Thursday, January 19, 2012



Happy Birthday to me....Yes on January 19th!! I just got back from a birthday celebration on Tuesday...I ventured to the fabulous Baltimore harbor and Washington DC...and it was COLD! Probably the worst decision I've made in twenty twelve as far as vacation spots! I had a blast was my sorority's founder's day and some great friends were willing participants in yet ANOTHER birthday celebration!!!! I went to a poetry slam, museum, harbor, mall, shops, downtown, church, and a game night! There was some eye candy there...Kareem! lol I'm sure I'm forgetting but I had a wonderful time staying with a bestfriend and sorority sister.

Over the weekend...of course, I was extremely dedicated to my budding business. I received emails non stop and even had to fire up the laptop to view a PDF file. Something about these blackberrys that won't allow you to zoom in close enough! UGH! I should probably upgrade huh? #Dontjudgeme Any who, due to the celebration of MLK, I was held up til Tuesday for final decisions...but today was a great day! Linens have been ordered for the January 28th event and I can see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I'm just one conference call and payment away from BLISS.  Check out the tentative itinerary!

Preliminary Welcome
Sign In (Guestbook)
Clothes Pin “Baby” Game (Grab a Clothes Pin)

Memory Tray Game (View Tray)
Ice breakers (bingo of hali-wood type things): Write Name in blank if question applies to person
Ice breaker Results
Welcome by MTB & Host
Game 1:: Paper: Name that hali-wood baby
Game 2:: Paper: Mommy Purse Memory
Game 3:: Measure MTB Tummy in Ribbon
Game 4:: Paper: Memory tray game
 Game 5:: Baby Auction
 Game 6:: Men ONLY: Pregnancy marathon
Game 7:: Men ONLY: Rapid Bottle

Gift Exchange

Leaving MD & Krystal....

@ the Baltimore Harbor

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