Tuesday, January 31, 2012


The Tom Joyner Morning Show was the topic of today’s morning convo here at work! The cast often says things they probably shouldn’t…more times than not, they get on my nerves and I sometimes find them offensive! Tooo bad I didn’t scroll over this morning however, the topic was rather interesting!!! I would have my favorite song on repeat...yes the whole drive in! LOL I’m kind of addicted. Check out the link below….

I digress...The topic at hand….
Brides that dislike their engagement rings! *Jaw drops open….begins shaking head* How do you feel about a bride that gives an engagement ring back because she doesn’t “like” it. You know I’m not black and white on this issue-so MANY gray areas! Lol Rumor has it Justin Timberlake proposed to Jessica Biel over the Christmas holiday and she’s not wearing the ring. Personally I think it’s because they’re trying to keep the media out of their personal lives! But of course the media is reporting something OUTRAGEOUS in response to their shyness! Apparently, she’s not wearing it because she hates it! How can you hate what I’m sure is a HUGE DIAMOND. My group is super funny…the guy in the group goes to search some specifics and finds out it was a custom ring- and then proceeds to question, “so how dare she not like it” and then ends calling her ungrateful and choosing not to marry her LOL. The ladies were torn between we prefer something of our own not heirloom and something we like DUH! The other ladies believed if it was a gift from him or a family heirloom we should grin and bear it. hmmm

I talk a good game but if I was in love, I would accept whatever, ( I guess) but I hope he would know me well enough to know that I want my own engagement ring! If the heirloom stone is important then my suggestion was to have the heirloom stone reset into a more modern band-more my style-more ME. Before you say it, I’m not ungrateful and I don't wish to hurt his feelings, but this could set the tone for the relationship and I want thoughtful gifts that I like during mine!!!! LOL Oh gosh that sounded so vain….AND well this is about to be even more VAIN…
My engagement ring…it’s on the vision board… “When love is true, He got Tiffany Blue” Okay I made that up…but it fits. AND NO it’s not a deal breaker…the last serious relationship I was in, he told me NO! (I hate that word!) He told me Tiffany’s marks their diamonds up ridiculously (Really? I would have never guessed). He promised I would have this style ring (5.5 carats including the band) but it wouldn’t come in a blue box! With the house I wanted coupled with furniture-he told me he couldn’t do it all…and I loved him still (while still hoping he might be joking)! SEEEE there is hope for me yet:)


Monday, January 30, 2012

Babies, Children, Kids….

Sure they can make your life outstanding and add value and all of that jazz but they can also be terrors! For that reason, I recommend keeping the children count in your wedding party low! Trying to coordinate adults is difficult, trying to coordinate children can sometimes be impossible. They have no sense of true responsibility, so one day they will commit to being a  flower girl and on the day of, cry and bolt to the front to sit with Grandma…leaving the flowers in the wind. Be cautious on which kids you incorporate....they are a nice element to your day….but only integrate those children with home training! Home Training you've WITNESSED! Be sure that parents of these children understand what is expected of their little ones….rehearsals, dinners, practices, behavior, dresses, or tuxedo rentals. A Surprise of ANY sort is the perfect way to get disappointed and frustrated when the children do not show due to a disgruntle parent.
The trend….
Switch the roles of the flower girls and ring bearers! It’s super different and totally unconventional! If you have many little girls in the family and can’t find a little boy…allow one of the girls to be the ring bearer. It’s not a written rule which sex serves in which role….so change it to fit your special day!

Friday, January 27, 2012

TeA & CruMpEts aNyone?

Are you a person that definitely has an opinion on whether the Bride can switch any of her your wedding attire? Either you’re extremely traditional or carefree on the topic. Gowns can be super heavy and uncomfortable even with it bustled! Besides, is there really a better reason to purchase a second dress other than to enjoy your reception? The Groom might think so!  Buying two or three dresses just because can be grounds for reallocation of funds…you need a worthwhile reason! Granted if your reception is a nice sit down while classical music plays in the background with tea and crumpets, then I suppose you could sit for 4 hours in your huge dress….but lately the wedding has been about the reception!  Couples are planning big party bashes with alcohol, deejays, and great food! Couples want guests to leave saying “that was the BEST party I’ve been too all year”. I can’t blame them, when you remember your wedding day you want it to be the HAPPIEST memory of your life, spent with great family and friends…not some ole luke-warm party where people sat down the whole time and twiddled their thumbs. I’m okay with switching gowns or shoes….ESPECIALLY shoes! My Jimmy Choo’s for the ceremony will never step onto the dance floor! I’m well aware some brides can go out and dance in heels but WHY have corns, bunions, and calluses on your new marriage feet if you don’t have to! Lol Switch it ALL in fact…create a completely different look from your ceremony to your reception…change into the flowy scaled down dress, put that hair up, and put those flats on! That way the only thing left to do is...Get it in on the dance floor!



