Tuesday, November 29, 2011

WhImsiCAl inDEEd...


I feel like it's been FOR-EVER since I've last blogged! This past weekend was Thanksgiving and the weekend before that was State's Homecoming, Chase's bday celebration and my 5th line Deltaversary!!! State actually won too...it was a major upset for Clemson! Needless to say I've been super busy this month!!!! But I'm happy to regain my usual calmness...well as calm as my life can be!!

One of my friends (since high school) is getting married March 2012...it's a destination wedding in Jamaica! Fancy right? After her engagement, we met for lunch and she discussed me as a possible wedding planner! However, not long after, she decided to do a destination wedding and therefore no longer needed my services! *sad face* Destinations are pretty easy to plan because my work is limited BUT you have to trust the wedding coordinator at the resort and that is sometimes a hard task for both the bride and their planner! There is nothing average about my friend....I love her because she's sweet as pie but I also love her soon to be husband too...I met him early on in the relationship because we double dated...dinner and the first Paranormal Activity! (Seems so long ago) Haha I remember they were super cute...not laying on top of each other, smooching and rubbing, but just holding hands...awwe! Memories! Ugh my date fell asleep! Yeah we're not together for that reason *joking* but honestly I think he went to sleep because he's scared of scary movies/haunted houses/scary tv shows, lol that is Sooooo not manly! Back to my friend...he's a tad bit older than her but she's pretty mature for her age so they balance each other well. Maybe I should go "older" too...let's be honest I've been trying to go "older" for a while...men my age chile!!!

So picture a wedding on the beaches of Jamaica...in the best weather possible. Already nice right? Paradise indeed!  My friend is super funny she refers to herself as a "lazy bride" but I wouldn't think so...she's not lazy ever so that's a big surprise to me. Unfortunately she hasn't decided on bridesmaid dresses (don't be alarmed..she only has 2)....I think it's a matter of finding one she really really likes. She believes there are A LOT of decisions that you have to live with forever and that freaks her out! Poor bride! She's putting on the pressure to make everything perfect. She has a new gray hair and has lost weight! Awwe I hate to see anyone stressing about their wedding. I suggested to her if she can't find the bridesmaid dresses she likes....do a solid color and do some wicked accents in the original wedding color. Flowers, shoes, hair accessory, jewelry, make up...all in your wedding color if you can't find the color as a dress. All guests are wearing white ( love that) and she put that information on the Save the date a long time ago. She's extremely satisfied with her wedding dress and she's going to have a trash the wedding dress session. Really love that! Those pictures are always so fab! Groomsmen in linen and bridesmaids in long flowy watermelon dresses (well if she can find some). The Ocean will be the backdrop to this truly magical event...whimsical indeed!

LOL I began this blog to discuss her bridal shower....it was in a modern brewery! The set up was really open..upstairs away from guests. Bud vases and flowers on each table...a lot of white table cloths and plenty of sunlight due to the large windows! She played some AWESOME games....one involving loads of sour gum balls in her mouth and a hot bouquet reminiscent of a fave childhood game like hot potato...this got competitive FAST! Food was awesome...chicken wings, pork egg rolls, black bean & cheese quesadillas, 3 different types of pizza, cheese nachos, crab dip...and I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting something. LOL The cake was the showstopper...it was double layers...creme cheese on the outside and some whipped raspberry filling on the inside of a double decker lemon cake! Ummm I have got to order me a cake from Blue Moon for my next event! I really enjoyed myself and surprisingly gave the most SEDUCTIVE gift amongst a lot of kitchen gifts, home decor and boring gifts lol. I got my gift from Priscilla's because that's usually how a young bridal shower works and I didn't want to be the only one without a risque gift...well I was the ONLY person with a risque gift. How embarrassing...in my defense I did ask her before I bought said gift and she encouraged me to get it! I'm apologetic that I can't be at her wedding but I couldn't find more than 1 person to share a room with. Then my wedding is the same date so it's totally out of the question. I dropped by the couple's new home and it's huge and gorgeous....I'm so happy for them! I've been there since the beginning! They make a beautiful couple and I know they will be happy for a lifetime! Cheers!!!! 


Tuesday, November 22, 2011



Although I've had access to them for a while....I don't think I've shared some of the engagement party photos with you! #Sillyme Have a look see below....

~Happy Tuesday before Thanksgiving!!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ishe's emAILS....

Dudes & Dudettes....

