Tuesday, November 29, 2011

WhImsiCAl inDEEd...


I feel like it's been FOR-EVER since I've last blogged! This past weekend was Thanksgiving and the weekend before that was State's Homecoming, Chase's bday celebration and my 5th line Deltaversary!!! State actually won too...it was a major upset for Clemson! Needless to say I've been super busy this month!!!! But I'm happy to regain my usual calmness...well as calm as my life can be!!

One of my friends (since high school) is getting married March 2012...it's a destination wedding in Jamaica! Fancy right? After her engagement, we met for lunch and she discussed me as a possible wedding planner! However, not long after, she decided to do a destination wedding and therefore no longer needed my services! *sad face* Destinations are pretty easy to plan because my work is limited BUT you have to trust the wedding coordinator at the resort and that is sometimes a hard task for both the bride and their planner! There is nothing average about my friend....I love her because she's sweet as pie but I also love her soon to be husband too...I met him early on in the relationship because we double dated...dinner and the first Paranormal Activity! (Seems so long ago) Haha I remember they were super cute...not laying on top of each other, smooching and rubbing, but just holding hands...awwe! Memories! Ugh my date fell asleep! Yeah we're not together for that reason *joking* but honestly I think he went to sleep because he's scared of scary movies/haunted houses/scary tv shows, lol that is Sooooo not manly! Back to my friend...he's a tad bit older than her but she's pretty mature for her age so they balance each other well. Maybe I should go "older" too...let's be honest I've been trying to go "older" for a while...men my age chile!!!

So picture a wedding on the beaches of Jamaica...in the best weather possible. Already nice right? Paradise indeed!  My friend is super funny she refers to herself as a "lazy bride" but I wouldn't think so...she's not lazy ever so that's a big surprise to me. Unfortunately she hasn't decided on bridesmaid dresses (don't be alarmed..she only has 2)....I think it's a matter of finding one she really really likes. She believes there are A LOT of decisions that you have to live with forever and that freaks her out! Poor bride! She's putting on the pressure to make everything perfect. She has a new gray hair and has lost weight! Awwe I hate to see anyone stressing about their wedding. I suggested to her if she can't find the bridesmaid dresses she likes....do a solid color and do some wicked accents in the original wedding color. Flowers, shoes, hair accessory, jewelry, make up...all in your wedding color if you can't find the color as a dress. All guests are wearing white ( love that) and she put that information on the Save the date a long time ago. She's extremely satisfied with her wedding dress and she's going to have a trash the wedding dress session. Really love that! Those pictures are always so fab! Groomsmen in linen and bridesmaids in long flowy watermelon dresses (well if she can find some). The Ocean will be the backdrop to this truly magical event...whimsical indeed!

LOL I began this blog to discuss her bridal shower....it was in a modern brewery! The set up was really open..upstairs away from guests. Bud vases and flowers on each table...a lot of white table cloths and plenty of sunlight due to the large windows! She played some AWESOME games....one involving loads of sour gum balls in her mouth and a hot bouquet reminiscent of a fave childhood game like hot potato...this got competitive FAST! Food was awesome...chicken wings, pork egg rolls, black bean & cheese quesadillas, 3 different types of pizza, cheese nachos, crab dip...and I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting something. LOL The cake was the showstopper...it was double layers...creme cheese on the outside and some whipped raspberry filling on the inside of a double decker lemon cake! Ummm I have got to order me a cake from Blue Moon for my next event! I really enjoyed myself and surprisingly gave the most SEDUCTIVE gift amongst a lot of kitchen gifts, home decor and boring gifts lol. I got my gift from Priscilla's because that's usually how a young bridal shower works and I didn't want to be the only one without a risque gift...well I was the ONLY person with a risque gift. How embarrassing...in my defense I did ask her before I bought said gift and she encouraged me to get it! I'm apologetic that I can't be at her wedding but I couldn't find more than 1 person to share a room with. Then my wedding is the same date so it's totally out of the question. I dropped by the couple's new home and it's huge and gorgeous....I'm so happy for them! I've been there since the beginning! They make a beautiful couple and I know they will be happy for a lifetime! Cheers!!!! 


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