Friday, August 26, 2011

It’s Kah-sim-a-nee not Kiss-a-me

Hello gems,
For starters, did you know Kissimmee Florida is not pronounced Kiss-a-me? Haha I always thought and have always heard it pronounced that way! It’s so wonderful to have the correct pronunciation now! Learn something new every day right? The Mayor said it’s Kah-sim-a-nee by day and definitely Kiss-a-me by night!!! Umm that was Cute...for him :)
Listening to the attractions in Florida coupled with the Mayor begging people to visit…I thought about honeymOOns! Granted, this isn’t the first place you think of for lovers celebrating a new marriage…and you may be giving me a MEAN side eye right now because I’m trying to convince you…but follow me on this journey!  The mayor mentioned like 3 huge parks miles from each other-Sea World and Walt Disney World-can’t remember the 3rd. Florida has nice weather, great food, and I’m sure there are spas and shows available! If you and your husband enjoy theme parks, water parks and the like…explain to me why this wouldn’t be absolutely perfect? I wish honeymooners wouldn’t give into people, and the etiquette of it all! Do what YOU want, regardless of how cheap and non-traditional it seems. A honeymoon is about consummating the marriage of course, but it’s the beginning of your lives!! Don’t begin your new married lives following tradition…taking a trip that you can’t afford, somewhere exotic, where you can’t find anything you enjoy doing. That doesn’t sound like a fun time to me.
I'm sad for those people that get “the look” when they say they are waiting to take their honeymoon. I believe that is totally okay and I wish the rest of the world would follow suit. After you’ve spent a lot of money on a wedding, most likely feeding people more than one course who didn’t bring a present…you don’t always have the money you’d like to take some grand honeymoon. Lately, I’ve been impressed, it seems to be the trend to wait on the honeymoon and instead pay for a wedding and a house! I can definitely dig that. Travel, vacation, and getaways are things you can do for the rest of your married lives… but building a full proof foundation you only get one shot! It’s so important to plan a wedding you can afford so that you’ll have the necessary funds when life happens. You need a place to live, reliable cars, and credit cards way below the credit limits. You need that far more than a honeymoon!! Finances are the number one reason for divorce, so let’s not start below the mark on finances out the gate-from the get go-from jump street (as my mommy says), to take a honeymoon. I wish everyone would just be smart about their decision making-attempting to please the joneses by taking one when you can’t afford it is pretty dumb. If you’re a couple that just has to have a honeymoon to feel married, cut wedding costs by having a simple wedding. But by all means don’t forfeit your future, your stable ground, for a wedding and definitely not for a honeymOOn!   
Tah-Tah for now….

Not that it matters lol BUT me in Kissimmee FL..notice the TAN!

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