take care. ~Pianist


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

brIdal pOrtrAits....

Why Hello….
Happy Tuesday Love muffins! *Yawn* I’m still unfortunately just a little sluggish from this past weekend! Womble-Smith wedding is now in the past, and from conducting a little chitter chatter, the bride is a happy client! So as you know, I’m a one woman show so that leaves a lot on me most events (to be expected) BUT not this one! I had my Mom and some amazing friends that helped throughout the weekend! I’m sure they’re the only reasons why I got any sleep at all! Lol I put my Mom on tablecloth and chair cover duty (not tying sashes however) of course I helped her while also moving chairs and tables and decorating for cocktail hour in the business center! I had absolute PROFESSIONALS doing the centerpieces…they took a lot of time as they were in charge of stringing wire coils through itty bitty holes on crystals and then hanging them on a glittery branch! The branches were surrounded by white marble rocks and that was inside green flower pots! Needless to say that was a lot of lifting and they got REALLY chalky messing with it all! I’m grateful to have been able to pass that along! Shockingly, another friend showed up and surprised me…he was called in for reinforcement and he got straight to work…we tied 150+ sashes in less than 2 hours! He was a mad man! I was slow in comparison BUT I was doing a lot of other things as well in between! I had such a busy schedule ( I can tell you about it later)….LOL but enough about me…I can finally share some bridal photos with you! Have a look see..these were some of my faves :)