Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Greetings love muffins,
Last night was the most fun I’ve had brainstorming in a long time! The first meetings are always so exciting …the initial planning super hype! After many emails, questionnaires, and facebook messages, I met my client for our first official face to face meeting. Cheesecake factory was the spot…I ate a greek salad for starters (small plate edition) and a whopping pecan turtle cheesecake for dessert! I wonder if the meal aided in my excitement…probably so lol.  Truly, I had a lot of pure fun collecting the details….brainstorming ideas, and relaying my taste and style on things! Baby showers are so cute and cuddly but not this one hunnie…it’s going to be GRAND! It’s on the scale of a nice sized wedding! Can you see me beaming with joy? The Mother to be (MTB) is named Hali (Holly)…sooo her theme *drum roll* HALIWOOD:: A STAR IS BORN. OH MY FREAKING GOSH I LOVE LOVE LOVES THAT! It’s a girl!!! So the more pink and glitter the better. My client says we’ll most definitely hit it off when we meet because we both have larger than life personalities and love celebrating in a big way! That’s certainly something to look forward to! The MTB plans to furnish shirts for the planning committee and those assisting with the shower! Awwe shirts…truly after my own heart!
 There are 150 people invited…many traveling from NY and MD, so rooms are even blocked at the hotel for this event….let me remind you THIS is a baby shower not a wedding! It’s going to be an event like none other…start time is 5pm until 11pm! Right…my experience is only 2-3 hours for a shower…but this one will be uhh different to say the least. The Carolina and Duke ballrooms have been booked at a hotel here in Raleigh. It cost a little more than half the budget…Umm not an awesome thing. But that is to be expected since venues usually cost between 40-50% of the entire budget. Currently planning for save the dates and invitations….themed décor and this MTB wants chair covers for the 150 chairs! YAASSSS madam, let’s spend this money!  My client will be meeting with her family in the next two weeks to increase the budget as the food and venue alone are $500 over already! This typically happens when people don’t truly realize how much things like this cost and don’t have a realistic picture since they have no experience in planning for 150 people. They requested the setup to be banquet tables with centerpieces…so it’s my suggestion that it would be too GIANT of a task to get 100 people to play one game…so let’s do *drum roll* BABY CHANGING STATIONS! How creative am I?  Picture this:: Banquet tables in the center…projection screens all around…and 8 stations on the outer most edges of the ballroom! Maybe we can control the 150 guest list by making groups with only 20 people or less playing a game at one time. Its co-ed so I’ve taken it up a notch with the games (everything doesn’t need to be Prissy)…Stroller NASCAR Race and the Pregnant Marathon (involves a book bag of bricks and an obstacle course.yeah I do it big lol).
On to the Save-the-dates….they go out this month! Save the dates for a baby shower gives you an idea of how big this truly is!

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