Vendor's should thoroughly answer all questions....if that means typing an answer in a different color each time a question appears-Let's do that! <--See how that works lol The devil is in the details as Mrs. Phaedra Parks said on the Real Housewives of Atlanta Sunday night! Truly some details can be confusing when simply discussing via phone to anyone that happens to answer the phone that day....but if I first have a contract and second have emails where you stated key information in WRITING....I can constantly refer back to it! That makes my life so much easier...and full time job friendly! I have coworkers that do not mind handling all types of business in ear's reach of everyone but that's just not my thing...maybe it'll change as I get older.

My email
[Good morning Mr. ----------,

I am Jay Worley and I will be assisting in the ---------- Baby shower at your hotel on January 28, 2012. I am in the process of inquiring about linens and chair covers and have some questions concerning the measurements of both. Currently we are anticipating 13 round guests tables (banquet style set up) and need to know the exact measurements of the rounds. We intend to set up food and games and I'd like to know the measurements of any additional tables available (ie classroom and rectangle). The Duke and Carolina rooms have been reserved! What is the maximum number of tables these rooms will hold, as this is important as we begin to envision the set up. Lastly, will you provide information on the chairs as we intend to rent chair covers-for instance whether they are folding or standard hotel chairs.

Is there a surround sound system available for use and is it compatible with an IPOD and CD? Is there a PA system available equipped with microphones? Does your hotel own easels for display of posters? Are there any other items whether they are free or for a fee included in the rental of the Duke and Carolina rooms.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your reply!

Well that fell on deaf ears....he's not one to pay heavy attention to detail! Some questions were answered....most were overlooked! I'll have to call and then go by the venue for a better understanding. Once the budget is increased and certain pricey foods are prepared by the family, I'll have to begin another round of communication with Ishe...email off limits of course!

**Happy 27th Birthday to my best friend Chase T.P. Jordan**

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

FLoWeR PoWEr....

I feel like it’s been a while….my mind has been preoccupied with soooo many thoughts that I haven’t made time to blog! So unfortunate! This past weekend someone that I was once close to had Open heart surgery unexpectedly!?!? Exactly-feel my pain and utter confusion…this afternoon he will be released after a very long 2 weeks! God is good…now onto recovery!
A couple of days ago I had a florist appointment with the bride at Watered Garden Florist. It’s a cute lil shop near my alma mater NC State. It went super well. The office manager had been so on point, answering my original email within 30 mins of my sending it. Yes, she set a TERFFIC tone and I was eager to work with the team. The office was eccentric…paintings and sculptures lined most of the walls in odd colors. But it was still an inviting space..calm and free! We went into the conference area and I remember thinking it’s soooo roomy (Subconciously I think I associate a cramped space with inadequate work)!  The only thing is they had a dog... and they allow the dog to have free roam….and he DOES-on your feet, on your legs, on your purse…on your laptop! Lol He was cute though!
From the office manager to the designers…the meeting continued to be professional! All meetings start with the basics…how many this and that….then move into style of this and that! Luckily for every florist, my bride isn’t sold on anything so they have free range!  That range of course dwindles a bit when we begin discussing budget. They took us to their built in flower studio in the back….ALL florist don’t have one of these....the flower refrigerator itself was the size of a truck! It was straight out of a movie…HUGE with 30+ different types of rentals and at least 20 of said rental in all colors (columns, stands, vases, cylinders, urns, podiums, flower pots etc.) essentially ANYTHING you can think of to make a wedding beautiful.
We had finally arrived at the fun part…watching the designers create magic!  It’s fun when you can say I like this….Umm maybe not that….yes something like that but maybe a little higher…hmm can we keep this but add that! The first florists worked a lot with Manzanita branches…THIS florist worked with curly willow… GIGANTIC, FULL Curly willows and then used wire to attach full bloom white roses to the branches. OMG A-MAZ-ING! It looks much prettier than I could ever describe….oh and they are $150 a piece!  True to our meeting they promised a quote and guess what? I GOT IT….drum roll please….a little under $5000! LOL Don’t be alarmed...we gave them a Wish list so that we could price all ideas and then we’ll pick and choose from there. The bride isn’t interested in anymore florist appointments…so I’m only waiting on one other quote before hiring a florist!  They gave us parting gifts…HOW SWEET….Check them out below…notice how colossal the bride’s bouquet is…and how minuscule mine is….you can’t even see mine can you? Lol TELL THE TRUTH!

~Signed...just a tad bit salty (only kidding) *wink wink*

Monday, November 7, 2011

A Wedding do....

When selecting a stylist for your wedding it is imperative that you begin the process early. The Early bird gets the fly style! General rule of thumb is to have a hair trial long before your wedding date....especially if you are not familiar with the stylist-for instance if they came by referral. A great time for a hair trial is your bridal portraits if you choose to take those! In a perfect world, the same stylist that gives you a great wash and set would be your offical "go-to stylist" for your fabulous wedding up do...but yeah that would be too easy and therefore hardly ever happens. I prefer things in order so I know instead of shopping around for an excellent price....I would just pay the money for the style I wanted (forget a budget). 

