Tuesday, August 16, 2011

That is so Ratchet....

We've all been invited to one or forced to be a guest at one....a ratchet wedding that is! You're either extra ready for the craziness to cease or you're ready to see the next jaw dropper! More than likely, I'm the one ready to see the next jaw dropper so I can say "OH MY GOSH...No she didn't!" I can not lie, the more horrible the event, the more I take in! Then I like to process so that I can be sure these things never happen at anything I'm apart of. I assume that's why I love them so much...it's the research! 

Last night my linesister called to tell me about her cousin's wedding....Umm (shaking my head already). She didn't want to gossip but I told her if it was FACT, it wasn't gossiping! So she went in....Why is timing such a huge issue for some? Why do people sleep late on their wedding day? Why do they rely on unreliable vendors who are always late to everything? If the make up artist was late and unprepared for the make up trials...she probably won't have it together on your wedding day-It's a given! It trickles...once one person is late or takes too long-the schedule is thrown off! This is why you pad the schedule with extra time for emergencies-pop ups-uncontrollable situations...

So this wedding's start time was at 3pm....at 3:30pm the guest were told, "we told y'all 3pm so that y'all could be here on time for the 3:30pm start time"....Wow, they tried it! It may have went over a little better had the wedding not started after 4pm and they used the same excuse (BE MORE ORIGINAL). So now it's "we told y'all 3pm so that y'all could be here on time for the 4pm start time." That is so ridiculous.  As if the start time drama wasn't sufficient, apparently the guests thought they were going to a "How Tacky can you get? costume party". The words flashy, gaudy, tight, loud, and most of all CHEAP were the words thrown out! You would think in 2011 you don't have to tell anybody how to dress for a wedding, the sad part is YOU DO!!!! 

I could go on forever about Ratchetness....but I won't! We could discuss when Pastor's don't have any couth, when dresses are way too tight, when the bridesmaids decide to do their OWN hair, when the bride doesn't provide a make up artist, when toes are hanging off the shoe, when the groomsmen are all way too drunk to stand before an audience, when the Mother in law should have gotten those micro braids re-done, when the flower girl uses the bathroom on herself and runs/cries to her Daddy on the opposite side of where she is suppose to stand, when the caterer cuts cocktail hour because you didn't pay him in full, when the photographer goes on way to many smoke breaks and guests don't want him close, when drop cords are as much of an accessory as decorations....like I said I could go on forever, but I won't!


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