Friday, January 20, 2012

FiRst LoOk ShOOT....

Love muffins....

So what do you think of a first look photo shoot? I LOVE the idea! Sadly as guests, after you've finished cocktail hour (or hour and 45 mins) and now are seated at your reception're still waiting on the honorees! Why? Because they are still taking pictures! lol If you incorporate a "first look photo shoot" this will free up so much time! Traditionally the bride doesn't see her groom until the next day at the altar and I can dig that #classy....but major cons are you don't get to talk because the Pastor is talking, and you can't ooh and ahh while basking in your DAY...the day that is suppose to be the most important day of your lives. That moment is SUPER special and you're sharing it with 100+ guests! So the groom is trying to mouth "You're so beautiful" and you're trying to respond "thank you...I Love you so much" then naturally you want to kiss but you can't because you must wait until the Pastor gives you permission. LOL!

I think men that aren't extremely traditional would be all over this idea! Most men don't enjoy the world witnessing them shedding he could possibly get his cry on at your first look shoot! The bride can too...and then she'll have time to get her makeup retouched before walking down the aisle! By the time the groom walks down the aisle an hour later....he's cool, calm, and collected like the guests know him to be (or think he is).  Only you know he's a punk for #Kidding

~Have an AMAZING weekend

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