When hair extensions are used...the price almost doubles...so if you find yourself with a choice to get your hair cut prior to your wedding-Exit stage right and keep that length for your stylist! Paying double for a style can be alarming...but remember it's your wedding and this isn't the time to be too cheap! If all the decor associated with your ceremony space and reception is luxurious and high end-perhaps costing more than $50,000...BUT your hair and make up is sub par....umm I don't have to tell you what your guests will remember **hint hint* it won't be the crystal centerpieces....

Recently I've built my stylist network by 3...and they all speak confidently about the task at hand but always resort to "but send a picture". lol Pricing wedding up do's has been interesting...usually between $45-75 but you have to bring your own hair extensions which cost north of $35 for the "good stuff". Oh the world of weave....it's a not a world I'm well versed in but I'm learning!


Sunday, November 6, 2011

ReAP whAT yOU SoW....

Hi mums,

This weekend has been such a treat! I attended a game viewing party on yesterday...it was so early. Kickoff was at 12pm...and I still had to get my portion of the food! I got on the road on time but stopping at a local grocery posed a problem. It wasn't a grocery store that I felt comfortable stopping at...as soon as I walked in all eyes were on me. I'm not EVEN exaggerating. I wanted ruffles because they perform so well in dips...but the lays were on sale so you know I got lays. $6+ for chips is getting a lil out of hand chip manufacturers everywhere...I didn't know the rising cost because I don't buy chips. Walking to and once inside, I got so many "hey girl", "ummm", "you are just bootiful"...it was a lot! (If you ever want to test fate and gain confirmation that you are single by CHOICE...get dolled up and go to portions of South East Raleigh..and see if you don't have your pick of 9 men).

 As if all that wasn't entirely too much for a Saturday morning, I then stopped at McDonald's to get a gallon of sweet tea to finish my items for the party. Yeah it took 17 minutes. The drive-thru was wrapped around the building so I got out...met 3 men that first thought I'd just gotten out of church (mildly offensive because I didn't think my outfit gave Saturday morning church) and then wanted to compliment the way I smelled and the way I looked! Thanks drunk Uncles...because that's exactly what they looked like. First the McDonald's workers couldn't just get my tea...I had to wait until all the food orders before me were filled! Then they didn't have any gallon teas made....and nobody would fulfill the order! They were so busy nobody seemed to mind that I was just going to stand there without a tea. I got to the party 30 mins after kickoff and the food was slightly chill...well because they were waiting on the chips for the dip. Food was great though....a real nice spread. Oh I should probably remind you I'm a Carolina Tarheel fan but I graduated from North Carolina State University home of the wolf pack...their match up was yesterday so I spent the better half of the game just looking...no cheers no sighs....just happy to be in the number! State won...13-0 so yeah I was quiet but strangely happy I guess. lol

My Saturday story wasn't suppose to be that long (and I didn't finish)...I'm writing to actually get into Sunday's message. My friend Xavier always says my pastor has all girls our age under a spell because we just love love love him. lol I tell him that's not it...it's just an awesome word every Sunday! NO hit or miss...no fumbling through the Bible...just a good strong solid word from GOD! That's why we love him Xai/Zay!!!!!!-he reads my blog (I spell his nickname "my way" a lot). Any who the word was from Galatians and Luke and boy did he speak some truth. Reap what you sow is something we use negatively but what if we didn't. What if the direct output of life was exactly what you put in it. Do we have the obedience to pray on command for what God is telling us to pray for? Are we obedient to God to reap what we want in our spiritual relationship with him? It's like the moment you close your eyes to pray, all the thoughts start to rush about what you need,what you want, bless my family and BLESS MY BUSINESS! This is the part I wanted to get to. I have this event planning dream, this vision and I'll only get out of it what I put in it...so I put in hard work of course! BUT beloved (as my Pastor says) I want to reap the Godly in my business so it'll sore to new heights! I always want to be honest and true when dealing with people-no taking advantage or skimming money off the top. I simply want to be genuine in my actions always, even when the opposite of genuine may seem appealing. I struggle with being super nice and letting people "run a muck", I'm learning how to capture the reins. But honestly it's hard to tell people NO when they are paying! I have to get so creative and try to remind clients of the vision...if for some reason that isn't working... I can keep it 100% real-the budget gets my point across every time. I know that assertiveness will come with more experience! I think I'm getting better...sometimes I just have to flat out say "I don't think you're going about this in the right way, let's discuss". Away from the business, just my person in general, it helps that I've always been conscious of reaping what I sow. I think that's why people are so willing to work with me. I gained 2 people to add to my network on yesterday...hmm great! I'm starting to really think of ways Timeless Creations by Jay can sow a Godly seed so that the business can harvest great fruit! Maybe I can do an angel tree in my business name...or give in my business name for something great. I haven't made astrological numbers this year but every little bit counts toward the kingdom right????

