Wednesday, January 25, 2012

ReSouNd in YOUR eAr

Recently I’ve heard uber stories of failed engagements, 3 month marriages, and outlandish wedding budgets! LOL already! This will not be a ratchet post BUT really???? Let’s get it together PEOPLE!! Americans are consumed with garbage that doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things…we all just need to refocus! Distractions, although super easy to come by these days, only lead you down a road of sheer terror to heartbreak hotel!
 A part of me feels once you’re engaged you’re already in it for the long haul…so men don’t propose and women don’t accept if you aren’t 100% sure. Recently Aretha Franklin called off her engagement to Willie…but ReRe he’s been your “best friend” for 20 years-what is there to think about? Simon Cowell called off his engagement of 2 years….what is the meaning of calling off engagements? The other part of me celebrates calling off engagements (bi polar behavior I know) because I would MUCH rather you call off the engagement than unhappily wed to end up in divorce. Let’s call it off before you have to split assets…joint banking accounts, real estate and marriage licenses. I’ve noticed a lot of people take unions very casually…”Yeah we’re engaged but girl I’ll see”, “Yeah he’s my first husband”, “I told him don’t do nothing stupid because I’ll leave him in a NY minute”, “Yeah we just decided we don’t get along after this 1st year sooo” huh??? Let’s all wave bye bye (No seriously…wave) to the times of our Grandparents who’ve been married for 30-60 years!
Sooo of course if you’re reading my blog you have some recollection of the fab Kim K! 72 days and all she has to say is they were moving too fast and got caught up….caught up in the money I presume! The ring was purchased by the network…the wedding also….she wanted to get married….he upgraded to the Kardashian way….Win Win for both right? Guess not! I am saddened as I watch Kim and Kourtney take NY…Crude Chris Humphries does seem a little off but then again I’m not blind to the fact Kim is the executive Producer! Honestly this quick marriage trend isn’t sacred to Hollywood….umm I’ve heard of some local 3 month marriages. You got engaged before knowing the person in ALL seasons and then you became so infatuated with the lavish wedding that it took precedence over building the foundation for a strong long lasting marriage. It’s a sickness….please stop the madness!
My favorite stories that have had me rolling on the floor laughing or ROFL….and crying tears at my office cube are these extravagant visions on small budgets. Bride works part time and the groom doesn’t work at all but the vision is a 10,000+ wedding. You cry broke and stay borrowing money but you’re about to have a wedding where you expect everyone to pitch in and you still won’t have enough to pull your vision off. He’s paying 6 kid’s child support and you’re in school but you’ve planned a wedding 4 months away! You began planning a wedding before you got a ring…GIRL STOP! If you’re living pay check to pay check now, you both hardly work, both been evicted from your apartment and now reside with your parents…with one car to split between you both….a huge wedding is not the way! It’s just NOT! SIMPLE. INTIMIATE. TASTEFUL.  Let those words resound in your ear until it’s the meditation of your heart! #Justsaying
~Tata loves
Homage to Ms. Whitney Houston pre-crack....Heartbreak Hotel! Enjoy!

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