Thursday, January 26, 2012

So YoU cAter??

Sugar Plums....

Let’s face it, catering can be tricky…real tricky! Naturally, you have certain people you gravitate to when working because of their work ethic-it can sometimes be pretty hard to pick that same characteristic out in a caterer. My advice is to go with recommended caterers! In my experience, you get what you pay for and if a person shows you who they are in the beginning of your correspondence….believe them. There have been caterers that pull it out in the end, yes, but those events are extremely stressful! Many things are certainly unavoidable in the catering realm, but in all things remember proper prior preparation prevents piss poor performance!  #homagetoDST

Get the business out of the way first!!!!! Depending on answers to these 3 questions will determine how much money you’ll have to add on to the caterer’s price. Prim and proper reception venues require certain formalities and in the event the caterer is unable to meet them, they require YOU to purchase a 1-3 million insurance policy for 30 days. Something to think about….

Do you have a license?
Do you meet  health department standards?
Do you have liability insurance?

Here are some additional questions you should ask your caterer…..

Do you specialize in a certain type of food or service?
May I see some sample menus?
Do you provide an official tasting of specific foods I’m interested in prior to my hiring you?
What is your average price range for _____  guests?
Are costs itemized depending on the foods I choose, or is there an all-inclusive flat rate? What things are included in the price? Linens, tax, and gratuity?
Do you have a printed price sheet for food selection?
How involved are you in a typical reception?
Will you work alongside the wedding coordinator or banquet manager, cueing the band, telling the couple when to cut the cake, adjusting the schedule if guests don't seem ready to sit down to dinner? Will you do these things solely?
Do you provide tables, chairs, plates, table linens, silverware, salt-and-pepper shakers, etc?
May I see these items to make sure they'll compliment my décor?
Do you rent tables, place settings, or other equipment?
Will your arrange for the rentals, is there a discount associated with renting through you?
May I have the main contact?
Will the same person I work with when planning also oversee meal service on the day of the wedding?
Will you work any other weddings on the same weekend, the same day, or at the same time as mine?
Do you handle all table settings?
Will you set up place cards and favors?
Will you provide wait staff?
How many wait staff would you recommend for the size of my wedding?
What attire will the wait staff wear?
Will you be willing to include a recipe of my choice? A special family dish, or an appetizer with some sort of sentimental significance?
Will you prepare vegetarian, kosher, or kids meals for just a select few of my guests?
Where will the food be prepared?
Are there on-site facilities, or do you, and the site manager need to make additional arrangements?
Do you work with fresh (not frozen) food?
Do you have a liquor license for the bar?
Can you provide alcohol?
What are the prices for the alcoholic packages?
How will you arrange the food, on buffet table or on plates?
Do you have photos of previous work displays?
Do you also bake wedding cakes?
Should I use an outside baker if I desire?
Is there a cake-cutting fee?


