Tuesday, November 15, 2011

FLoWeR PoWEr....

I feel like it’s been a while….my mind has been preoccupied with soooo many thoughts that I haven’t made time to blog! So unfortunate! This past weekend someone that I was once close to had Open heart surgery unexpectedly!?!? Exactly-feel my pain and utter confusion…this afternoon he will be released after a very long 2 weeks! God is good…now onto recovery!
A couple of days ago I had a florist appointment with the bride at Watered Garden Florist. It’s a cute lil shop near my alma mater NC State. It went super well. The office manager had been so on point, answering my original email within 30 mins of my sending it. Yes, she set a TERFFIC tone and I was eager to work with the team. The office was eccentric…paintings and sculptures lined most of the walls in odd colors. But it was still an inviting space..calm and free! We went into the conference area and I remember thinking it’s soooo roomy (Subconciously I think I associate a cramped space with inadequate work)!  The only thing is they had a dog... and they allow the dog to have free roam….and he DOES-on your feet, on your legs, on your purse…on your laptop! Lol He was cute though!
From the office manager to the designers…the meeting continued to be professional! All meetings start with the basics…how many this and that….then move into style of this and that! Luckily for every florist, my bride isn’t sold on anything so they have free range!  That range of course dwindles a bit when we begin discussing budget. They took us to their built in flower studio in the back….ALL florist don’t have one of these....the flower refrigerator itself was the size of a truck! It was straight out of a movie…HUGE with 30+ different types of rentals and at least 20 of said rental in all colors (columns, stands, vases, cylinders, urns, podiums, flower pots etc.) essentially ANYTHING you can think of to make a wedding beautiful.
We had finally arrived at the fun part…watching the designers create magic!  It’s fun when you can say I like this….Umm maybe not that….yes something like that but maybe a little higher…hmm can we keep this but add that! The first florists worked a lot with Manzanita branches…THIS florist worked with curly willow… GIGANTIC, FULL Curly willows and then used wire to attach full bloom white roses to the branches. OMG A-MAZ-ING! It looks much prettier than I could ever describe….oh and they are $150 a piece!  True to our meeting they promised a quote and guess what? I GOT IT….drum roll please….a little under $5000! LOL Don’t be alarmed...we gave them a Wish list so that we could price all ideas and then we’ll pick and choose from there. The bride isn’t interested in anymore florist appointments…so I’m only waiting on one other quote before hiring a florist!  They gave us parting gifts…HOW SWEET….Check them out below…notice how colossal the bride’s bouquet is…and how minuscule mine is….you can’t even see mine can you? Lol TELL THE TRUTH!

~Signed...just a tad bit salty (only kidding) *wink wink*

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