Tuesday, August 23, 2011

ToO much sacrificE....

Greetings lovebugs...

How much sacrifice is too much sacrifice? I understand when brides play the compromise game with their grooms but not their cousins and in-laws! Far too soon it becomes what everyone else wants on YOUR day. If you don't have just a tad bit of "Bridezilla" you are sure to be ran over and unhappy when your wedding day finally arrives. The single thing I've heard most of all is...drum roll please...the Mother in law changing the guest list! I've never understood how the bride and the Mother of the groom can plan a guest list when it's the groom getting married right? Some Mothers are just naturally overbearing and need to have some say so...and that's okay but sometimes far is too far and they should stay in their Mother in Law lane (no offense)! If you aren't contributing funds, please don't add people nobody knows out of "respect!" Think about it, the Mother in law has more respect for people she doesn't have a relationship with than her own son and his future wife's wishes and checking accounts!! Where they do that at? It's amazing that nobody ever understands there is budget...adding as little as 3 additional people adds an additional table, linens, floral arrangement, and food!  If you continue to beef up the guest list, thus adding more stuff...well you saw Kim Kardarshian's wedding right? (Haha I made a funny)

There are some sacrifices that even I would make! I personally want a destination wedding but after thinking long and hard about it, I decided that I'd rather have my grandparents there! They are much older now and their health is a concern so if they are still living, I'll acomodate them! Sadly, I'm not looking to be engaged at this point until I'm well over 40...so I need them to hang out for another 15 years. I need their favor....they've been married over 50 years and I can't do it without them! Also, a big shocker I'm sure...I'd be willing to have a reception in his home state and a 2nd one in my home state. I'd be willing to plan them BOTH and then sacrifice 2 dresses for the occassions! All jokes aside, my biggest sacrfice and I encourage all brides to make it with me...I refuse to be a "people pleaser" to anyone but my future husband! If it upsets me in any way...my apologies but I'll have to decline and kill that noise...

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