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

ReSouNd in YOUR eAr

Recently I’ve heard uber stories of failed engagements, 3 month marriages, and outlandish wedding budgets! LOL already! This will not be a ratchet post BUT really???? Let’s get it together PEOPLE!! Americans are consumed with garbage that doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things…we all just need to refocus! Distractions, although super easy to come by these days, only lead you down a road of sheer terror to heartbreak hotel!
 A part of me feels once you’re engaged you’re already in it for the long haul…so men don’t propose and women don’t accept if you aren’t 100% sure. Recently Aretha Franklin called off her engagement to Willie…but ReRe he’s been your “best friend” for 20 years-what is there to think about? Simon Cowell called off his engagement of 2 years….what is the meaning of calling off engagements? The other part of me celebrates calling off engagements (bi polar behavior I know) because I would MUCH rather you call off the engagement than unhappily wed to end up in divorce. Let’s call it off before you have to split assets…joint banking accounts, real estate and marriage licenses. I’ve noticed a lot of people take unions very casually…”Yeah we’re engaged but girl I’ll see”, “Yeah he’s my first husband”, “I told him don’t do nothing stupid because I’ll leave him in a NY minute”, “Yeah we just decided we don’t get along after this 1st year sooo” huh??? Let’s all wave bye bye (No seriously…wave) to the times of our Grandparents who’ve been married for 30-60 years!
Sooo of course if you’re reading my blog you have some recollection of the fab Kim K! 72 days and all she has to say is they were moving too fast and got caught up….caught up in the money I presume! The ring was purchased by the network…the wedding also….she wanted to get married….he upgraded to the Kardashian way….Win Win for both right? Guess not! I am saddened as I watch Kim and Kourtney take NY…Crude Chris Humphries does seem a little off but then again I’m not blind to the fact Kim is the executive Producer! Honestly this quick marriage trend isn’t sacred to Hollywood….umm I’ve heard of some local 3 month marriages. You got engaged before knowing the person in ALL seasons and then you became so infatuated with the lavish wedding that it took precedence over building the foundation for a strong long lasting marriage. It’s a sickness….please stop the madness!
My favorite stories that have had me rolling on the floor laughing or ROFL….and crying tears at my office cube are these extravagant visions on small budgets. Bride works part time and the groom doesn’t work at all but the vision is a 10,000+ wedding. You cry broke and stay borrowing money but you’re about to have a wedding where you expect everyone to pitch in and you still won’t have enough to pull your vision off. He’s paying 6 kid’s child support and you’re in school but you’ve planned a wedding 4 months away! You began planning a wedding before you got a ring…GIRL STOP! If you’re living pay check to pay check now, you both hardly work, both been evicted from your apartment and now reside with your parents…with one car to split between you both….a huge wedding is not the way! It’s just NOT! SIMPLE. INTIMIATE. TASTEFUL.  Let those words resound in your ear until it’s the meditation of your heart! #Justsaying
~Tata loves
Homage to Ms. Whitney Houston pre-crack....Heartbreak Hotel! Enjoy!

Friday, January 20, 2012

FiRst LoOk ShOOT....

Love muffins....

So what do you think of a first look photo shoot? I LOVE the idea! Sadly as guests, after you've finished cocktail hour (or hour and 45 mins) and now are seated at your reception table...you're still waiting on the honorees! Why? Because they are still taking pictures! lol If you incorporate a "first look photo shoot" this will free up so much time! Traditionally the bride doesn't see her groom until the next day at the altar and I can dig that #classy....but major cons are you don't get to talk because the Pastor is talking, and you can't ooh and ahh while basking in your DAY...the day that is suppose to be the most important day of your lives. That moment is SUPER special and you're sharing it with 100+ guests! So the groom is trying to mouth "You're so beautiful" and you're trying to respond "thank you...I Love you so much" then naturally you want to kiss but you can't because you must wait until the Pastor gives you permission. LOL!

I think men that aren't extremely traditional would be all over this idea! Most men don't enjoy the world witnessing them shedding tears....so he could possibly get his cry on at your first look shoot! The bride can too...and then she'll have time to get her makeup retouched before walking down the aisle! By the time the groom walks down the aisle an hour later....he's cool, calm, and collected like the guests know him to be (or think he is).  Only you know he's a punk for you....lol #Kidding

~Have an AMAZING weekend

Thursday, January 19, 2012



Happy Birthday to me....Yes on January 19th!! I just got back from a birthday celebration on Tuesday...I ventured to the fabulous Baltimore harbor and Washington DC...and it was COLD! Probably the worst decision I've made in twenty twelve as far as vacation spots! I had a blast however....it was my sorority's founder's day and some great friends were willing participants in yet ANOTHER birthday celebration!!!! I went to a poetry slam, museum, harbor, mall, shops, downtown, church, and a game night! There was some eye candy there...Kareem! lol I'm sure I'm forgetting something...lol but I had a wonderful time staying with a bestfriend and sorority sister.