~Happy Sabbath

Friday, November 4, 2011


Happy Friday…..*does Friday dance*
So this is one massive baby shower…but since it’s still in the beginning stages we still have time to simplify it or make it very ostentatious (I love that word lol #Wordswithfriends). On Tuesday the client requested a real time budget but I usually stray away because I’m still a sharpie pen and printed worksheet type of gal…but I want to give the client what she asks for. She said it would help with keeping the family and her on point and that’s pretty logical! Side note: When I get big time each client will have their own workspace/worksheets/bulletin boards in a password protected section…meaning a real time budget that I can update and they can update simultaneously! Now back to the present, right now my bride gives me all her receipts and chile she forgets sometimes and then relies on her account overview online lol
Check out the spreadsheet…tailored to the event!!!  I deleted all personal information...Elgin Lumpkin is R&B singer Ginuwine's birth name ( I love him). I kind of cut off the pink Director's block on the right...well really this is the most horrible picture EVER -it wouldn't let me paste my print screen so I could show all sections lol! Umm I still have to figure out a formula that writes a logical formula to auto-populate 1 if the answer is yes in the RSVP section!  It’s equipped with a section to keep track of Guests, Budget, and Schedule….

I use another budget page too…(my lil secret) but it’s apart of a well known invitation website and they are usually pretty on point…I told my client about that one if she chooses to use it because honestly it’s always pretty accurate!!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Greetings love muffins,
Last night was the most fun I’ve had brainstorming in a long time! The first meetings are always so exciting …the initial planning super hype! After many emails, questionnaires, and facebook messages, I met my client for our first official face to face meeting. Cheesecake factory was the spot…I ate a greek salad for starters (small plate edition) and a whopping pecan turtle cheesecake for dessert! I wonder if the meal aided in my excitement…probably so lol.  Truly, I had a lot of pure fun collecting the details….brainstorming ideas, and relaying my taste and style on things! Baby showers are so cute and cuddly but not this one hunnie…it’s going to be GRAND! It’s on the scale of a nice sized wedding! Can you see me beaming with joy? The Mother to be (MTB) is named Hali (Holly)…sooo her theme *drum roll* HALIWOOD:: A STAR IS BORN. OH MY FREAKING GOSH I LOVE LOVE LOVES THAT! It’s a girl!!! So the more pink and glitter the better. My client says we’ll most definitely hit it off when we meet because we both have larger than life personalities and love celebrating in a big way! That’s certainly something to look forward to! The MTB plans to furnish shirts for the planning committee and those assisting with the shower! Awwe shirts…truly after my own heart!
 There are 150 people invited…many traveling from NY and MD, so rooms are even blocked at the hotel for this event….let me remind you THIS is a baby shower not a wedding! It’s going to be an event like none other…start time is 5pm until 11pm! Right…my experience is only 2-3 hours for a shower…but this one will be uhh different to say the least. The Carolina and Duke ballrooms have been booked at a hotel here in Raleigh. It cost a little more than half the budget…Umm not an awesome thing. But that is to be expected since venues usually cost between 40-50% of the entire budget. Currently planning for save the dates and invitations….themed décor and this MTB wants chair covers for the 150 chairs! YAASSSS madam, let’s spend this money!  My client will be meeting with her family in the next two weeks to increase the budget as the food and venue alone are $500 over already! This typically happens when people don’t truly realize how much things like this cost and don’t have a realistic picture since they have no experience in planning for 150 people. They requested the setup to be banquet tables with centerpieces…so it’s my suggestion that it would be too GIANT of a task to get 100 people to play one game…so let’s do *drum roll* BABY CHANGING STATIONS! How creative am I?  Picture this:: Banquet tables in the center…projection screens all around…and 8 stations on the outer most edges of the ballroom! Maybe we can control the 150 guest list by making groups with only 20 people or less playing a game at one time. Its co-ed so I’ve taken it up a notch with the games (everything doesn’t need to be Prissy)…Stroller NASCAR Race and the Pregnant Marathon (involves a book bag of bricks and an obstacle course.yeah I do it big lol).
On to the Save-the-dates….they go out this month! Save the dates for a baby shower gives you an idea of how big this truly is!