Thursday, August 11, 2011


Good morning Pumpkins....

I have a topic for you today! Nothing gets me upset like ignoring my emails! I encourage everyone to accept email responsibility and hold yourself accountable! A major mode of communication is EMAIL, please bring yourself up to date and respond to emails before voicemails. It is not acceptable to take longer than 48 business hours to answer emails because decisions have to be made! Just because you're a slacker doesn't mean that the planner is (in this case ME) ANSWER! I'm constantly working and my email comes directly to my blackberry as I am 24/7. I am never "off", but not all people share in my work ethic and for that reason 48 business hours is the only acceptable time frame I shall wait for a response. After 48 business hours I will resend the same email and preface it with "Hello, is there a status on the below email?". I definitely feel justified in doing so, makes no sense! If it were me, I would respond in one hour, three at the very most! 

~FRUSTRATED with your email etiquette

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