Sunday, November 6, 2011

ReAP whAT yOU SoW....

Hi mums,

This weekend has been such a treat! I attended a game viewing party on was so early. Kickoff was at 12pm...and I still had to get my portion of the food! I got on the road on time but stopping at a local grocery posed a problem. It wasn't a grocery store that I felt comfortable stopping soon as I walked in all eyes were on me. I'm not EVEN exaggerating. I wanted ruffles because they perform so well in dips...but the lays were on sale so you know I got lays. $6+ for chips is getting a lil out of hand chip manufacturers everywhere...I didn't know the rising cost because I don't buy chips. Walking to and once inside, I got so many "hey girl", "ummm", "you are just bootiful" was a lot! (If you ever want to test fate and gain confirmation that you are single by CHOICE...get dolled up and go to portions of South East Raleigh..and see if you don't have your pick of 9 men).

 As if all that wasn't entirely too much for a Saturday morning, I then stopped at McDonald's to get a gallon of sweet tea to finish my items for the party. Yeah it took 17 minutes. The drive-thru was wrapped around the building so I got out...met 3 men that first thought I'd just gotten out of church (mildly offensive because I didn't think my outfit gave Saturday morning church) and then wanted to compliment the way I smelled and the way I looked! Thanks drunk Uncles...because that's exactly what they looked like. First the McDonald's workers couldn't just get my tea...I had to wait until all the food orders before me were filled! Then they didn't have any gallon teas made....and nobody would fulfill the order! They were so busy nobody seemed to mind that I was just going to stand there without a tea. I got to the party 30 mins after kickoff and the food was slightly chill...well because they were waiting on the chips for the dip. Food was great though....a real nice spread. Oh I should probably remind you I'm a Carolina Tarheel fan but I graduated from North Carolina State University home of the wolf pack...their match up was yesterday so I spent the better half of the game just cheers no sighs....just happy to be in the number! State won...13-0 so yeah I was quiet but strangely happy I guess. lol

My Saturday story wasn't suppose to be that long (and I didn't finish)...I'm writing to actually get into Sunday's message. My friend Xavier always says my pastor has all girls our age under a spell because we just love love love him. lol I tell him that's not's just an awesome word every Sunday! NO hit or fumbling through the Bible...just a good strong solid word from GOD! That's why we love him Xai/Zay!!!!!!-he reads my blog (I spell his nickname "my way" a lot). Any who the word was from Galatians and Luke and boy did he speak some truth. Reap what you sow is something we use negatively but what if we didn't. What if the direct output of life was exactly what you put in it. Do we have the obedience to pray on command for what God is telling us to pray for? Are we obedient to God to reap what we want in our spiritual relationship with him? It's like the moment you close your eyes to pray, all the thoughts start to rush about what you need,what you want, bless my family and BLESS MY BUSINESS! This is the part I wanted to get to. I have this event planning dream, this vision and I'll only get out of it what I put in I put in hard work of course! BUT beloved (as my Pastor says) I want to reap the Godly in my business so it'll sore to new heights! I always want to be honest and true when dealing with people-no taking advantage or skimming money off the top. I simply want to be genuine in my actions always, even when the opposite of genuine may seem appealing. I struggle with being super nice and letting people "run a muck", I'm learning how to capture the reins. But honestly it's hard to tell people NO when they are paying! I have to get so creative and try to remind clients of the vision...if for some reason that isn't working... I can keep it 100% real-the budget gets my point across every time. I know that assertiveness will come with more experience! I think I'm getting better...sometimes I just have to flat out say "I don't think you're going about this in the right way, let's discuss". Away from the business, just my person in general, it helps that I've always been conscious of reaping what I sow. I think that's why people are so willing to work with me. I gained 2 people to add to my network on yesterday...hmm great! I'm starting to really think of ways Timeless Creations by Jay can sow a Godly seed so that the business can harvest great fruit! Maybe I can do an angel tree in my business name...or give in my business name for something great. I haven't made astrological numbers this year but every little bit counts toward the kingdom right????

~Happy Sabbath

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