Monday, November 7, 2011

A Wedding do....

When selecting a stylist for your wedding it is imperative that you begin the process early. The Early bird gets the fly style! General rule of thumb is to have a hair trial long before your wedding date....especially if you are not familiar with the stylist-for instance if they came by referral. A great time for a hair trial is your bridal portraits if you choose to take those! In a perfect world, the same stylist that gives you a great wash and set would be your offical "go-to stylist" for your fabulous wedding up do...but yeah that would be too easy and therefore hardly ever happens. I prefer things in order so I know instead of shopping around for an excellent price....I would just pay the money for the style I wanted (forget a budget). 

When hair extensions are used...the price almost if you find yourself with a choice to get your hair cut prior to your wedding-Exit stage right and keep that length for your stylist! Paying double for a style can be alarming...but remember it's your wedding and this isn't the time to be too cheap! If all the decor associated with your ceremony space and reception is luxurious and high end-perhaps costing more than $50,000...BUT your hair and make up is sub par....umm I don't have to tell you what your guests will remember **hint hint* it won't be the crystal centerpieces....

Recently I've built my stylist network by 3...and they all speak confidently about the task at hand but always resort to "but send a picture". lol Pricing wedding up do's has been interesting...usually between $45-75 but you have to bring your own hair extensions which cost north of $35 for the "good stuff". Oh the world of's a not a world I'm well versed in but I'm learning!


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