Over the weekend...of course, I was extremely dedicated to my budding business. I received emails non stop and even had to fire up the laptop to view a PDF file. Something about these blackberrys that won't allow you to zoom in close enough! UGH! I should probably upgrade huh? #Dontjudgeme Any who, due to the celebration of MLK, I was held up til Tuesday for final decisions...but today was a great day! Linens have been ordered for the January 28th event and I can see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I'm just one conference call and payment away from BLISS.  Check out the tentative itinerary!

Preliminary Welcome
Sign In (Guestbook)
Clothes Pin “Baby” Game (Grab a Clothes Pin)

Memory Tray Game (View Tray)
Ice breakers (bingo of hali-wood type things): Write Name in blank if question applies to person
Ice breaker Results
Welcome by MTB & Host
Game 1:: Paper: Name that hali-wood baby
Game 2:: Paper: Mommy Purse Memory
Game 3:: Measure MTB Tummy in Ribbon
Game 4:: Paper: Memory tray game
 Game 5:: Baby Auction
 Game 6:: Men ONLY: Pregnancy marathon
Game 7:: Men ONLY: Rapid Bottle

Gift Exchange

Leaving MD & Krystal....

@ the Baltimore Harbor

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Since my lil birthday shingdig....I've been questioned about the particulars of planning it. I promise it wasn't anything serious and I did most of it through email. Before I created a guest list I knew I wanted to keep it intimate this year...as I get older I'm focusing even more on Quality over Quanity!!!

I consider 20 people pretty intimate (most people don't apparently lol)...and therefore invited only 30 people. I chose a nice area and found a list, via google search, of ALL the restaurants in the area. I viewed websites and called or emailed concerning private rooms, food/beverage minimums, and available times. Honestly the deciding factor was food/beverage minimums and variety of the menus. As fab as I am....I honestly don't vary from traditional chicken and beef dishes. With my protest against pork and seafood, it doesn't leave a whole lot of anything else to enjoy!  I happened onto a chinese spot and was super happy with menu and email correspondance of the managers! I gave them a round figure of 20 for the reservation but promised to contact them on the Thursday before my event with exact numbers and updates. They were super accomdodating. I turned about 18 people on....

Sooo Private Parties at Sparians Bowling Boutique....yeah it's not regular bowling but LUXURY bowling!  All reservations require a minimum 2 lanes for 2 hours. Each 8 people need 1 lane, while only 6 people can bowl in a game. All private parties require a food/beverage minimum and all food/beverage must match 50% of the total lane/suit cost. Main Lanes will take online reservations on Saturday and Sunday....unfortunately, if you don't do it this way-the wait can be straight ridic! One thing great thing  about all reservations? Shoes are included....lol luxury indeed!

Private lanes are reserved in their entirety...Lanes 1-4! Curtians are pulled so the lanes are private! For this option, you have to book all 4 lanes. VIP lanes are booked in one of the suites #fancy. Different from Private lanes, you have the choice to rent either 2 lanes or 4 lanes. It does require a 2 hour minimum however. Private suites include unlimited bowling, bowling shoes, private wait staff, and a private bartender. To add on the attached banquet space that will hold 160 people, it will cost an additional $100 per hour but to me....that seems worth it! The Spare room holds a max of 20 people....the Capitol Suite holds a max of 80 people and you have the option of the attached banquet space on this one. The Banquet and Meeting space rental includes projector, screen, tables, chairs, and water. They have easy add ons for catering, beverages, linens, dance floor, podium, and stage!!!  Cool right?


Monday, January 9, 2012

WoRking...bUt iT's my BIRTHDAY

Greetings all,

My birthday celebration went off without a hitch....everyone that I've spoken with since said it was AMAZING!!!! The restaurant was better than anyone expected and the cake was a hit....so much so that after I served up gobs of cake, I served up more gobs of cake in to-go containers. I left some pieces for the staff as well, they really deserved it! My feelings....well I was a tad bit disappointed in some guests and some situations, but I had a great time with those that made my event their priority!!! Honestly that meant a lot to me, no use in crying over people that did you wrong when you're starring at so many people that did you right! If I can dig just a little bit deeper....I must say I was a bit shocked when my bill came....and a little more shocked at the drinks at Sparians....or lack there of! It's a shame I have to keep learning the same lessons over and over again..."Don't expect people to do for you as you've done for them." All in all-A VERY GREAT XXVII with only minor disappointments. I think I just made it seem bad huh? lol No it was really good....and I did feel extra loved! I got heartfelt cards, gift cards (Bed Bath & Beyond, Cold Stone, Visa), and fab jewelry. The owner of the restaurant was almost in tears because she was so happy that I had soooooo many friends. She recently moved and is lonely, which explained her very emotional convo.

