Monday, January 9, 2012

WoRking...bUt iT's my BIRTHDAY

Greetings all,

My birthday celebration went off without a hitch....everyone that I've spoken with since said it was AMAZING!!!! The restaurant was better than anyone expected and the cake was a much so that after I served up gobs of cake, I served up more gobs of cake in to-go containers. I left some pieces for the staff as well, they really deserved it! My feelings....well I was a tad bit disappointed in some guests and some situations, but I had a great time with those that made my event their priority!!! Honestly that meant a lot to me, no use in crying over people that did you wrong when you're starring at so many people that did you right! If I can dig just a little bit deeper....I must say I was a bit shocked when my bill came....and a little more shocked at the drinks at Sparians....or lack there of! It's a shame I have to keep learning the same lessons over and over again..."Don't expect people to do for you as you've done for them." All in all-A VERY GREAT XXVII with only minor disappointments. I think I just made it seem bad huh? lol No it was really good....and I did feel extra loved! I got heartfelt cards, gift cards (Bed Bath & Beyond, Cold Stone, Visa), and fab jewelry. The owner of the restaurant was almost in tears because she was so happy that I had soooooo many friends. She recently moved and is lonely, which explained her very emotional convo.

Of course I'm not at my full time because...IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! But I've been so busy with WORK! Sunday I stuffed wedding invitations for about 4 hours....then I called the guest list from the Baby shower for 3 additional hours! Now that was a key key because the guests, that didn't immediately send me to voicemail, were super rude as if I was some bill collector! I got 17 Yes' and left over 50 voice mails! Happy Birthday to me! So you would think I was done right? No I then work up at 10:30am to finish stuffing/sealing wedding invitations until around 12pm! Nope, not done....I then had a rental appointment for the wedding ceremony! We reserved two spiral 15 candle candelabras, an arch, and a card holder! Nope still not After visiting my linesister after a recent surgery for a while, I came back to have a conference call for the baby shower. I noticed a negative balance ! Bless the lady's heart that I'm working with, if I don't stop her she'll have contributed $1000 to her coworker's shower that was originally sponsored by 7 people and has turned into 3!  I'm currently working on a BUDGET BREAKDOWN email! Those are ALWAYS fun!

Happy Birthday to really I was born early in the morning so I have just HOURS! Check out the sneak peak

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