Thursday, March 22, 2012


One of my subscribers pointed out I haven’t recapped the wedding…My bad! I wasn’t ready I guess! Lol
Rehearsal involved a lot of chiefs and not enough Indians at some points…but all in all the Pastor, Pianist and violinist were a breeze to work with! It of course didn’t start as on time as I’d like because there were a lot of late people but that was expected and that’s why I planned a 3 hour rehearsal! Lol I finished setting up the church and left to meet the entertainment at the reception venue….then double backed to the rehearsal dinner in Durham where my GPS refused to find the location! I got there in time to eat and before a lot of the wedding party actually…food was different but very good! Friday I stayed up til 3am which I originally thought would be 5am…so help does do a body good, namely my BACK good! It was fun to catch up with 3 of my friends while I put them to work....I laughed, I cried...we sang....the time flew by!
Saturday I was up at 7am and on a Target run. I called the bride at 7 and she didn’t answer the phone I thought she had over slept for her hair appointment and I died just a little bit until she texted me back! I was at the church at 9:30…doing some last minute shifting…organizing flowers, and getting some last minute surprises to be incorporated into the wedding! Pictures didn’t start on time because a lot of the family wasn’t there to start them unfortunately! It was super sad that the outside pictures didn’t work out due to the rain and mud…so the stage was the location. The hostesses for the wedding were AMAZING! I had to leave the church to meet the caterer at the reception hall…show him around…and get back to the church! That was a bit stressful I must say…I had to constantly remind myself to drive the speed limit and be careful in the rain. I wouldn’t want to get into a wreck or get a ticket to offset my EXTREMELY calm mood! The wedding went well....I caught the bride crying lol I said "hey are you having a MOMENT" , she said "yes" just as innocent! It was SHOWTIME...I made her walk with a purpose and then her song came on! LOL She walked quite slow down the aisle which was amazing, nobody listens to that advice and she held her bouquett right where I said! She looked beautiful and the photographer captured her and her husband in that moment! No big hiccups in the wedding...a few surprises...but nothing that would have me significantly rate the wedding lower! Again I had a friend (Thank God for friends) that came by the church to get the flowers and move the cocktail tables out for cocktail hour! That allowed me to disappear at the close of the wedding and not 30 seconds prior to…I think a hand full of people saw me before leaving instead of just a blurr of me lol!
When I arrived at the reception…it was SOOOO LOUD! Apparently the deejay wanted to check his equipment...I remember I couldn’t think because it was so loud! I had one final thing to do and that was table numbers…The graphic artist had to reprint a couple table numbers and she didn’t deliver them until Saturday morning! I had the same friend finish putting them on the tables…and then I had to go around and write the names of the tables on the table setting spreadsheets. Would have taken 9 minutes…but there were so many people in the event space. I had entertainment doing a final run through and the caterer scurrying to get the job done! This was Hilar! I had people asking to be seated close to things…people asking to be called first to eat….and people asking for their seats…when everyone should have been at Cocktail hour! But then again people couldn’t go enjoy cocktail hour because the caterer was running a tad instead they enjoyed the lounge! LOL The wedding party was taking a little longer than I expected…I hear it was HARD work to bustle the bride’s dress and because they were individually driving to the reception I needed to tighten the reigns. They took some WONDERFUL pictures at my request, I know they were tired of taking pictures but the photographer must do their job and memories/pictures are PRICELESS! I’m sure the couple will thank me later! 

After bumping heads with the caterer a couple of times…everything was finally picking up! I promise the hardest thing to do is trust people and remain calm when things have fallen off schedule. The deejay made this joke about me…STILL CAN’T BELIEVE IT! He said, "and this is Jay of Timeless Creations" (audience clapped) then he said “can y’all believe she gave me a script of how this is suppose to run…can y’all believe that? She don’t know I can’t read”….I kept a really nice face but I was soooo cringing on the inside! Guests enjoyed the food, found it a little spicy, but enjoyable and they found the Deejay comical yet personable! The VENUE was a HIT! Although it was slightly out of budget, I’m glad I could convince the bride to view the space! The hostess they provided was named KATELYNN and I freaking love her, she ROCKS! I vented to her the entire night because hey she didn’t know anyone and she was soooo super friendly and easy to work with. She did her job a million times over and was definitely there to help clean up. A little after 9pm the music was still LOUD but most of the guests had departed. I intended to clean up til 12am and load my car alone and drive home by 2am…but thanks to some wonderful hostesses, deejay’s wife, bride’s sister and KATELYNN I am happy to say I was showered and in my bed sleeping by 11:30! Ain’t God good? All the time!



  1. why the deejay try to call you out tho????? love this wish we could see the wedding pics:) <3 you i know you did an AMAZING joy. cannot wait til i have something for you to plan;)

  2. @ Joy...RIGHT! I'll post some wedding pics this week! I picked them up on Friday! I'm sure you'll have something for me to plan bi-coastal soon :)