Of course I'm not at my full time because...IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! But I've been so busy with WORK! Sunday I stuffed wedding invitations for about 4 hours....then I called the guest list from the Baby shower for 3 additional hours! Now that was a key key because the guests, that didn't immediately send me to voicemail, were super rude as if I was some bill collector! I got 17 Yes' and left over 50 voice mails! Happy Birthday to me! So you would think I was done right? No I then work up at 10:30am to finish stuffing/sealing wedding invitations until around 12pm! Nope, not done....I then had a rental appointment for the wedding ceremony! We reserved two spiral 15 candle candelabras, an arch, and a card holder! Nope still not done....lol After visiting my linesister after a recent surgery for a while, I came back to have a conference call for the baby shower. I noticed a negative balance ! Bless the lady's heart that I'm working with, if I don't stop her she'll have contributed $1000 to her coworker's shower that was originally sponsored by 7 people and has turned into 3!  I'm currently working on a BUDGET BREAKDOWN email! Those are ALWAYS fun!

Happy Birthday to me....no really I was born early in the morning so I have just HOURS! Check out the sneak peak pics....lol

Friday, January 6, 2012

L@youts & $etups

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope your new year was as laid back as mine…well I guess that’s mean! Rewind: I hope your New Years was super exciting and simply ravishing sugar plums!
So as the wedding draws close, it’s time to alert the custodial staff of the church lay out! There are so many ceremony lay outs that relate both the theme of the wedding with the couple’s style. Equally, there are as many churches and venues that don’t allow you to move furniture or the furniture is way too heavy to be move. You have options and most venues aren’t one in the same…they vary greatly!
The best way to start making the hard decisions is to decide what type of atmosphere you want to create. Is it massive extravagant or intimate reticent? Will your guest arrive at a traditional ceremony in a church or is “out of the box” more your speed? Do you want your guests to be immediately amazed at how much they think you spent or focus on loved ones and your union? City or Country? As you may well know there are countless details to consider. One very personal option is “standing room only”, with a small barrel, banister, or table for ceremony essentials. It’s simple and sweet and just right for an outdoor ceremony or small venue space. When weddings are small and reduced to the bare essentials, it’s great to accent things that already exist in the space. Outdoor weddings may have trees, decorate the trees and either the couple or the guests stand under it. A few flowers here and there and you’re pretty much done.
I personally am a huge fan of the couple changing it up and possibly standing in the center of guests. It’s different!!! You can have 4 sections separated by an aisle, extremely long semi circles, or a true circle around the couple. If you feel this takes away from the traditional aspect then my suggestion is to stick to theatre seating. Couples that have a ceremony and reception in a smaller venue with little to no room to flip the space from ceremony to reception…typically have guests seated in banquet style for both. I’ve seen this be incredibly charming.
Traditional church weddings have those stationary objects called….Pews! Yeah these don’t move and if they do move, your wedding is naturally not important enough to move them. Most people who want a traditional wedding are looking for the traditional look so pews aren’t a problem usually. The issue I’m running into is removing the musical equipment. The Pianist will not play both the keyboard and Piano…so why not move the one he isn’t using? Drums don’t’ have a solo at the wedding…so why are they there again? Choir stands that are removal, let’s move it ALL! If you’re not doing a obscene amount of decorating the space MUST BE neat and clean! You’d be surprised at church custodians who don’t see the tremendous need to remove the excess. Clutter mess is okay for Sunday morning worship…NOT for a wedding Sirs!
Some of the best ceremonies are the ones that are different-guests are seated in Quadrilaterals (4 sides) such as square, rectangle, rhombus or circles, semi circles, ovals, or parallel rows. Just the same, some of the best ceremonies are the traditional theatre style or guests seated in pews. Whatever you choose- COMMIT and make your wedding fun free and YOU! Pictures below are of the BEAUTIFUL Church of my March Wedding!!! Seats are purple...and remember Purple and green are the colors...how FAB!
~Birthday GIRL.......